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CS- Is our joint checking acct factored into what DH has to pay in CS?

militarystepmom's picture

Anybody know the question to that? Slinky is taking us back to court so we can pay for her ciggies. If I have a joint checking acct with my DH, is that factored into his income, etc.?

renae911's picture

I am sure it is different in every state. But I would think it would only be on his income. he needs to report the amount in the account that is his. Or at least explain that it is not all his money

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

In my state (Alaska) the only person's wages that count into a child support order are the bio parent or adoptive parents.

However, he is in arrears and an order is obtained through CSSD to attach his bank account, they will simply drain it. But your income probably isn't going to be factored into an order.

Funny thing about that, my DH doesn't make squat or own anything. I own our house and everything in it. I own my own business. I'm also a writer, and work from home. My SD8's BM came back inot her life after a long absence and wanted to go to court for some custody because she saw where and how we lived, and probably thought "Cha Ching!" Well, in court she got minimal visitation and was ordered to pay DH child support even though she lives on SSI and welfare, because he has older kids, and all her kids are younger than SD8. You could almost see the steam rising off her, she was so mad. Of course we don't enforce the order and make her pay. We don't need it and it would only make life for SD8 worse when she's at her BMs.

It's just funny because I bet she didn't realize that I make 95% of our income and there is literally no way she can get a dime of it.

Orange County Ca's picture

It doesn't matter so much what is in your accounts. Its mostly based on his income.

Your income will be specifically excluded. Its not your kid.