I'm a Rambling Rant....but I needed it off my chest
I need a place to vent. I've tried other sites and I'm not satisfied with them, so here I am. I have two step children. One in third grade and one that is starting kindergarten in the fall. The kindergartener is an older 5 year old. I think that may be irrelevant information, but there it is anyway. I'm not going to go into the details of why our circumstances are the way they are (it's a long story and I will save that for another day) but in my opinion our circumstances stink. DH and I have custody of my step children and the maternal grandmother has visitation rights. When I say "visitation rights" I mean, she has the same visitation as a non-custodial parent would normally have. Every other weekend she gets the kids from Thursday until Sunday at 8:00pm. and we have to rotate holidays. She also gets them for 42 days during the summer as a continuous stay. We've had the children for three and a half years now and I'm still just mind blown over the whole circumstance. I get that she is the grandparent, I get that the BM is not really in the picture and I get that she has these visits to ensure that the kids have a connection with the maternal side of their family. Fine, Right? NO, it's not fine. In my opinion, it is not fine at all. She treats the youngest child as if she birthed him herself. She fills his mind with a bunch of garbage about his own parents and myself. The only reason I can come up with that she does this is because she is jealous of the fact that my husband got custody over the kids instead of her or her daughter getting the custody. It is truly sickening really, the things that this 5 year old child comes home and says. My husband and I try very hard to let these boys know that we love them, and when we discipline it is to teach them right from wrong and to protect them, and that their grandparents and even their mother love them (regardless of their actions). We know it is not a good thing to involve children in grown up issues. The things this poor child comes home and says that his grandmother has said or the way the older one tells us he is treated compared to the younger one makes my skin crawl. Other family members have noticed this too, not just me and DH. So here is my vent or rant in a nutshell: I don't like that our court order can't be changed. I think grandmother is psychologically and emotionally damaging to these kids. I hate that DH and I have to deal with her until these kids are 18. I hate that I'm the step parent in this situation so I don't really have the legal leverage to do anything about it. I hate that we have spent countless thousands of dollars taking this woman to court and because of circumstances nothing changes. I hate that the BM won't get herself straight and be the mother to these kids that they deserve. I hate that I feel like I'm stuck in the middle of it all. I hate that no matter how hard I try to be a mother figure to these kids, I get talked about and frowned upon by the maternal side of the boys family. I know I'm not their real mother and I will never be able to take her place nor would I ever try to step on their mothers toes, but I am the one helping my husband raise them and I want so bad to call this woman out and confront her for the sake of these boys and yet I can't. I mean, I physically can.....but I can't. I don't want to stir the drama pot because she does enough of that as it is. So, I keep it bottled up inside, do the best I can with these boys and hope one day their mother straightens up and sees the big picture and files for her own rights and gets them away from her narcissistic mother!!!!!!
- BlondieR77's blog
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Why hasn't dad confronted her
Why hasn't dad confronted her for the stuff she's saying??
For a grandmother to legally end up with that much time, then both parents must be pretty messed up. It just sounds like dad my be less of a mess than mom.
Arkansas is the state that
Arkansas is the state that granted it. It was granted because at the time my husband filed for custody the mother had been incarcerated and instead of sending the children to their father, she handed them over to her mother. The youngest child was 2 at the time and the judge basically gave her that visitation because the mother had lost all rights and at the time wasn't able to see the children due to being in jail. He also said that because of the youngest child's age (at the time) that he was "bonded" with the grandmother and she had already been acting as the "mother figure during the absence of their bio mom". He didn't feel it was in the best interest to break the bond with the grandmother. At the time, it seemed to be an ok idea so my husband agreed to it under the advice of our attorney because we understood that he needed to be able to see his maternal side of the family and we thought everything would be ok. At the time the grandmother seemed to be ok with it. Over the last 3 years we have clearly learned that she is not. She has actually told the older child that we "stole" the younger one from her. STOLE?????? He was never hers to be stolen from. He belongs to his daddy and his bio mom, and bio mom wasn't in a position to parent obviously, so DH did what he had to do to get his children. The woman has point blank told me from her own mouth that she feels like he is hers and it's "like I birthed him" and I told DH she said that and he said she wasn't even there when the child was born. It blew my mind. I think the woman has attachment issues and is pushing them onto the child so he will want to be with her.
As for changing the court order, we went to court twice to try to do that and both times the judge said that it can't be changed unless the children are in danger or the mother files for her rights back from her mom because it was an agreed order between the two parties. Hind sight is 20/20 and I know DH kicks his own self in the rear every day for agreeing to her visits but, like I said, at the time we were unaware of her mentality and it was under the advice of an attorney.
Counseling is an idea I've had and I'm glad anotherstep2 mentioned that. Thanks! I will also read up on parental alienation. Thanks guys for listening!
If you hear one thing..
If you hear one thing.. please hear this! Your DH needs to get off his lazy rear-end and put a stop to this or I promise you, you are all in for a world of shit when these kids get older. I tell you this, because this is almost EXACTLY what happened with SD18.
DH and BM were nothing more than casual sex partners when BM got knocked up. DH hated BM, wanted her to abort, she refused. DH demanded paternity test, and SD was confirmed his. DH had a VERY difficult time with this and didn't really see SD at all the first 3 years of her life.. mainly because he didn't want anything to do with BM. Well, then he came to and realized that was not the way to handle things, so he started seeing SD. In the mean time though, SD had been living with BMs mother because BM is a meth head loser among many other things. DH allowed SD to stay with GBM because "SD loved her and that's where she wanted to be" Never mind that GBM and the whole GBM clan are toxic pieces of shit, but DH did what lazy people do... he just let it ride.
Well fast forward to now.. SD is 18 and I don't have the time to sit here and tell you the hell that we've been through with this girl and you know why? Because she acts EXACTLY the way she was taught to by GBM. GBM acts like SD is her daughter, bad mouths DH to SD every chance she gets. When DH asks SD why in the world she keeps running back to the trailer trash toxicity, SD says "GBM is like my mother, I love her, she raised me"
I really have no sympathy for my DH as far as either fucked up skid goes... he did this to himself by taking the easy way out and allowing known monsters and dregs of society to raise his kids... and boy oh boy, did they do a bang up job. Your skids are little, if your DH takes steps to rectify this now, he may have a chance.. but keep going the way your'e going, and you're going to keep getting what you are getting. YKWIM?