Holy step kids! When will you grow up and go away?? FT nightmare!
Okay, im a heartless bitchI'm so f-ing sick of the bullshit and drama with these step kids that live with us full-time since their mom is about as useful as a yeast infection! She is nothing more than a birth canal passage for these mentally jacked little children to be on this earth!!
CD - I feel for you - I had
CD - I feel for you - I had SS for 3 years FT - Mom lives over 600 miles away she saw him for 3 weeks of the year - I hated it - when he went to see her the relief I felt and the sigh I gave was unbelievable and then the sick feeling in my stomach when I knew I had one more day until he returned - it sucked - now we see him 4 weeks a year and it is awesome - now if I could just make BM disappear life would be grand!!!!
since their mom is about as
since their mom is about as useful as a yeast infection!
I am so stealing this line for use in my family situation!
No your not heartless, but you sound incredibly stressed.
I recommend a vodka, valium latte on the rocks!
No it won't make the skids go away, but it will make it so that for a few minutes they don't annoy you as much!
I FEEL your pain; we have 3
I FEEL your pain; we have 3 of our own and a SD14. We have had her for about seven months and let me tell you it has been a living hell. EVERY single day. After months of dad screwing up with her; I have told him that it is my turn or else I am taking the three kids and filling my boxes I have brought home over the course of the past week. I don't care if I am throwing away a twelve year relationship or not. I am sick of her acting like her sh* don't stink in MY house.....Needless to say; the conversation with HER is tonight!!

i thank God that we do not
i thank God that we do not have skids 24/7, it would be way too much for me.
but i still wish skids would go FAR FAR FAR very f'n FAR away forever!!! }:) and i don't consider myself a heartless bitch b/c i can't stand skids ~ i just can't stand the ass gnats, especially in my house.
Sorry...they never actually
Sorry...they never actually leave. They just grow up to be giant pains in our butts. The older my skids get (SD24 and SS 26) the worse they get. They just want more and more handed to them, with less and less respect paid to their father. I have disengaged, and pay no attention to SD and very little to SS. Even by acting as if they don't exist, they ARE still present in my life---kind of like nasty little mosquitos that won't quit buzzing in your ear! And, no, DH still doesn't quite get the whole "your kids are big losers" thing, either. Sigh.....
Still praying
Haha...I feel the same about my skids (19, 23 & 26). It's like 'when are y'all going to grow the f**k up and f**k off'. Jeez, they're like kidults. So dependent and dysfunctional. I wish we had compulsory military enlistment!
Step mum fuc*ing guilt
Hey everyone, this is my first post on this website. It's so depressing...I've had 2x step kids boy is 7 girl is 6. I've had the boy for 3 years now nearly 4. I'm struggling. Don't have kids of my own. I feel so bad when I discipline them but if I don't give some form of discipline they get entitled and think it's okay to run a muck. It's just crap because they will probably tel me to fu*k off when they are older even after all my hard work. They will always remember the times you were angry with them abd told them off over the good times. On top of that everyone is so judgmental with step mum's. This sucks
I often think how it would be
I often think how it would be so much easier if we had SD 100% of the time, or not at all. But my kids are young and easier for me doesn't mean easier for them. They didn't choose to have separated parents or a blended family life so I try to stay patient. Ask me again in another 10 years though, I'll probably feel way more jaded than I already do!