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How many chances are enough?

SecondBest09's picture

When do you give up? BM has been an issue in our relationship since day one. At first I believed it was just the adjustment period for BF and he had to learn how to transistion from doing everything she says because she was once his wife, to understanding that his only obligation to her now is child related. I was patient. I gently pointed things out such as "it's not your responsibility to fix her garage door's not your responsibility to hook up her wireless internet box even IF the kids need to use's not any of her business where you are going this weekend or how things are between us...etc." I patiently sat by and explained that "co-parenting" does not mean she calls you EVERY day multiple times a day. It means you get on the same page about MAJOR issues in the kids lives. That you peacefully co-exist at their school and extra-curricular events, etc. I waited and waited and waited. And then I lost it. I reached my limit and I blew my top. I exploded. I told him he needed to emotionally divorce her. I told him his so called dislike of "confrontation" with her CAUSED confrontation between us. I wrote a poem that I THOUGHT clearly illustrated how I felt about our entire situation and I truly thought he knew that I had absolutely had it with his accomodating this woman. And yet, again today, he emails her about some dates that we need changed due to him going out of town and our vacation etc. She responded to his email that the date changes were fine, but could he PLEASE remind her ON the dates that we've asked that the boys stay a day extra with her to pick them up that day???? And he says "ok". WTF??? WE don't have to be reminded to get them when SHE makes changes. I lost it AGAIN and responded with this email to him:

"I do NOT agree with you “reminding her” to which you so quickly responded “ok”. She needs to be a big girl and put it on her calendar or put it in her phone. Have her boyfriend remind her. You are NOT her personal secretary. This email should be sufficient and you should let her know that although you appreciate her making the adjustments, you are NOT HER husband anymore and she is responsible for her OWN schedule. Let her know that yahoo (which is the mail service she uses) has a calendar AND a task list. You do not remind her when she has to be at class. You do not remind her of her appointments. And I do NOT agree with you acting as her personal reminder to get her OWN children. THIS is what pisses me off about you still “accommodating her”. Especially since on TWO of those dates you will be out of town on a business trip and Prima Donna STILL expects you to remind her???????? STOP, STOP, STOP, STOP, STOP catering to your EX WIFE!!!"

and then I offered a (at least what I thought) was a nicely worded response he could give her:

"And here is a non-confrontational, yet to the point email letting her know it is not your responsibility to remind her.

I just wanted to let you know that although I hastily said I would remind you, I just realized that I am out of town of both of those dates and will be quite busy with work, etc. which is why I asked for the changes in the first place. Therefore, I think the boys might be better served by you utilizing a reminder in your phone or utilizing the yahoo email reminder instead of relying on me, as you know I tend to be quite forgetful myself. Thanks again for accommodating those dates."

I know, I know, you are probably reading the email I sent to him and thinking what a bitch I am to him. I swear, I wasn't always this way. I just feel like I've been pushed over the edge with this lunacy about not standing up to her and letting her be responsible for HERSELF. Maybe I need a shrink. Or maybe I just need to accept that she will always pull his strings.

2stepsforward3stepsback's picture

Wow. Based on the info you've provided, I can easily see why you've lost your composure and "lost it". Lord knows I would likely have pulled my hair out (if I had any left). Smile
Anyway, the only feeble, weak, and limited value feedback I could suggest is to almost never resort to communication with your spouse via email. Sometimes it may seem easier to type the words, read them, edit them, read them again and eventually,...use that mechanism to focus your reaction to something productive. Still, I always prefer face to face with my wife on matters of the heart. Something about hearing her voice and seeing her eyes/face as she expresses her position on important dicussion points... So, I can only suggest that you hesitate to give suggestions to your husband on these critical matters via email. Still, I applaud your patience with him as he struggles to find the right choices.

SecondBest09's picture

You are absolutely correct, and I normally follow that rule myself. I just kind of lost it yesterday because so much has built up.

SecondBest09's picture

So as an update, BF and I were "intensely" discussing this matter at home last night and he was explaining that he was saying "ok" and "thanks" for the changes. He CLAIMS he didn't even read her line about reminding her ON those days. I explained that it CLEARLY appeared that he was agreeing to remind her and that in the future perhaps he should read ALL of her email and think about his response before answering. So while we're sitting there, she sends him another email about something she agreed to register SS14 for today and she said "please text me tomorrow and remind me"! I was like..."see, if you NEVER address it with her she always expects you to remind her and that isn't your job anymore!" So he responded to that email and said "Albatross (not really, that's just what we call her) please put a reminder in your phone or on your calendar. That is why I coordinate these things with you so you can set up your own reminders. I am quite busy with work and can't be expected to remember to remind you!" I guess that's progress.

I am confused's picture

I was in this same boat until I pointed the cannon at the deck and said "I'm sinking this sonofabitch at midnight if you don't get right with this relationship".

Exes ARE NO LONGER FAMILY. They don't need to talk about garages, homes, clothes, or jack shit other than medical and dental emergencies, joint expenses (braces, etc.), and pickup/dropoff times.

I didn't get the actions I was looking for, sank my ship, and I'm currently treading water, but better that than what I was doing.

Good luck. I've only been through it once but the folks who are maintaining that kind of contact are still attached.