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Adult skid divorces parents

Dory's picture

Here is an article published today in a UK online newspaper. Wonder what the parents' version of events would be?


Dory's picture

"The thing that hurts me most is how effortless it has been for him to move on. By replacing my mother with a much younger model, and adopting a Fijian boy from the fishing village (the son he never had), he has self-styled a whole new family and moved me to the periphery of his affections. He is playing the role of a father all over again, except this time I’m not part of the production."

"he has self-styled a whole new family" - now this does not sound very respectful of her father's new family set up! Do you think this attitude might explain why her father has considered putting her into the "too difficult" box??

bruisedpeach's picture

what do you expect from a bunch of mindless middleclass twats that make up the readershipf of the Daily Mail?

Shona is exactly what is wrong with society.

LizzieA's picture

The caption that she wanted the three of them together forever was strange--like she wanted to stay a child forever and never have her parents focus on anyone but HER! Too weird.