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History...fact or fiction - not spam! haha

Willow2010's picture

Its funny how our DH’s forget about some of the crap the skids have done in the past. Last night DH and I got on the subject of how much better skid got after he came to live with us.

We got on the subject of how SS used to go to the Dr ALLLL the time because BM wanted the kid to have some serious illness. It was sick what she used to do to that boy.

ME: “I remember when he ran you ragged the first 2 months that he lived here because you had to take him to the DR at least once a week for various ailments”

DH:…”I never took SS to the DR when he moved in!”

ME:…”UUMMM…Do you not remember all the DR’s YOU took him to for his headaches, his back issues, his sinus issues? Then after two months you told SS that there was not a darn thing wrong with him and to suck it up and he was no going back to the DR, unless you thought it was life threatening. Damn man, you even had to take him for an MRI because SS and BM were convinced he had a brain tumor!”

DH:...” I remember taking him for his back but that is all”

ME:…”LOL…that was only 3 years ago and you have already re written history in your alternate universe”

I know a lot of your DH’s re write history or “forget” how bad the skids are/were. My question is this…do you think they truly forget or that they just will not admit that they remember the skid issues?


DaizyDuke's picture

Oh Lord... my DH does this... I have always said that I am going to install a tape recorder on myself somewhere that records everything he says so that when he forgets a month later I can play it back for him.

In my DH case? 98% of the time, I think he forgets... the man can't remember yesterday most of the time much less some stupid shit skids did last year. The other 2%? He's definitely re-writing history as skids need all the help they can get!

The worst part is DH and I are POLAR OPPOSITES as far as memory... I remember EVERYTHING, no matter how big, small, inconsequential (I can seriously remember my locker combinations from middle and high school 20 years ago, I can remember what I wore on a certain day 5 years ago etc.) so I think it is maddening sometimes for DH too!