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School starts on Monday!!!!!!!

phoenix410's picture

Rejoice with me!! S/kids start school on Monday! I am s/kid free until 4pm every day, and after 8pm!!! I'm so happy I could burst! Smile I have been counting down the days since they got out more than two eternal months ago. I want to throw a party. I only have to be around them four hours a day instead of all f-ing day long!!!!

Myself's picture

Not all kids are the same. Some are good at certain things and some are good at others. We expect all kids to be cute and radiate joy and all this crap, when the reality is that there are many kids who are not like that and they shouldn't be pressured to be like that.

I've never been one to radiate joy in my life. I've always been withdrawn and reserved. I was clever in my own way but I preferred doing things on my own. Whoever didn't like it could suck it.

Orange County Ca's picture

In our electronic age there are more kids who are disengaged from life than there are engaged. I'd estimate 90% in the western world so don't be too hard on your steps and spend more time looking at your own. In the U.S. there's a great concern that the "elite" are running the country while the "masses" barely get by. Well no wonder if the "elete" are the only ones willing to learn while the "masses" watch TV and tweet.

I used to say that "somebody has to dig the ditches" in our society but now that's all that a whole generation will be qualified to do.

In some ways I'm glad I'm almost 70.