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When the stress gets to you and you need a good laugh!

SecondBest09's picture

It's been a long time since I posted here. DH and I married last April and the issues with BM and SS16 and SS13 have leveled out. Now we're having issues with my ex and his wife. I can't win for losing, lol.

But in that time frame, I began a humor blog which is also carried as a column in our local newspaper. I write about life with teenagers, but don't address topics like those addressed here out of respect for both exe's. Feel free to check it out and if you like what you read, subscribe. You'll receive new postings directly in your email box--and no spam!

BSgoinon's picture

That was very entertaining!!! I had to read it outloud to my co-workers because they kept asking what I was laughing at.

SecondBest09's picture

I'm glad you enjoyed it. you and all your coworkers subscribe and hopefully I can make you all laugh again! Thanks for reading. Smile