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Who's excited their skids are leaving for the summer?

instantfamily's picture

8 days. 8 more annoying, difficult, lice infested days before the skids leave. It's a double edged sword. On one hand we get a desperately needed break from a nasty almost 11 year old tween boy and a three-times-in-two-weeks lice infested SD6 who can't stop putting s*it in her hair from the ground or garbage. (yes, three times and the school has been total jerks about it as though we're not checking her and using RID).

On the flip side, they will come back completely screwed up from BM and her white trash family. They will hear that "your step mom isn't really family because she's not blood" while I work two jobs to support her children. They will be PAS'd to no end and showered with gifts from garage sales which is the only place BM takes them on her time off. They'll feel bad for BM because she'll lie to them and tell them that she wanted custody but couldn't afford it (even when she was backed by her entire family financially and got a job through her dad which pays more that DH's) and they'll believe it. They'll hear that "daddy ruined our marriage by not supporting me when I was having such a hard time being a single mom..." and leave out the fact that he was in a coma from a car accident and then learning to walk again. They will come back believing that I broke up their marriage even though I didn't even speak to DH until his divorce (which she initiated) was well under way.
When does this get easier?

instantfamily's picture

Yay for you! I would love 4 skid free days during the week! Isn't it interesting when they (the non-custodial parent or the parent who spreads poison) realize they will financially suffer and how they react?
I would definitely support skids living with BM at this point even though I know they're better off with us because they've turned into such a pain in the ass constantly. DH loves them to death but is also miserable while they work all this stuff out in their heads and behaviors. I'm just so tired of going to the shrink EVERY week and trying to help them while they build up resentment toward us for having rules. It's exhausting. On the upside, BM lives 3 states away so can't interfere too much during the school year.
Not looking forward to August when they come back totally screwed up.