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It never ends..parent teacher conference about ss12

stepmomsoon's picture

Parent teacher conference last night for ss12..

I knew I shouldn't have gone from the minute DH asked ss12 "so, am I going to hear good stuff or bad stuff from your teachers?" and ss12's reply was "I dunno...."

My gut told me it wasn't going to be all puppies and daisies, but DH wanted me to go and be a part of it..

So we get there and at first we hear the usual stuff about grades - which they were great (we knew this going in).. ss12 is extremely bright and really does have a gift with regards to learning.

Then one by one the teachers start telling us about their frustrations with ss12:

Science teacher basically said he was a major pain in his ass for the first month as he would screw off in the hallway when he is supposed to be getting ready for 1st period - every day to the point where he would arrive late to class or at the very last minute.. then would be a disruption because he was so disorganized. Then he would ask to get a drink or go to the bathroom. Finally the teacher got on him enough with enough consistency/zero tolerance and ss12 learned this guy wasn't going to take his shit, so he stopped his daily antics. Not to say it never happens, but it has gotten better.

His other teachers are sick of his blurting out things and his "correcting" what they say; for example one teacher referred to something being in a row and ss12 blurts out "well, actually it's not a row, it's a column".. there is also the fact that he doesn't like to sit in his chair in language arts - he prefers to stand the entire class and will keep getting up.

Math teacher pretty much is fed up with him.. he refuses to show his work step by step - which is required by everyone - and he states he "knows how to do it and doesn't need to show his work".. and he's "smarter than everyone in his class"..

Each teacher shared the same frustrations with him - all 5 of them. We sat there and listened to each of them for 40 minutes.

It's the same crap we deal with at home.. all of it. His whole attitude of he's in control and no one is gonna tell him what to do. How he half asses things he thinks are stupid or doesn't want to do just so he can get it over with and say he did it.

To top it off, we also are informed that he is starting to gravitate towards some kids we wouldn't want him around and is doing things to get their attention/fit in - like picking on kids.

So, DH and I walk out of there pretty flustered. Personally, I was flat out pissed off and wanted to say "well, if your ass would step up and consistently enforce boundaries and stop allowing him to manipulate you, we wouldn't be having this discussion with his teachers".. but I kept my mouth shut... it wasn't the time for the "I told you so."

We get home and DH wants to sit down and talk to ss12, who is sprawled out on the couch with his bag of Halloween candy... (when he has been told to ask before he eats any because he will gorge himself)..

As usual.. nothing is his fault and the teachers are all liars.. he freaks out and does the loud fake cry. When DH pretty much tells him to shut it, he begins the coughing fit since he's crying so hard.. this doesn't work - we don't fall for his crap.

I am literally at the point where I have zero patience left (not that I had much when we started this conversation) and want to strangle this kid..

Nothing is resolved because ss12 is the king of zero accountability and DH is clueless on how to handle this.

No consequences either since all of the issues happened in the past and ss12's pediatrician told DH consequences should be "immediate" not delayed or drawn out.

So I guess ss12 can be a huge pain in the ass to his teachers, just like he is at home and it's acceptable since he gets good grades.

what. the. fuck. ever.

Dh and I got into it because he constantly makes excuses for this kid and never tries to really make a consistent effort to modify his behavior because it's too much work and ss12 will one up him until he caves in or loses his temper and goes off - resulting in DH losing sight of what happened initially to start the whole debacle - ss12 acting like an ass...

I said "fine.. for the record, I'm not assisting logistically or financially when the shit hits the fan with this kid - and believe me, if he's acting like this at 12, by 16 you will be screwed. Don't come crying to me for moral support or sympathy - you created and fed this monster."

Not sure how else to handle it or what to say..


stepmomsoon's picture

Yes, to both. And he is in gifted classes..

He doesn't want to show his work in math because he wants to cut corners like he does everywhere else.. oh, and he doesn't get every problem in math right, yet still won't show his work.

stepmomsoon's picture

He was being a dick about it and does the same shit at home. He wants to disrupt and be the funny man center of attention.. it goes beyond just correcting - like laughing 5 times louder than anyone else at something that isn't even funny or tripping over something on purpose to make a scene.

Every teach basically said he is a disruption

DaizyDuke's picture

Hey, at least your DH goes to the conferences... my DH flat out told me that he got a call from the school reminding him about teacher's conferences and he just deleted it because he's not doing that. Because God forbid, anybody (other than the wicked SM Daizy) say anything negative about the Perfect Precious Princess! So he just lives in his ostrich fantasy world and ignores, ignores, ignores

DeeDeeTX's picture

I don't post here often, but I agree with poster 1 to an extent. Sounds like the kid is not challenged.

Now granted, that isn't a license to be disrespectful, either and it sounds like that's an issue as well.

But maybe a magnet or private school is an option or even "honors" classes at the current school in conjunction with proper discipline techniques. Even "good" kids are going to have a problem with discipline issues if they're bored to death.

oneoffour's picture

If I was his teacher he would get 1/2 point for getting the answer right but 1/2 taken away for not following instructions. So he would get 50% for a test or assignment because he is unable to follow instructions.

This is part of what kids need to learn... to follow instructions and do as they are told. THEN work from the inside out and not piss off so many people.

My sister taught a class in NC for 1 year. She gave her class an assignment to make a poster BY HAND about the Civil War. All the text was to be HANDWRITTEN. The kids could print off pictures BUT they needed to be cut up, framed by HAND and glued to a poster board. You get the idea. Fine motor skills etc.

Of course the class Brilliant One chose to type the entire thing and glued the beautifully laid out assignment to his poster board... and got a D. His parents pounded their way to the school and DEMANDED my sister change his grade to an A. My sister told them that their son would have got an A IF he had completed the work BY HAND as instructed. The kid piped up and told his parents IN FRONT OF MY SISTER that she had told him he was an exception and he COULD use the computer for the entire project and no one else was allowed. And his parents believed him! My sister said his grade would stick and no one would change it. The principal got involved and walked away from the ensuing fight. The kid got stuck with his D. His father was terrified this would reflect on his college options. The kid was in the 3rd grade! But that boy NEVER put a foot out of line ever again in my sisters class.

stepmomsoon's picture

I know, right?

Seriously.. the message wasn't about him not being "challenged" - it is about him being a pain in the ass everywhere he goes.. school, home, grandparents house.. you name it - this kid finds a way to try to manipulate the situation to get what he wants, how he wants it.

The teacher that put his foot down was the one that has the least problems from the kid.. that's not boredom, that's RESPECT.

Oh, and every teacher said he was LAZY and didn't want to do the work.. preferred to do the minimum. That he is not performing to the standards of the "gifted class" that he tested into.. his language arts teacher even went as far as to say "the first few weeks she thought perhaps he was in the wrong class, so she checked his test scores to see if maybe he was placed in the gifted program by accident.. but once she checked them, she saw he was in the right place and the issue is he doesn't want to do the work"...

Not sure how changing a school would fix that.

stepmomsoon's picture

A new school?

He was moved to gifted classes this year and this isn't about being bored or challenged - did you not read that we are having the same issues with boundaries and respect for authority at home?

This is about a kid who thinks he doesn't have to abide by anyone's rules in any situation.

DeeDeeTX's picture

FWIW, just based on this post I feel some sympathy for your SS. A lot of teachers had the same things to say about me at that age to be honest. The problems were:

1) I was literally smarter than a good 80% of them


2) A lot of them ran their classes like mini-dictators and would often demand bizarre, unreasonable things just because they could. I always had a problem with "show your work" as well. If I could get the correct answers, why? And when I asked why, they wouldn't even explain, just tell me "Because I said so." And that would make me very frustrated. The teachers would say they wanted us to think and ask questions, but then get annoyed when I did so.

The thing that helped? More challenging classes and smarter teachers.

stepmomsoon's picture

We met his teachers and they all were trying like hell to work with him.. to understand and find a way to get through to him.

If they acted like barbaric dictators I would see the problem.. but the fact is, they aren't. I actually felt sorry for them because I could see they were really trying to find a way.

SS12 doesn't get every math problem right.. and the teacher has told him many times, please show your work so I can see where the issues are.. not simply because she wants him to get writers cramp.. plus, this is something we struggle with at home with him as well.. doing things because he has to, not because he wants to. It's part of life and if he doesn't learn this now, he's in for a rough life.

Bossladee's picture

So.....venting about poor behavior from stepkids = stomping on stepkids. Hmm.

So if I bitch about my daughter back-talking, or my son breaking a house rule, does that mean I am 'stomping' on my own kids? That I don't love them? That I want them kicked out, into the snow, with no coat and no dinner??


Bossladee's picture

Exactly. The kid needs to have better coping skills, period. I get bored standing in lines at the grocery store, doesn't mean I get to disrupt everyone close by.

Bossladee's picture

Well, I have to admit, sometimes I find grabbing dinner items then lining them up on the conveyor belt isn't as challenging as it used to be....

Maria10's picture

I feel you on the behavioral problems.

In my case neither bm nor my dh truly parent. Bms husband lets ss12 play videogames and watch youtube , he could care less ( his bright idea was that ss12 should collect cans for money so that he would know what it's like....). When I do discipline. I have clear consequences and enforce them( dh enforces them also but never initiates discipline....).

I also think that the message that it is ok to disrespect parents and authotity figures is reinforced by media esp. Youtube and videogames and almost all television shows. I have noticed a marked difference in behavior when we have limited media. H