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Please explain BM wants hubbys help with new boyfriend

alwaysme's picture

Look, i know there is no way to reason with crazy people but an explanation as to there behaviour would suffice... someone please help!!

Long story short, when husband met me all hell broke lose with BM, she took the kids off him, threated to bash me, i was apparently too young for him (i am the same age) she told the kids lies about me, I was a whore and a stripper, she sent annonymous letters to hubby about me being a hooker!! she rang after every single access weekend to make complaints to him about me... the list goes on. At this stage she already had another baby to someone else who was smart enough to run away!!!

Fast forward 4 years, i still get snide messages via the sister on facebook, the skids tell me she calls me "the dog" still. Despite all of this i have kept my mouth shut because she is just an idiot that doesnt deserve my response and i honestly think that pissed her off even more.

Anyway, last week she rings my husband to tell him she has a new boyfriend and was wondering if it was ok to tell the kids, she asked for his permission!!! WTF he and i dont give a rats ass what she does the kids are nearly teenagers now!! Mind you he is 22 and she is 33!!! hypocrit

This weekend she rings hubby and asks him to talk to SD10 about her behaviour at BM house when the boyfriend is there, SD10 doesnt like him and is being bad to him and BM... she asked hubby to tell SD10 to behave herself.... At the time hubby didnt see the absolute hypocrisy in this situation and sure enough told SD10 to be good!!! At this stage i was absolutely livid, not only is it not HIS problem but she has clearly forgotton what she did to us!! believe me he has coped an earful from me as to how wrong he was to agree to talk to his daughter on BM behalf, he has learnt a valuable lesson, he just constantly tries to keep BM happy to keep her stable, but i say it is not up to us to control her children when they are with her, she took them off him to be a bitch and now she has to deal with it!

When she was pregnant with her other kid she would ring hubby for help because that boyfriend left her, she even asked him to sign the birth certificate and wanted hubby to be the father of it!!

What i want to know is, why???? why do these women behave like this are they that delusional to think that what they do is ok and accepted? She thinks it is ok to treat us that way but we have to bend over backward to help her? Does she truly believe that her bheaviour was/is justified when they try to destroy people due to there own jealousy?

Or does she try to maintain some kind of bond with hubby? does she think that he still cares about her enough to help her out, does she think they have something special with him? does she think she needs to call him about her life? Or was she expecting him to respond to her news of the new boyfriend and go into a jealous rage! I think that she honestly though hubby would be jealous, as if. if anything he feels sorry for the 22 year old who clearly is going to learn a life lesson soon.

Anyone have some insight on this? I am so baffled by this


alwaysme's picture

Thankyou, at least i am not alone, like you say i would be mortified with my own behaviour if i behaved the same way BM does. I just dont get it. I can also safely say that there is no bond from my husbands side with BM and i know this because he absolutely despises her, his whole family have reassured me of this, he hated her guts and was on the brink of suicide as he was only staying with her for the kids sake (at the time). I dont think i am being biased, as i have felt insecure about her plenty of time and him and the family have reassured me that she is indeed an asshole that noone like. And sure enough she does treat her family the same as well

Rags's picture

I can't tell you why definitively but my XW did the same thing with me. She called me twice to inform me that she was pregnant out-of-wedlock. Once a few weeks after she moved out of our home (not mine since we had not copulated in more than 8mos) and again 6wks after our divorce was final. The first was apparently a false alarm; the second was a true pregnancy with her geriatric fortune 500 sugar daddy/boyfriend that she had apparently been sleeping with the last year or so of our marriage.

When I asked her why she called me with her slut drama ..... "because you know me better than anyone and you are my best friend" ????? :?

Wrong slut. I am not your friend. I am your EX husband and I couldn’t give a flying rats ass who you are pregnant by as long as it is not me.

Stupid people are just stupid and there is no understanding them.

IMHO of course.

alwaysme's picture

Thankyou Rags, that was really insightful, obviously these women are just plain friggin stupid! Sorry but your ex sounds like a rotton hoe bag, just like our BM. I think they just like to think they are still wanted by their ex! it must be an ego thing

Rags's picture

No reason to be sorry about my XW. Our divorce has been final for 20yrs and I have not heard hide or hair from her in more than 16yrs.

I do run in to my XILs occasionally and my parents ran in to my XSIL several months ago at a restaurant and had lunch with her. Apparently my XW has had three spawn with her geriatric fortune 500 sugar daddy who apparently she now has papers with. Other than that my XW is far, far, far in my past.

The really interesting thing was when she told me she wanted a divorce she went on to suggest that we could date and sleep together????? :?

I told her then that I had been married to her. Why on earth would I want to date her?

As for sleeping with her ..... we actually did hook up a few times during the divorce. Hey, she had a really nice ass. I figured I might as well get everything I could out of the divorce. Especially things that I did not get much of during the marriage. }:)

What can I say? I was 26 when we divorced. My judgment had not yet evolved as far as it has in the intervening 20yrs.

Best regards,