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Update on BM moving into a house 1 block away.....

all4myfamily's picture

Well, BM has done it again. She wanted to put an offer in on a house one block away from our home. The house was out of their price range so her husband texted my husband asking if we would drop child support. He responded with a NO. So basically, they cannot afford this house anyway but thought they would try. BM is insanely jealous of us and that does not help. So now since they cannot get that house, which has another offer on it anyway, they told the my skids that the reason they did not get the house was because we did not want them to live there. This is a true statement, but there are many other reason why they did not get the house. Why did BM have to make it about something we did to them. Now the skids are acting different. My DH wants to sit down and explain things to them but BM warned him saying the SD10 doesn't like it when we talk about BM. So does SD10 like it when BM bashes us? Once again, BM causes too much drama and this time brought the skids into it. That is a first for her. Normally she just bashes me and my DH. Do you think we should talk to the skids about our reasoning for not wanting them to live 1 block away with BM?

hereiam's picture

Wow, they've got a lot of nerve asking your DH to drop child support so they can afford a certain house. What losers.

And then telling the kids it's you & DH's fault? I would tell the kids it is not up to you who buys what house, you are not Fannie Mae.

zerostepdrama's picture


stressedstep's picture

I would sit the kids down and explain it too....

They will eventually learn what BM is like in the long run, so its best to keep them armed a little.

lovehimhatehim's picture

Truth, Truth, Truth!

It's not that you don't want the skids living's BM & her DH...that being said, that's not why they will not be living there.

Tell them the truth about what BM's DH asked your DH to do (show them the texts), help them understand that it's a financial situation that's the reason they will not be living there & that in reality you have no control over where they live. If BM had the financial means to get the house you and DH could not stop her.

That little bit about "SD10 doesn't like it when you all talk about BM" that's just BM's way to trying to stop you from telling the truth. Maybe if you are poor mouthing SD10's BM in front of her she might not like it, but I doubt you are doing that...

all4myfamily's picture

Thanks for this advice! I am definitely going to let DH do the talking. I would just like to be there so that they know I am concerned too. I have a great relationship with my skids and I know that BM hates this too. In one breath she told me that she hates me for being around her kids and in the next breath thanked me for being so good to them. She is crazy!

sbm014's picture

I agree with above. You don't tell them or justify you didn't want mom there. You simply tell them there are many many things that go into being able to buy a house and you can't control whether mom gets it or not.

Patsy's picture

Let the kids tell you. Say to them hey how is the house hunting going with BM? It will be so nice if you get to live that close to us....They will tell you what the BM said then you can set it straight.

all4myfamily's picture

I like this idea! I would like it to come from them so that the ice is broken for us to set things right. Just a shame that the kids had to be put down like this. It seems like they feel like they did something wrong.

SMof2Girls's picture

I wouldn't say anything about why you don't want them living there, I would just explain that you guys have absolutely no say in who buys what house.