Need Input

Snarky's picture

Okay, so here's the situation. My DH's two daughters are wanting more time with dad. The ex will not stand for it and bullies her children into being afraid of 'defying' her. Both girls tell us they are tired of all the yelling at mom's house (she has four daughters, 3 are my DH's, and this woman has a horrible temper). At this time, DH gets every other week in the summer with the girls and every other weekend during school months, plus every Tuesday evening. We only see the two youngest because the 13 yr old SD believes all the lies her mother told her about me and her dad. Ie; I stole mom away from dad, dad doesn't pay child support, 13 yo SD does not have to listen to me or dad (at our house), yatta yatta. When we put our foot down regard rules, SD just left and went to her moms. She refuses to come to our house because of me (she got into a fight with her dad, yet doesn't want to see me, there's logic for ya).

DH has told the ex he wants more time with the girls, and the only thing she does is swear and curse at my DH and call me names (I am not there mind you). All in front of the children.

Now DH has contacted the courts and asked for a mediator in order to get more time with the kids. BM will most definitely go nuts when she gets served for this petition. OH WELL! What I want to know is, what will a mediator really do in this situation where the BM is bitter and angry (still after 4 years) and what can we expect when the mediator talks to us.

Fortunately DH has recorded every belligerent conversation with the ex, plus saved all the nasty text messages from her.We thought sharing this information with the mediator may help. The two girls have also expressed an interest in telling the mediator themselves that they want more time with daddy. They have both stated they are afraid of their mother, and will have a hard time talking to someone if she is there.

Thanks for any input!!!

startingover2010's picture

the mediator will help the 2 of them come up with a plan that they both agree on. mediator will also help keep both parties in line. and also advise on what to do. bring whatever you can to prove she is unfit and harrassing your dh. who knows you may just get the kids fulltime if she is proved unfit and brianwashing, ect. what she is doing is child abuse.

WowjustWow's picture

IS the mediator the same as a Guardian ad Litem? If not, get GAL for the kids. It is someone appointed by the court to assess the situation and give the judge their point of view of what is going on. They talk to the kids and get their perspective. They also check into both households. Sort of like a social worker.

Snarky's picture

That is a great idea and I will check into the GAL situation. Someone definitely need to speak with the girls away from their mother. They are so afraid to go against her, the youngest one says she gets really scared when her mother yells and fears retaliation. UGH....