I hate BM she's a B*tch, fa la la la la la la la la (sing along folks!)
Because of the screwed up way the holiday parenting schedule was handed down by the stupid judge we have to alternative the week we have the kids for Christmas break. This year we had the first half of the break, HOWEVER, SK's had to go 'home' to BM at 10 am on Christmas eve and return at 10 am on Christmas day. How messed up is that!?! Because of this schedule, we celebrated Christmas early so the kids would get to play with their presents for almost an entire week before going back to Transtesticle.
Week went great with SK's, we had a fun time the entire week playing and doing Girl Scout stuff (SK's won't tell BM they are in GS with me because BM thinks GS is stupid). They left Xmas eve and came back Xmas day. Now, when they left, their teeth were brushed, hair was combed and they were clean. Xmas day they return looking like country bumpkins with rats nesting in their hair. The 10 y/o had bags under her eyes! She said they opened presents lastnite and stayed up late, mostlikely done on purpose by BM who always tries to ruin our holidays. They also came over with some of mommy's home made cheesecake and wanted to eat it....at ten in the morning. Um, no. (I put it in the freezer and they promptly forgot about it, it's now in the trash).
SK's tell us that Xmas at BM's sucked, they did not get hardly anything, and what they did get were cheap knock offs and duplicate things they already had gotten in previous years. Sk's also were upset over the letter daddy wrote to SD 13. [Background: SD 13 has refused to visit us the entire year. She cusses out her dad whenever she gets a chance and flipped him the bird recently. After demanding certain gifts from her dad this year, he decided to write a 'from the heart' letter about her behavior and gave her one gift; a $25.00 gift card.] After a little discussion, kids revealed that SD 13 only read one paragraph, which to a 7 and 10 yr old didn't give the entire picture. We read the rest of it to them and they basically said she got what she deserved. BM tried to persuade them otherwise of course.
BM is house hopping, lying to her kids, refuses to get a job, and trying to weasel money out of anyone she can find. She fits the true meaning of the word b*tch. Every low-down rotten thing she has done will catch up to her, this is my hope!
It will catch up to her so
It will catch up to her so why don't you quit letting it bother you?
It takes two to play this game and once you stop the game will be over. Meanwhile you concentrate on doing with the steps what comes naturally - nurturing when needed and pushing out of the nest when appropriate.
They'll see Mom for what she is so quit worrying her.
PS: Avoiding the cheesecake was childish. The kids will remember it eventually. Better to serve it as dessert that night and show how noble you can be saying "Oh none for me I'm trying to lose weight".
Oh please, I am venting.
Oh please, I am venting. It's been a long time coming so let me have my moment. I've had my fill and needed to unload. Things have been going good lately, this was something I needed to get off my chest.
In the four years of dealing with this crazy wench I've learned to not play her games but that doesn't negate the fact that she is harming her children mentally and emotionally. Sometimes she gets to me, and most of the time she doesn't. This site allows me to vent how I feel about what happens when she does (I'm not made of steel), and I should not to be reprimanded for doing so.
As far as the cheesecake thing being childish, that's your opinion. Bringing over two slices of cheesecake and wanting to eat it at Ten in the morning is not happening in this house! As for saving it for later, that's why it went into the freezer in the first place; so they'd have it after dinner. The kids knew the two slices went into the freezer for later and forgot about it like they do so many other times things go in there. They will not be back in over a week. DH and I wouldn't have eaten it since we know how filthy BM keeps herself, kids and her house (when she has one).
So back off bub!!!
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils ... - Louis Hector Berlioz
Hey! I am impressed your DH
Hey! I am impressed your DH is trying to REALLY address his daughter 13's behavior - I love how he did that-!! and guarantee he DID make an impression with that one.-!!
"The movies are the only business where you can go out front and applaud yourself." -
Will Rogers