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Shocking to me...

ms_peterson's picture

That so many step parents on this site actually state that they hate their step kids, some as young as 2 and 3. How can a person hate a 2 or 3 year old? Their behavior can surely be hated, and the things that they are mirroring in other people's behavior may be hated, but the child themselves? Even a 7 or 8 year old cannot be "hated." I find that to be cruel and heartless, and something that would undoubtedly SHOCK and HURT their SO to hear. Why would someone be with a person with kids if they say they "hate" that child? That child will always be more important, so why stick around? How about maturing a little, good Lord.

Just a vent. Thanks for reading!

BSgoinon's picture

Prepare to be Steptalk bombed Wink

OK, I in fact LOVE my SS. I adore him. But for those that have made the statement that they "HATE" their stepchild, this is a place to VENT. Sometimes people say things they don't really mean when they are venting... right? I know I do.

I have a 4 year old nephew. I LOVE MY SISTER, but I can't stand her son. He doesn't listen, he is BAD. He is a BAD KID and I would rather shove a fork in my eye than have to deal with him on any kind of a regular basis. If you DARE tell him to be quiet, like during my nieces wedding last weekend, for example, my sister and BIL (his parents) were performing the ceremony (they are pastors) so nephew was sitting with me and my mom. Tell him to be quiet and he just talks LOUDER. My mom had to miss half of her granddaughters wedding to take him outside (I would have done it, but I had the bride and grooms baby in my arms). It was terrible and embarassing. I could imagine, that if this child HAD a Stepmom, she would have the potential to "hate" him. Or at least say that she did. He's a little jerk, even at age 4.

bi's picture

i second this. don't judge until you have lived our lives. i hate sd20. it's no secret. i don't care who knows. how would you feel about someone who celebrated your miscarriage as you were bleeding and crying?

bi's picture

no shit. it's hard to believe anyone could be so callous. but that is what she is. and she wonders why i'm not interested in celebrating the birth of her child. :O

bi's picture

that's what i would love to do. i don't wish a miscarriage on her, but i would be lying if i said i would feel one bit of sympathy for her. she tried to guilt me into "helping" her when she was pregnant. what the hell was i supposed to do? i'm not her dr. she tried to use breastfeeding as a way to make me feel obligated because i'm the only person she knows who has done it. so what? i can't do it for you. it's not exactly hard to figure out how to do it. she made demand after demand of what i should be doing while she was pregnant until i blocked her ass on fb and from my phone.

her baby is around 2 months now. i don't know the date he was born, i don't know if she had a natural birth or c section, i don't know if she's actually bf'g or went with formula. i don't give a rip. she's got some damn nerve to expect me to be there for her after what she did to me. unfuckingbelievable.

bi's picture

i'm sorry you understand so well. its a pain i don't wish on anyone. it's hard to see everyone around me successfully spitting out baby after baby when i have had 3 losses in a row, but at the same time, i do not want what happened to me to happen to them.

i never would have believed a first trimester miscarriage could hurt for so long if i hadn't gone thru it twice. the last one was lost at 17 weeks, and i had to deliver her. that was horrible. sd does not know about 2 and 3. not many people do. the bullshit that ensued from her and smil when they found out i was pregnant with the first one, and the total lack of concern when i lost that one made me quickly decide to never share anything with them again.

ms_peterson's picture

This is horrible. I understand how you could absolutely hate a 20 year old. My concern is with step kids that are much younger who are behaving due to other people's inability to understand their developmental needs. I am so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I wish you all the luck in the world--I would hate an adult that laughed at me for having a miscarriage as well. That is cruel and almost sociopathic.

misSTEP's picture

Pretty sure that her SD was NOT an adult when this happened.

So, when is the magical age where someone's callousness is considered, in your eyes, to be a "developmental need" rather than just "cruel and almost sociopathic"???

bi's picture

she was a month from 17 and knew damn well that what she did was horrible. she just didn't and still doesn't care. to this day, she defends what she did to me. the idea of actually being sorry for what she did is laughable.

ms_peterson's picture

Well Lynn123, If that's how people mean to use it, then it's understandable how they do. I just feel sorry for small children who have adults in their lives that actually emotionally hate them. I don't know how that's possible. I'm a teacher. I taught small children for a few months before moving into a position at a middle school. I've seen every type of kid there is (I think...although I haven't met an omen-type of child), and not once did I ever hate a child. There are those that are extremely difficult, but there are many creative ways to deal with kids that don't respond to conventional discipline.

Now, I'm sure there are kids out there that do seem like they crawled out of "The Omen," but their behavior stemmed from somewhere--not within themselves--unless they are sociopaths. Even in that case, it is their parents' responsibility to get them therapy, treatment, or whatever else it takes to get them emotionally healthy. Most kids, however, don't have these issues and although they may be influenced by outside sources (biological parents, TV, kids at school, etc.), there is still a child in there that needs love. ESPECIALLY KIDS THAT ACT MALICIOUSLY! This means there is something MISSING! So how about not judging the CHILDREN who have behavior problems, and judging the adults who have molded them into what they are instead! Leave your husband, but blame him for his child's behavior and hate HIM for it, instead of a FIVE YEAR OLD! Get it now, Lynn123? Hopefully you caught the sarcasm there, since my original post was in no way nasty, but you decided to take it to another level.'s picture

I think the difference is that a teacher has 100% say on what is allowed/not allowed in her classroom. The reason sm's have problems with skids is because they often have no say, and when they do, the skids disrespect...and then the biodad is in the picture doing stupid stuff not agreeable to the bm... That is why skids often behave better when the biodad is not there. Teachers don't have the emotional triangles present in stepfamilies...the kid is their student and that's it. Not a stepstudent, or half a student. ALL the kids are equal and there everyday...It's a totally different scenario.

Also, it often isn't even the child that creates the problem, but the bioparent's lack of response that leads to "hate" being misdirected at the child.

Willow2010's picture

Yea…I cringe at some of the hate spewed on here for SMALL CHILDREN. I never hated my SS, but I knew that I really did not like him much either or the way he was raised. So, that is why I did not live with or marry my DH for 10ish years. I too do not understand people who knowingly go in to a living arrangement KNOWING that they hate or dislike a kid. *shrugs*

BSgoinon's picture

I do cringe when I read certain things here, but then again.... it is a vent. I have said plenty of things that I don't mean when I am venting. I love my SS, but you can't deny that there are some kids here that are written about that are just plain rotten. I would find it hard NOT to feel "hate" toward some of these kids.

Others, however, are just being kids and it is like nails on a chalkboard reading the hateful posts about kids, just being kids.

StickAFork's picture

I think you're wrong.

I think there are *many* posters on here who truly HATE their stepchildren...ranging in age from 2 to adult.

There is no way they could write and do what they do in the absence of pure hatred.
Plain and simple.

OP, you're right. Some women are too damn stupid to leave a situation that brings them misery. For that, I say they deserve what they get.

Lalena75's picture

I'm suprised at how many people come here every other month and say that. Hi sometimes some kids are hateable cause they're raised that way and it's exhausting to someone who gives a damn watch bios not.

emotionaly beat up's picture

It is a venting site, and for the most part I would hope that when people say "hate" in reference to young children they are really hating the behaviour and not the child. I suspect that most of us jump on here when our emotions are high. Not when we have calmed down and things are fine. If that was the cases the writings would often be different.

That being said, I do agree with you. I "HATE" it myself when I read anyone hates a child.

However in my heart of hearts, I believe there would be very few out there who really hate the child. Most of us take a while to wake up to who the real problem is, the parent. Most of the people more than likely just hate the behaviour.

But seriously I had only adult steps and my husband's daughter is evil and I do not use that word loosely and I am not in a bad mood or had a bad Christmas. That 30 year old woman tried for 8 years to make her father leave me because she wanted his wallet. Her last desperate attempt to get him away was to get pregnant. She thought daddy would leave me once "special daughter" had her child. Well he didn't. So she went to her 89 year old grandfather, a man she had all but ignored for as long as I have known her. Now here is the result of her handywork.

My husband no longer speaks to his sons. She caused trouble between them.

Worse than that. My husband's father is 89. He had bowel cancer surgery last year. Now he has spots on his liver. He stopped speaking to me almost a year ago because I could take no more of her and told her not to come back to my home. Then he at the same time barely spoke to his son. My DH. This piece of work has punished her daddy by destroying his entire family.

This Christmas for the first time ever DH has not spoken to anyone in his family. His father is 89 his may easily be the last Christmas he has and this is how it will end.

All because this woman wanted things her own way and when she didn't get them, she destroyed.

Do I hate her, no, don't care about her at all really. DO I hate what she has done to my husband, myself and this family. Damn straight I do. Do I hope I get to see how big the Karma bus is when it runs her over, well it would be nice. But suffice to say, if I was her I'd be terriffied of the future because you cannot do the things this woman has done and leave this earth without paying.

We all have things happening in our lives that we may or may not express eloquently. But this is a VENTING site. We have to get it out somewhere or go insane. Judging people on here is not always helpful. Especially if the really did hate the child. Beause if they do what they need is support and understanding, and that support and understanding they get here, may very well be the thing that saves that child. If you want to help the child. Support the parent.

missflo's picture

Sorry Ms Peterson... if its wrong to hate someone who has caused soooo much pain to your SO. To hate someone who refuses to talk to their father "until you give mum what she wants" and hate them when they cause your SO to cry himself to sleep at night then....OK. I'm wrong.
Must be lovely in your world of sunshine, castles and rainbows. Sadly most of us who "hate" our steps don't have the same happy all the time world.
My proudest moment of the last few days has been when my SO told his spoilt manipulative brat that he wasn't buying him a car. "Sorry... I don't reward bad behaviour"
So I guess I'm a hater... :?

StickAFork's picture

This is SO stupid, there are almost no words to describe it.

There's a world of difference between "hate" and "sunshine, castles, and rainbows."


aggravated1's picture


aggravated1's picture

I am confused, SAF-are you implying that the poster is someone else? :? Like a previous member?

december82's picture

OP is just stating her observation/opinion. Anytime anyone has the nerve to point out that some of the stories/blog's posted on here could be considerd cruel, abusive, petty, & filled with jealousy, bullying and bitterness towards their skids they are torn a new one. To be honest many times i have felt the same way about some of the things ive read... Definitely not all and some are quite obvious just harmless venting... But there are a few where it seems the SP is the problem not the skid! Whether you agree or not OP has just as much right to post her view as anyone else does.

missflo's picture

I'm not sure what ASSumption I made (your play on words was so funny I almost laughed Sad
Clearly you thought I was someone else.

I guess its OK to be nasty here if you ASSume you know who someone is??
I'm sorry... I get enough crap in my real life.
Don't need to take it here as we'll...enjoy your private empire ladies.
I'm out.

talia11's picture

I hate and detest my SS15yo. And I feel terrible about it. But it doesn't change the fact that he has made my life a living hell for the past 7 years. OP you ask why stick around, I do because I love my DH more than I hate my SS. Doesn't make it any easier but it means there is some light at the end of the tunnel, because in 3 years SS will be out of our home and we can finally enjoy our loves like we were meant to. I think demanding someone 'mature' is a little out of line, I think there has to be a great deal of maturity in staying in a step family - it is hard work that requires a lot of give and take.

misSTEP's picture

I still haven't been able to figure out what exactly the POINT of these types of judgemental posters like the OP expect to ACCOMPLISH with these posts....? Are all (EVIL) SMs going to see the error of their ways and repent and start licking their assholes clean when the skids don't wipe good enough??

I mean, really....

bi's picture

bm has nothing to do with how i feel about sd. and a relationship doesn't have to be serious to produce a child.

hismineandours's picture

I honestly dont know whether I "hate" my ss14. Hate, to me, is a really strong emotion, and truthfully I dont know if I care enough about him to "hate" him. He no longer resides with me-but when I see his picture unexpectedly I know I get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Is that hate? I dont know. When he lived with us earlier this year for 4 months did I hate him? No, I dont think so-there may have been moments I felt that I hated him, but no, to me hate is an emotion that eats up on the inside and while I think I may have approached that during his time with us-I dont think I was totally overcome with that particular emotion.

AS far as others on here "hating" their skid? I dont know that either. It's not really up to me to decipher that. As you can see, I have a hard enough time trying to determine my own emotions much less assessing and then judging some anonymous person's feelings on a message board. I am guessing that they have conflicting emotions at times as well and perhaps are not sure what they feel. Some of what you see here is people at there darkest, lowest moments. I've had a few of those. And I've got t tell you that it helped me immensely to be able to come here and type in words that I've always wanted to say, every angry, nasty thought that crossed my mind and have people actually understand and support me. Many, many times this spewing of anger here has prevented me from venting that anger toward anyone IRL. But is helps to have someone say, "It's ok, I get where you are at" and know that you are not some crazy, coldhearted bitch-but a real human being who is entitled to your emotions.

Ive had people help me think of things in ways that I had not thought of them before. I dont necessarily agree with what everyone says all the time, but I always appreciate any post that makes me think and is not meant in malice.

I think the problem here is that you are talking about that which you dont know anything about. Until you've lived some of these problems you really cannot imagine the hell some of us have gone through. So it seems malicious for you to post your thoughts to all of us that are going through significantly painful situations.

For the record, I met my ss when he was 1. I loved him very much when he was a child, treated him as my own. Apparently things went horribly wrong to leave me considering that I might hate him at 14. I've been here for the long haul and dont come to my feelings lightly. Also for the record, I have never told my ss that I hated him, nor have I ever told my dh. I have told both that I do not like the things that he does.

bartlett5157's picture

hmmm, I wouldn't say I hate my SS. In fact deep down I do love him to some degree but my ability to mother him and like him like my own children is just not there and I'd be lying if I said he didn't sometimes annoy me so much that I feel like I hate him. Unless you've been through it, I guess it's hard to understand. This is a place for step parents to vent so that should say it all.