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We always do what works for BM

June's picture

Well i am rippin mad right now and pretty hurt too, so excuse me while I vent and throw a temper tantrum. God forbid we EVER have plans that would inconvenience BM. The arrangements for the holidays are ALWAYS whatever BM prefers. This year we were planning on having my MIL and skids come over on Christmas eve for a nice dinner and open some gifts, have skids sleepover and have them open up more gifts on Christmas morning. Then around 1:00 or 2:00 DH was going to drop skids off. Well DH just ran this idea by BM and he crumbled like a cookie. She said that she always has an open house on Christmas eve with all her family ( well excuse me, I don't really have much family it's pretty much all my DH's side) and she wants the kids there for that and then we get them on Christmas day at noon until Monday morning. WTF is that? So 100 years in a row she had a Christmas eve party and the one time we want to she can't spair her kids. Then were stuck with them for the entire weekend pretty much because she only wants them for the party? I'm so mad that my husband just took what she said and agreed so easily. Makes me feel like I don't have a say. I was already planning things for our Christmas eve dinner. She also gets them every thanksgiving , she goes to her husbands mothers house with them ( and they both hate it) and she has not once let them spend thanksgiving with us. I'm just so aggravated for so meny reasons. I wish I had a bigger family to celebrate the holiday with. I wish people would listen to me once in awhile and stick by my plans. I wish I had more time with my husband over Christmas weekend. Ugh. I'm just in a mood tonight.


tofurkey's picture

Wow that's really crappy, i'm sorry. When SD was younger, DH and BM tried to share holidays but she always f'd it up. changed things all the time and just made a big stink about the whole situation. So, DH just celebrates whatever holiday it is with the skid weekend that correlates closest. Skid doesn't mind because it's like she's getting another holiday and the b.s. with b.m is avoided.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

How irritating. Sorry June. He should have told her she had them last year and it's your turn this year, but she could have them Christmas afternoon. As far as "I have this open house every year" sometimes when you are from a divorced family you don't get to do things the way you've always done it. Too bad he won't give her a chance to realize that.

into the mystic's picture

I agree, most custody has some kind of standard they go by, like even/odd rotating years. You guys should be able to have your special evening too...sorry you're hacing to deal with that Sad