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Let is slip to DH that I am leaving because of SD

hbell0428's picture

My DH and I have 3 kids and have been together for 12 years. SD14 has moved in w/ us approaching 2 years.......Needless to say; I have had enough. I have posted my rants about her; but last night DH and I were discussing the reality of us splitting. He just can't understand how "I" can break up us after all these years. I just blurted out....I am sick of your daughters S*** - I don't think I love you enough right now for this"........ He couldn't believe it and we really haven't talked since. To be honest - I can't believe I actually said it to him either :jawdrop:

Any of you experience this???

Zoie's picture

Wow..No I've not experienced that...but now he really knows how you feel and maybe that's a good thing..maybe you can actually come up with a game plan to fix things...

I hope you both can work through this..I really do...

All the best... Z

Jsmom's picture

Have said it and have meant it. Fortunately for me SD15 no longer lives her and I am grateful. As horrible as it sounds that is true.

Why feel guilty about it? It is true and maybe he will wake up and realize what his daughter is doing to your marriage.

dragonfly5's picture

You should say it. It is ridiculous that he can't see the destructive behavior of this child. He is willing to give up his relation with you for her drama.

I just don't get it. Maybe he will think about things and come to his senses. I hope he does for all of you.

The truth hurts, but sometimes it needs to be said.

Sweetnothings's picture

Yep, I did it this week AGAIN during another row about SD21 !!!! Really spelt it out that there is no way I will live with her again EVER !!!
My situation is a bit better, if that is the right word , because.....

She was sent back 2 years ago.... ( she lived with us for 2 long, long, years!!)
She doesn't work, fulltime student, so no money to just spring a visit to us, and DH would NEVER do that..... give her copious amounts of money, we stopped the endless river of money , now it's just the odd spurt when the guilty Dad takes over DH
We are settled in a country thousands of miles away from her !!! Makes me smile everyday }:)

Also, told DH I was not responsible for the guilt he still FEELS over his divorce, though he says it's not true, hmmmm, okay....... Even after ALL these years !!!!

So now everything is understood between us, let's just see how long it is until DH slips off the same page again.........

I felt soo angry at the time, like it is bubbling up from inside me, and I'm like kinda possessed !!!! Was scary, but OMG I feel sooo much better for it, even though we are stressed out beyond belief over something else this week !!!

Shannon61's picture

I said it during the few first years of my marriage, but now on year 3 things have settled because SD (27) is moving out in a few weeks. She wasn't easy to live with. I would lambast DH about her behavior and he would ream her. Strange thing is he thought I would have the most difficult time adjusting. . but it was SD. There were many days that I was miserable and didn't want to be under the same roof w/DH and SD because there was just too much negativity. So I stayed in the bedroom wondering how the hell I'd ended up in a nightmare.

Also, when there's no unity in the home, I feel it causes a negative dynamic and other problems arise and things just don't seem to go right. . . even the smallest things.

Your DH needs to know how you feel so he'll realize the seriousness of the situation and not take it lightly. This way he can set his princess straight before she destroys your marriage. Make him realize you're serious and changes need to occur before it's too late to salvage. When she does things that are a problem, confront HIM about it. Stay on him so he can stay on her. Don't let her destroy your marriage without a fight!

hbell0428's picture

Thank you All!!

UNITY.......syas it all!; I think he is starting to realize some things; he had a hard time realizing how "loose" she is.........I hope things get better; and it feels nice to get it off my chest.

alwaysanxious's picture

Yes. I've almost split from SO based on SD. I don't have any advice except don't give in. if he's not going to reign her in then there isn't much you can do