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Involving nearly adult children in emotional drama

Rae's picture

Hi Everyone.

You gave me such good advise last time that I am coming back for more. My situation in a nutshell ( a big nutshell )...BF and BM split close to two years ago. He moved out. Met me months later...we got involved...I moved thousands of miles so we could be together. He has 2 sons aged 17 and 19. BM was fine with the separation and even said in an email over a year ago that she understood why he moved out. She didn't have much contact with him, and didn't even bother to find out where he was living for over a year as long as he remained her bank. Until I came along, and BF and I decided to share a home. Then she decided she wanted him back! And since Nov, it's been hell with her begging, and pleading, and claiming all kinds of severe emotional distress, and claiming the kids are falling apart. These are the same kids who when told about me in August, were OK with it, and told their dad that they understood. I was honestly shocked at the time that they were that accepting. Well no more.

She is constantly dredging up old photos, sending cards to BF, sending emails, she even mailed their marriage certificate to him with a letter about their past trying to get BF back. And she involves the kids in every bit of it. And I mean every bit. She copies them on her emails to their dad. And passes on his emails to her. She tells them about the cards she sends, and how she is trying to get him back. She always signs her emails "for better or worse" and says they took him for better or worse, why can't he take them. She emails him that he is the only one who can heal them all. That he is the only one with the power to fix everything. That the boys won't be successful in life if he doesn't come "home." She always, always makes it that he is rejecting his kids because he no longer wants to be in a relationship with her. It is relentless. I mean truly relentless! She even sent me a horrible letter and followed it up with a voice mail with her 17 year old right beside her. When I responded with my own email and tried to return her calls, she threatened me with a RO! The attorney laughed his a$$ off. Anyway, keep in mind, that the kids were ok with me until just a couple of months ago. And that I had nothing to do with the demise of their marriage. It was long over when I came along.

My question is, can anyone think of a way to let her know how damaging it is to involve children, even nearly adult children in her emotional turmoil? I found a web-site on adult children of divorce that has many great articles on this issue, and these articles stress over and over again how damaging it is to a child to make them your confidant, to treat them as an adult partner, to use them to vent instead of your adult friends and family, to put them in the middle.

The result is, that the kids will no longer talk to their dad. She has them so emotionally wrapped up in her suffering that they have decided to reject their father. She talks about how proud she is of them...that have become such compassionate young men...she doesn't have a clue the emotional damage she is doing.

I cannot email her or in any way provide her with this info, and neither can my BF because she would realize who found it, and would reject it and would make his life miserable because of it.

Any ideas? Thanks so MUCH!!! I LOVE THIS SITE.

Anne 8102's picture

I don't know if there's an in-law she may have been friendly with during the marriage, but that might be an option. Hell, just mail it from another zip code with no return address. Did they go to church when they were together? Could the pastor approach her? I don't know. This is tough. My skids' mom has been pretty successful in cutting my husband out of their lives completely and I've yet to find anything I can do to bridge the gap. In fact, anything we've tried to reach those kids has ended up backfiring on us. It's hard... you don't want to let it go, you'd feel like crap if you did, and yet there's really not a whole lot you can do. If the divorce is not yet final, that would be a good place to start. It's the final closing of the door on that marriage.

~ Anne ~

Opinions are like assholes... everyone has one and they all stink.

Rae's picture

I'll have to think some more on them. I know on his side of the family, the BM now won't have anything to do with his mother (88 years old) or his brother or his daughter from a previous marriage (who was the one who actually got us together because of a comment she made to him) because they all like me and we stayed with each of them on a whirlwind tour over Christmas. Our only thought is maybe the grown daughter may be able to a half sister of the boys...only problem is the BM hates her and will come unglued if she finds out that she's trying to help. It puts the boys in a position of being disloyal to their mom even though they really love their sister. It's hard!!! It's awful to witness. And I can't understand how a parent can act this way, but after coming to this site, I see it's very common. And in a strange way it comforts me. I know I am not alone in experiencing this, and I know some people have success stories.

...unfortunately the divorce is a ways off because of huge asset/property issues. I think the only resolution is going to be liquidation but I'm keeping my mouth's a tough situation because there are a couple of assets that will be heartbreaking for either one of them to lose to the other, or sell. I'm hoping they'll come up with something, even if it involves sharing until it's passed on to the kids.

Ellen's picture

Pay it forward have you ever heard that saying? Do it! I dealt with something simular to that, every where I looked when my husband moved in I found cards with little sayings in them. she knew full well I would eventually find them, what I did is I gathered everything that was hers, put it all in a big enevelope and attached a letter, I simply said, I found these things I knew they belonged to you and thought you might be looking for them. I know how much memeries and memorablia can mean to some people and knowing that these things can never be replaced I thought I would be kind and send them back. WE never geard from her again.

tootsie's picture

Let me start out with NEVER follow my advice. I admit upfront that I'm an amateur mother, and a rookie stepmom, and usually can't find my own butt in the dark with both hands. Ellen has the right idea about taking a positive "step" forward.

But my point of view is simply, that I didn't see a whole lot in your original posting about how BF responds to her advances..... is he in some way encouraging her? He may be, perhaps, without realizing it. I think that *BF* needs to put BM in her place - and quickly. If he stopped accepting her emails, and responded to her simply with "I understand your position on our relationship...but unfortunately do not share in your well-intended, albeit misguided attempts at reconciliation.... saddens me to add to your dilemma..... although I care about you deeply as the mother of our children, but no longer consider the romantic aspect of our relationship to be viable enough to preserve or regenerate.... but I am very much in love with ...... she is my life now.... we love each other... hope to share our lives together forever... express sorrow for your loss..... hope we can maintain and continue successful joint-parenting obligations for our children, to which we (_____ and I) remain devoted.... truly hope for all the best for you.... blah, blah, blah... have a nice day...."

I don't know about most men (as I am an amateur on that subject too!) but it may be a little bit "flattering" to him for her to be "groveling," particularly if they had a nasty breakup before you were in the picture. Anyway, just a thought. Hang in there. Let us know how it all turns out.

Best wishes,

Rae's picture

I love your post...that's great. I wish he would tell her all of that!!!

She went off the deep end this weekend...lots of emails and voice mails (he didn't respond to any of them) begging him to come "home"...this is one of the responses to her emails of the weekedn...edited for names only...I know he's trying but honestly I wish he'd just cut her completely off...he's already lost his kids (I hope just temporarily) because of her grief. He tells her over and over that's it's OVER and he is not going back, but she is absolutely relentless!

BF's message to hers below:

Blame me, X, but I begged you and warned you for years. All the hurt and disappointment you are feeling, I have already felt. And over a very long period of time. Enough of this. We both have jobs to keep today. That's critical.

I'm done, for better or worse. Still hurt inside, but I've made my decision based on how I was dealt with repeatedly over a number of years. A person knows when they are not loved. I'm OK with it, I accept it... finally, but I'm not going to repeat it.

I not only don't have a family, I don't even have my children. And all you can do is blame me, while you keep them both deep in the grief. And remind me of how bad a father I've apparently been. While I continue to work and worry myself sick over the whole mess. Quietly. Whether you see or feel it or not. It doesn't matter... any more than it ever mattered. And it obviously never mattered, or you would have done more with it.

-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: call when you can

From X to my BF:

Both boys have so much to offer and give. They could really do so much more... I have told you in the past so many times they need their family, Mom and Dad. They have seen so many of their friends families break apart....and they never in their wildest dreams thought it would
happen to their family. We would love our family back....

Love always,

BF wrote:
> I love him too. Breaks my heart to find him where I do. So much
> -----Original Message-----
> > Subject: call when you can
> Importance: High
> From X to BF:
> I wished we could have talked tonight... I wanted to share my/our day
> with you.
> The blinds look great and Son #1 was up and a pleasure today to be with.

> I love him so much... He is still not right... Wish we could talk.
> Please call tomorrow, anytime it does not matter. Early morning or
> whenever.
> Our family is so precious... wish you could be here to share.
> All my love,
> x