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my sd12 always bring up bm Every time she come to visit??

202stepmom's picture

Dirol Ok i know it may not be that serious but im starting to notice
This. It can be something as simple as me buying a new phone case
or ny opinion on something she always brings bm up. It really irritates
me because bm have a new bf and they just had a new baby. my husband
and bm was.always together as the little girl was growing up,i even have a ss10
that is by another bm. So is sd just trying to irritate me?

Orange County Ca's picture

So you husband has two children via two women. Please don't have any children with a guy with his track record and add a third to the list of step children his 4th wife has.

I doubt if she's doing it to irritate you but more for her own sake. Ignore it without being rude by acknowledgeing it with a "Mmmmm" or "Is that so"?

SMIllinois's picture

She's not trying to annoy you. She just wants to know BM is important and that you aren't replacing her. I know it's annoying, but you gotta suck it up. You should just remember as an adult you are already validated as a person, she is looking to you for her own place and validation in both sides of the family. Her mom's opinion is imortant to her and when we try to have a conversation with someone we try to draw off of our own experiences. What's her experiences? Her mom.

202stepmom's picture

Thanks you guys. I never say anythimg negative and always pits on a fake smile and listen.
I have my own biod so im not trying to replace mom.or anything. I actually try to keep
A distance bcause bm states Every chance she gets that sd is her d.

oldone's picture

You people are so much nicer than I am.

My SS is older but without saying a word he knows better than to bring up his mom. At his age I feel totally free to trash her if he wants to drag her into the conversation.

SS is just a young man that I happen to have to spend some time with. I don't need any old hags and thier escapades brought into my home. I never knew him as a child.