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WTH is going on???

runt71's picture

This has been a very weird week. My BF has been acting extremely strange. Avoiding questions, giving "shoddy" answers. To top it off today I was on my way to pick him up from work (we live out of town and share car ride in) and I get a text to pick him up at the bank not at his work!!! "He walked to the bank to save time before we went home since I had so much cooking to do." Hmmm, so you left work atleast a half hour early to walk to the bank to get my money for his share of the bills.
Needless to say I have been a bit pissy all night. He "helped" fix things for tomorrow and is already in bed. 7pm here.
The only answer I get is if you love me you will trust me.
WELL, guess what....I love you but trust is something I have a hard time with.
I know the first response is that he is fooling around. Not an issue (yes, we have an 'open relationship' and I would have no problem if he wanted to go meet another woman)
So, what the hell is the issue?

queen-B's picture

The next place to look after sex is money....and you did pick him up at the bank. Maybe it's a good surprise, maybe it's a bad surprise, but when it comes to money I don't like surprises at all. Do you share accounts? If so, I'd be checking balances online toot sweet. Dirol

emotionaly beat up's picture

Has it crossed your mind he is getting you something nice for Christmas, and maybe he went to bed a 7 because he was tired.

runt71's picture

Guess you were right. He proposed on Thanksgiving. He walked over 6 miles to go get my ring before I picked him up from work.

runt71's picture

Guess you were right. He proposed on Thanksgiving. He walked over 6 miles to go get my ring before I picked him up from work.

emotionaly beat up's picture

Congratulatins, now next time don't be so suspicious.:) Quite a few years ago I saw a young woman at the bus stop, when I arrived at the stop I looked at her, and had to look back again I had never seen anyone so beautiful close up before, she was a realy stunner, and her skin was magnificent. Now I wasn't staring or anything rude like that, I had just arrived at the stop, saw her, and then realised what I had seen and looked back for a very brief moment,and turned away. I was just thinking to myself how lovely she was, when she turned around and asked me WTF I was looking at. Well she may have looked beautiful on the outside but the inside wasn't very nice. But it struck me that day how people are so willing to always thinkk the worst of others. It never crossed her mind that I had looked twice at her in a positive way, she immediatley thought I was being critical in some way. Well I wasn't until she opened her mouth that is Smile For your own peace of mind try not to always think the worst. Congratulations once again. Smile Hope you have a long and happy marriage and never again feel the need to be on this site Smile