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Should DH get involved or stay out of it..

Sunlover92's picture

DH is a firm believer of what goes on at BM's is on her to deal with and DH does not get involved. Meaning if BM wants to coddle and spoil SS14 at her house then BM is going to have to deal with the Consequences. 

Here is the "issue". SS14 refuses to take the bus in the morning for school because he likes to sleep in. BM drives him in every day. Ok whatever that's on her since SS is with her in the mornings. Well the last 7 weeks SS has been "tardy" to school EVERY day sometimes by just a few minutes other times 30 minutes or more. REMEMBER BM is driving him in. The teachers have given SS warnings and sent emails home. I asked SS about this and he said he just wants to sleep in more. I asked what BM does and SS says BM keeps bugging him to get up but SS refuses so he's late to school. 

I told DH this and he said oh well that's on BM not me. 
Thoughts on this? Obviously the school is not happy as SS keeps getting written up. Is DH right to just stay out of it and let BM figure it out since it's happening at her house? Should DH get involved and if so how/what should he do?

tog redux's picture

What's the alternative? Should he go over to BM's and drag SS out of bed?

Someoneelse's picture

what BM allows at her house is on her, ESPECIALLY if DH doesn't want to get involved. If DH wants to stay out of it, OBVIOUSLY he doesn't care either. He knows, and doesn't care. You can't care more than this child's parents. THAT'S when I had to learn to "Let it go" and disengage. You will just get into fights with DH over it and become increasingly frustrated over a child that isn't yours.

Someoneelse's picture

Well, not getting SS to school on time on a regular basis IS neglect. He COULD try to go over there and get him out of bed.

So YES, IMO, DH should make a bigger deal, but that's on DH to WANT to do. What should a stepparent do (especially if the child HAS 2 parents)? The step parent should leave it alone, it's not their child, and it doesn't reflect on THEIR parenting skill, it reflects on the 2 parents.



ETA: DH can also make reports to social services, and keep documentation of reports, and then file for primary physical custody. BUUUUUT That is up to DH to care enough about... If DH doesn't care, it wont matter WHOSE house SS is at, the end will remain the same, kid wont go to school, but then DH might put the blame on stepparent, and stepparent will then gain MORE resentment over SS and become even MORE frustrated then when SS was doing this same exact thing at BM's house.

tog redux's picture

It's is a big deal - but it's BM's deal.  I would never recommend that one parent go to the other parent's house and drag a kid out of bed. How would you feel if BM did that at YOUR house?

Also - is it worth spending 30K to try to get full custody when you know it won't happen? And around here, it's the school that has to call CPS on a situation like this - they won't take it from the other parent.

I think her DH is doing the right thing - BM has to deal with these issues in her house. 

Sunlover92's picture

The school KNOWS SS is with BM in the mornings but Continues to reach out to DH for help. Why? 


dragonfly878's picture

They're probably feeling just as stuck. Every. Single Time. they reach out to DH I'd have him respond (In writing if poissible including BM in the correspondence) that he is with her during the week and they will have to take it up wtih her. If the school needs to file a complaint for neglect against BM- that's the school's responsibility. They're trying to make their issue with the tardiness DH's issue- that's between the school and BM.

Sunlover92's picture

BM LOVES playing the poor single mom card. I'm willing to bet she's telling the school some sorry tale of how she gets no support from DH in hopes the school will push DH into helping. BM would never ask for help directly BUT has tried to get others to push DH into doing something 

dragonfly878's picture

That's such a nightmare.... I think that's where it comes down to optics and control. DH can't control what BM says/does- but he CAN show how he's responsive.

To the school and BM-

"I am sorry to hear that SS continues to be tardy. He lives with BM during the week so you'll have to talk with her about it. BM has not expressed any concerns with me- and/or asked for my assistnce. Even if she did, there's only so much I can do as he lives with her during the week. Unless she comes to me for support- my hands are tied. Again, you'll have to take this up wtih her directly."

Someoneelse's picture

because it IS neglect to let your child be abscent and tardy too often, and the school is covering it's A$$ by sending en email out to BOTH parents, so when they DO notify social services, tehy can tell them BOTH parents are aware of the situation and NEITHER of them are doing anything about it.

dragonfly878's picture

^^^^^ I agree with this. That's why I'm such a huge advocate of having everything in print. DH needs to show the school that he's powerless over what happens in BM's home. The issue is between the school and BM. DH can only do so much and by continuing to bring it back to BM- he's showcasing that. 

tog redux's picture

The person you are responding to wants DH to go to BM's home and drag the kid out of bed.

Your approach is much more rational and realistic. Yes, he should respond to the emails and let them know it's at BM's house.

dragonfly878's picture

Ahh got it. Thank you. No, DH should NOT go to BM's house that is absolutely rediculous. 

dragonfly878's picture

If the school contacts you- I would direct them to BM.

In an email to the school AND BM (I'm all about transparency)-

"Hi school,

So sorry to hear he has been tardy. He lives with BM during the week so you'll have to take that up with her. Thank you for your concern."

dragonfly878's picture

.... not only will you have it in writing that you're acknowledging the issue (not ignoring it) you're clearly showing who is failing as a parent. Its her responsibility to get him to school on her days. If she can't do it- then she should have the natural consequences that come with shitty parenting. 

Someoneelse's picture

the school doesn't feel stuck, they are covering their bases before calling social services. neither parent is doing anything about it, BOTH parents can be held liable for the child not showing up. IF DH cared, he'd be over there getting the child up and out of bed, but he doesn't care, and social services will see that. I work in child care and take a yearly class on abuse and neglect, it's neglectful, even if DH isn't in the home, he CAN do something... it would be like if BM's boyfriend was HITTING SS, would DH just say, "BM can deal with it." no, and DH could do SOMETHING about BM's neglecting getting SS to school on time.

tog redux's picture

You've got to be kidding, right? You want him to burst into BM's home and get the kid out of bed? If I were BM, I'd have him arrested if he did that. That's absurd. Yes, he should show concern to BM and the school, but he should NOT go to her home and try to manhandle SS into going to school.

Someoneelse's picture

Knocking on the door and saying can i come get ss or of bed, since you're having trouble. And if BM says no, document it. If BM let's him in, then what's the problem? 

hereiam's picture

This is one of those "preparing your kid for life" things that parents are supposed to do. BOTH parents.

Both parents need to be prepared to hand out consequences if SS continues to refuse to get up on time. Both parents will suffer the consequences if social services is called. And, you will certainly suffer if BM loses custody.

This is different than not getting involved because SS is not eating his peas at BM's.

Rags's picture

Simple solutions.

Air horn.  Bucket of ice water, no bed, and a forced march to school each time he misses the bus.

An abject state of misery solves this problem in a hurry.

My Skid missed the bus once in the AM, he took off on a sprint through the woods to the next neighborhood over to catch the bus when it went through there.  He missed once at the end of school day as well. He called. We told him to enjoy the walk and be safe since there were no sidewalks on the main road between his HS and our home.  It was about 7 miles.  We were just finising up dinner when he walked in.

BM is an idiot.  

ndc's picture

If my skids were late to school every day and it was, by their own admission, because THEY wanted to sleep in, and not because BM was sleeping in or not even trying to get them moving, DH would impose consequences at our house.  He would not get on BM about it, but he would not let it go.  They're his kids too, and even though what goes on at BM's house and how BM deals with it is out of his control, that doesn't mean he can't express his displeasure with THEIR behavior and seek to change that behavior.  Now, if the skid was late every day because BM couldn't get HER lazy ass out of bed to take him (and there wasn't a bus), that would be different and that would be something appropriately addressed with BM.

bananaseedo's picture

I agree, there IS something he can do, which is to address the kids behavior when he's at their home.  Including making them get up at the time they would typically to get the bus-but on the weekends.  

He needs to e-mail the school to cover himself though. But going to bm's house? Nope. 

notarelative's picture

Once the school has both parents emails, all emails will go to both parents (as they should). Schools should not be deciding which emails go to which parent.

The school does not expect the non custodial parent to go to the house and drag the kid to school. They are imforming the non custodial parent of the situation. They do expect that the non custodial parent would speak to the child and the custodial parent about attendance. 

In the end, there is very little the non custodial parent can do except speak to the child and the custodial parent. Social services is not going to remove the child from BM for lateness. She might end up in truancy court with her child, but no court is going to sanction or blame the non custodial parent for the lateness of a child that doesn't live with him.

To cover himself, DH should reply to the school. He is aware of the lateness and will speak to the child, but the child is not leaving his house to attend school.

advice.only2's picture

These are two separate yet intertwined issues.  SS wants to sleep in so BM allows him and ends up dropping SS off late.  That is BM's fault for encouraging the laziness and not setting time limits for SS.  The tardy affects both BM and DH because it is a disciplinary issue with the school.  So no DH should not go to BM's house and do anything, but he should still care because overall it can and will affect him when SS is deemed truant.

CajunMom's picture

DHs youngest lived with us for his Junior year. Got him from failing to having A's & B's, zero missed days, one late check-in due to Ortho appointment. Goes back with BM for his Senior year; misses 53 days of school, fails multiple classes and ends up failing his Senior year. MInd you, DH was at the school multiple times trying to get something done. School pretty much dismissed him until the end....when it was too late. They even tried to get me involved to "save" the kid from failing. SMH

 Great advice in your thread here....DH needs to respond to every email with "child is with his mother right now but when he is with me, he gets to school on time" and be done with it. No way in hell would I ever suggest any DH go to a BM's house to get "a kid out of bed." That's absolutely ridiculous and could lead to serious legal consequences for DH. Your DH can confront his kid, advise him that the school may get CPS involved but other than that, when at BMs, not much you can do.

One thing I've learned...there is a set of rules for nuclear families and another set for step families. It's infuriating.

Someoneelse's picture

how could it end up in serious legal issues? I am genuinely curious, because people keep acting as if it is ludicrus. If DH shows up at BM's door and says, "can I please get my son up to get him to school?" If BM says, "Sure, go ahead and try." then he enters the home and gets him up by turning on lights, taking the covers away, etc etc, until he gets up. but if BM doesn't let him, then he can make documentation of the fact that BM wouldn't allow him to. I mean to me, this isn't that crazy, but maybe I've never been in that situation, and don't understand it.

Winterglow's picture

It all very much depends on bm and how she feels about having her ex interfere in her parenting time. If she's high conflict she might very well tell him he's trespassing and to get off her property ... and follow up with a restraining order (I was scared, he came to my door, on my parenting time, and was threatening me...).

Someoneelse's picture

maybe have a recording device, during all interactions with BM , because if she could say that then, then she could say that at ANY point during ANY interaction.

CajunMom's picture

A HCBM will immediately call the police; think restraining orders, stalking accusations, etc. We all know how the courts FAVOR the BMs so I can only imagine how a HCBM could turn this around and sorely affect the DHs visitation/custody. Also, recording can be a felony in some states. Better make sure you live in a state where one-party consent taping/videoing is allowed. As for any of us here....having our DH's walk up to a HCBM's door, politely knocking and asking to help? It's almost laughable. 

I stand firm on my advice. Continue to reply to the school emails, talk to the SK about the ramifications and let the school do what they need to do (involving CPS). 

Someoneelse's picture

I have a HCBM, and her father was the cheif of police in the county we live in. so I get it. but it is also legal to record a conversation where I am from. as long as one party is aware of the recorded conversation (that party can be yourself), it's perfectly legal. I sometimes forget that it is not legal everywhere.

Rags's picture

We lived in Texas for the majority of the 16+ years we lived under the CO.  Though the CO was issued in OR.  

We could record any conversation we were a part of without notifiying them.  Interestingly, since our recordings were legal they were deemed admissable when we were in OR for court hearings.  The SpermClan hated that.  They would claim something we testified that they said was a lie. Click..... cue playing SpermGrandHag rants, etc.....  She would just about stroke out over how she had not given permission for us to recored her.  Touch shit, we were in Texas while you were ranting over the phone from OR.  Our recordings were perfectly legal.



Someoneelse's picture

exactly, and that's the same where I am at, that's why I forget sometimes that other places it's illegal to record people without their permission. So for DH to go up to BM's door (with a recording device in his pocket) an request ot help wake up SD to go to school, wouldn't be "insane" in my case. He's never had to do that, thankfully, but he COULD, and BM knows that doing so would look bad on her, so she'd never "need" DH to do that. And with her father being cheif of police (now retired) she would call him in a heart beat, but DH is smart enough to record moments when he knows there is a chance of any problems. he's actually thinking of installing a dash cam in his car so that ANY instance that he pulls up to BM's house it's automatically recording, he NEVER steps foot in BM's home, but if he would HAVE to, he'd bring a recording device WITH him.

CajunMom's picture

While I'd have been happy utilizing that feature had HCBM showed up at our home, I'd never suggest DH go to her home. Even recording, I know exactly what she would have told him. "Get off my property NOW." And then she'd call the cops. And in all probablilty, DH would have gotten arrested for trespassing. SMH No good deed goes unpunished in StepHell.

Lets not forget the recent case in Texas where a dad showed up to pick up his kid at BM for his SCHEDULED visitation...kid wasn't there....Dad then got into confrontation with BF walks out, join in the "fight" and then goes into the house for a gun and shoots the dad DEAD. All on video, from his new wife who was in car.

So, again, with all the craziness most people on this board have dealt with with crazy ex's....I do NOT recommend what you are saying in this already "high conflict" situation. Way too much can go wrong. Utilize the legal systems but doing something like this could really go bad. But, to each his own. Glad we are past this stage, as crazy as people are today.


Sunlover92's picture

BM knows this one of the reasons she does not push SS. So if DH went over would BM let DH in? Maybe not sure honestly but let's just say she does.  Say then DH goes upstairs and turns on the lights and takes SS's covers away. SS would FLIP THE F OUT. I'm talking screaming punching throwing things totally out of control attacking DH. I've seen it happen. DH would then have to block/restrain SS from really hurting him and there would be the problem. BM would witness the whole thing and SS could lie and say DH hurt him and there you go DH is in jail. BM would LOVE to see that. So no going over to try and get SS up would be Disastrous

Someoneelse's picture

and see, I didn't know that about your SS. and maybe that's another reason BM doesn't force SS to wake up, because maybe he'd get violent with her as well. something needs to be done about his violence, because THAT is not ok.

Sunlover92's picture

BM is 5 foot and SS is 5'9. SS has said on many occasions he knows he can "take BM" if she try's to force him to do something he does not want. SS also said BM knows better

Someoneelse's picture

something serious needs to happen to SS, threats like that are illegal and can be taken to the police.... but it's up to the one threatened to do soemthing about it. I am very sorry that you are having to go through this.


Loxy's picture

The ideal of co-parenting is that both parents can agree on a set of boundaries/rules and how they approach issues like this one but it's rarely possible. We tried to do this for years and years with BM but it's rarely worked. Sometimes we are on the same page and we do try to work together, however more often than not we are poles apart so BM does it her way and we do it our way. 

It's harder during the teeange years as the problems get bigger and more complicated and for us has highlighted just how differently we approach parenting to BM. 

My advice, choose your battles. We will sometimes raise concerns with BM, however have little expectation that it will change anything and in the end respect her right to parent as she sees fit as is our right. 

Let BM deal with the consequences, the school is likely to haul her in there to talk about it and/or start dishing out detentions to SS. 

Sunlover92's picture

1. No way in Hell would DH go over to BM's house and drag SS out of bed. With SS history of physical violence it would go VERY poorly for DH. I don't think the school is thinking this. 

2. My "opinion" is the school Keeps after they are getting no where with BM who has the Attitude of "I'm trying but poor me single mom with no help with DH" And two hoping DH will step up and get involved somehow. 

3. I'm sure BM or even the school would love for DH to take SS overnight and get him to school(um no thank you I can't stand the brat so I'm not Suggesting it) BM would never ask DH for help she's the type who just expects DH to volunteer on his own. 

4. I'm sure BM expects DH to support her and give SS a talking to or maybe even a phone call in the morning. Same with the school. 

Harry's picture

A legal requirement to send notice to both parents. You should send the school the CO showing the days he is with BM and BF.   And a letter saying this is happing on BM days.  Same letter to BM

CLove's picture

Whats being done about this?

Rags's picture

Engage the district Truent Officer.  Let mommy and the idiot kid deal with the officer with the badge.

End of problem.

With the % of Xs that are manipulative I am not sure I would risk banging on my X's door to wake an idiot HS aged kid  up to get him to school.  Let the officials deal with it officially while engaging them to put their official feet up BM's and the idiot spawn's asses.

And have fun.


CajunMom's picture

So much could go wrong by just showing up unannounced at an ex's house. I am reminded of that recent case where the dad went to BMs for a scheduled pickup..kid wasn't there....argument started.....BM's boyfriend comes outside, joins argument, then goes inside, gets a gun and the dad ends up dead. All on video. 

In all our years of picking up kids for visitation, DH NEVER went to the door. We pulled into driveway right at road, and if the kids didn't come out within a few minutes, DH texted them. BM did the same when she picked up.