leave my stuff alone!
Just a vent....but I'm really tired of having to keep everything I own in my room. A can of mousse was missing,SO found it in ss14 room.I had a pair of shoes on our backporch-wake up in the morning and one shoe is gone. I get a feeling to check the garbage can and I find it there but both SS have no idea about it ..and SO acts like its no big deal. I'm so tired of having to worry about my stuff being messed with!!!!" Its so frustrating having to hide everything and lock our room door whenever I leave the house. Please tell me I'm not the only one who has to hide all my stuff from skids :/An
- truebloodfreak's blog
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You are not alone! My SD10
You are not alone! My SD10 takes my stuff all the time. She's gets in trouble, but big surprise she doesn't care. I try to keep stuff away from her but its impossible. I just make SO replace all my stuff!

On a slightly funny note... I was facebook stalking her mom (I admit it, I like to see what she's saying about SO and I) well, SD10 had taken my hair stuff over to her BMs and BM did her hair EXACTLY like mine with my stuff. (I know it was mine because I made it myself) she took tonz of pics showing off "her new" look. LMFAO!!!! B*tch please! You can try but you can never wear it like me!
SS (now 4) used to get into
SS (now 4) used to get into all of my things...shoes, lotions, etc. It would drive me CRAZY but DH would say, he's just a child so you should really make sure all that stuff is where he can't get to it. It would tick me off bc its my house too and I like to have my things where they are convenient and the kids should just learn not to touch them. I lost that fight but now that it is OUR DS1 (and I'm more understanding considering he is MY son), he thinks that he should learn not to touch things, etc. It's rather annoying to see the difference in SS and our DS.