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a new approach to living with lazy skids

pat's picture

I have though about what to do about the lazy skids in our house. There are three of them. I have decided to try a new approach. I could not take another moment of living in a filty home. So, I told her that we are going to move around some furniture and maybe paint some things and hang some new paintings. I am not going to be afraid to do what I want in our house because the skids are just rude and lazy. Now if they leave their stuff around out of their room, I am just going to throw it out. I am not going to say anything. I am tired of cleaning up their mess. It took me over a hour just to clean the kitchen .Dishes piled in the sink,and the microwave took almost a whole roll of paper towel to degrease it. It was gross. They heat up stuff with no lid and stuff just goes everywhere. If something is expensive that is laying around, I will just throw it in their room .I want to yell at them sooo bad, but I know things will only get worse . Are your skids dirty too ?

JJO's picture

I think most kids are lazy and dirty unless forced to do otherwise. I like your idea of rearranging the furniture and making the house look better. Perhaps they will try to maintain it clean for a while.

My SD is very sloppy and untidy, but she is 5 so she is excused for now. So I end up doing all the cleaning since I don't have a job.

Rags's picture


No need for an excuse. Hold them accountable. A cattle prod or TAZER and loud fire works should do the trick when they are sitting on their asses when they should be cleaing.


lisa510's picture

"used sanitary napkins exposed and hanging out of communal bathroom waste baskets.....After she's been in the bathroom I inevitably have to put towels away..."

What is it with sloppy young girls? My SD16 doesn't care about leaving her dirty tampons in the garbage can for everyone to see. We have a home with only one full bath so, we all use the same bathroom to shower (i HATE it).

I walk in the bathroom and there's dirty pads and tampons in the garbage, wet towels on the sink/counter, and they (SS and SD) step on the bath mat, then the floor, while they are dripping wet!! My SS leaves his whiskers in the sink after he shaves!

They're just slobs!

pat's picture

How are you going to annouce it when they are not home ? We would have to do it on their time? She does that sometimes and they complain and make excuses to why it is there. It is like a broken record.

Timetogiveup's picture

I have the ss's garbage around the house under control...I decided when I moved in I was not going to deal with it. I wanted to do what my mom did...."the box"....everything you left around went until matter what it is was. I learned to put my stuff away really fast. My mom showed no mercy, I didn't have snowboots for a few days. My DH thought this was too mean to do to the boy. I think all this talk about things "being too mean" is the reason why the kids are a bunch of lazy little creatures today.

The kid's room is another story, I do make him keep in pick up but it stinks. I can't even go in there it makes me ill.

He's problem is with personal hygiene. He is dirty and he stinks.....its nasty.

wriggsy's picture

When I get in the "mood" to clean around DH house (I have my own to he going to come help me clean mine? Nope...). Anyhow...when I get "in the mood", I clean the communal areas. Whatever may be laying around that belongs to the skids...I pick up, carry to their rooms and drop it right inside the door. I do this at my house to my daughter also. My SD also leaves used sanitary napkins for the whole world to see, so after trying to "teach her" the correct way to dispose of these, I now leave those for DH to take care of.

Luckily, DH is also a fairly clean person, so it's not as if he thinks I should be the one to take care of cleaning, but at the same time, he does tend to leave things laying around longer than I would.

pat's picture

It is totally gross . They dont clean up their rooms either. I was never this dirty or unclean. They leave dog piss and crap on the floor. The dog even takes their kotex out of their bathroom and drags it into the house. It gags me to no end. They dont have friends over because their rooms smell and are filty. I just dont understand why kids these days are so dirty and do not pick up anything !

JJO's picture


well how about the 22 is in charge of cleaning their siblings bedrooms? that would be a very nice way for them to start contributing and probably would make the older one force his/her siblings to be more tidy.

If the rooms are filthy perhaps they could all do, one room at a time. And then it is going to be easier to maintain.

Just a thought.

*edit typos

pat's picture

hell, she barely cleans her own room. She does clean it when her boyfriend is coming over ! :?

Rags's picture

Yep, my Skid is a pig. A well behaved, polite pig but a pig none the less.

Throwing away their crap when they leave it out works too. At least it has for my Skid.

Best regards,

monkeyboy2030's picture

My skids are pigs also. The 8 year old has a habit of dumping a bagful of legos on the ground, playing with them for a few minutes, and never having any thoughts about cleaning them up. During one weekend visit, I cleaned them up 4 times in a 3 hour period. If I throw them away (current plan) - then the DW will be upset, and it will be a few hundred dollars down the drain. I am sure his BF doesn't have him clean anything up. I am the noncustodial SF - how can I enfore cleaning it up without support from DW? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

pat's picture

I don't remember us being like this when we were young. So why does this generation do things like this ? Could I be wrong bey seing this pattern alot in many kids ?

pat's picture

I dont know how to approach this. I am just trying to deal with this one day at a time. God help me .....

Rags's picture

Public humilation, intimidation and ridicule work well when dealing with a unclean and sloppy kid. The next time anyone is out for a meal with a stinky/dirty kid who is old enough to know better and old enough to bathe themselves, loudly proclaim to the waiter/waitress to box up the dirty kids meal because they will be eating it in the car so as not to disturb the clean and odor free diners.

It works. Especially with teens.

Best regards,