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I just need a final push

Stepmom1985's picture

I posted two months ago and like an idiot, thought after a discussion I would try one more time.

But now I'm done and I need some reassurance as stupid as that sounds. Nothing has got better, in fact it has got far far worse. SS is now spending weekends punching my dogs, smashing things off the side in the house, constantly interrupting people whilst they are talking, going to the bathroom, having full blown tantrums if he doesn't immediately get what he wants. Partner just sits there and then comments there's tension in the house and he doesn't understand why I'm so stressed.

Luckily I am working from home...its taking me two full days to clean up on once they have left on a Sunday and apparently I should just be doing this as I am working from home whilst he's out. 

I've bought all the food shopping this month and last to the tune of about £400 as there are 6 of us (I have two teenagers). He recently got a grant in his job due to covid of £5000 and sent me £100. LOL. Sorry. He pays his share of rent and bills etc. 

I have done my parenting and I am not prepared to just have two more kids dumped on me. I thought it would be OK, I thought oh I'll be the fun step mum but it's horrific. He's now starting a row with me every single day about absolutely nothing and I'm done.


Has anyone else been OK after leaving? Did you feel bad that the kids will ask for you? 

Jenny Morgan's picture


That sounds horrible.  I feel for you . I have wanted to leave several times . Is there somewhere you can go for a few days ? . Maybe explain to your OH the problems and how you feel . Then say you are going away for a few days to get space and let him think about what you have said . 

While you are away , really have space to think about what makes you happy and how you can be happy ..

This maybe silly advice but I think space gives clarity 

Jojo4124's picture

Stay at a hotel or somewhere when his kids are there? I left my now ex just months after being married.  You have to stay strong n not worry about the kids who seem to be rotten anyway.  But you have to convince yourself that you did all you could so you have zero doubts when you leave. You mentioned feeling bad that the kids will ask for have to recon with that and be determined that this is something you never go back to. He could use the kids to call you after you go. So if you go, determine that you can resist pulls on the heartstrings 

tog redux's picture

Please re-home your dogs or board them for the weekend they are there. Or call the police and charge the kid with animal abuse. If your pets being harmed isn't the final push - what will be? This sounds awful. 

DPW's picture

Kick them out. I can't believe you have tolerated the abuse of your dog this long. How unfair to the animal. 


AgedOut's picture

the best way to beat a bad situation is to end it. 

The Neverending Story's picture

Yes definitely ok after leaving. Its taking time to get my life and my sanity back. Takes time to deal with all the hurt and anger. Is taking time to find me again. But out and divorced for over a year. Even on tough days, every single day now is a better day without the chaos and manipulation and the daily heartache of living miserable.

Leaving skids behind can be tough. In my case exH and I had joint custody of his 2 youngest grandkids. I was going to relinquish custody but just couldn't do it. So in my case I have maintained shared custody of the girls with him and stayed in their lives. But if you don't have custody or guardianship of his kids then saying goodbye to them would have to be part of leaving. Could be hard to say that goodbye even if the skids are difficult, but not having their issues will help you move on as well.

For me its hard when the older one asks why I can't just live with them anymore, why does her and little sis have to stay at 2 different homes, etc.

But I also knew staying with exH was just no longer an option. Physically, mentally, spiritually, financially I was just completely demolished. 

You have to think of and do whats best for yourself and your own kids. 

Yes we can absolutely be ok after leaving and yes we can definitely move on from it all.

Take care and good luck!!

CLove's picture

This from your previous blog:

You stated "I have no time with him and if I mention it I am told I'm disgusting and I have a problem with his kids being here."

Of COURSE you have a problem with his kids being there! They are PIGS. They are DISRESPECTFUL. 

But forget about THOSE THINGs, what is disgusting about wanting to be with your partner?

Id sugggest getting your plans in order. If this is your house, boot him out. If this is his house, stop cleaning up after him and his Feral kiddos, and start planning your escape.

Do you own this home that you made so lovely? I wonder how your kids feel being around your partners annoying spawn?"

New comment:

You can leave! You will be JUST FINE without this toxic mess you are dealing with. If this is your home, boot him. If not, leave today! Take your pets out of the equation! You need to protect your fur kids!!!!!!

Rags's picture

I would call the police on the Skid for animal cruelty and let daddy and the animal abuser deal with the authorities.  Get video to back up the offense.

As they are hauling the animal abuser off inform SO that that kid will no longer have a place in  your home and visitation or custoidy of that kid will happen at a remote location away from your home, pets, and teens.


nappisan's picture

I had similar with evil SS kicking my dogs legs out from underneath him as he walked by.  Leave , i did (well asked them to move out of my house),, best thing i ever did!  of course its hard and hurts but not for long , trust me ,, you quickly realise how much shit you were tolerating for so long and that overides any feelings of loss or guilt etc.  This situation sounds horrible and your DH even more horrible for allowing this happen.  Go and stay with a friend or family for 2 weeks and i promise you wont go back 

LoftyDreams's picture

I feel bad that the child will suffer through another divorce, but every day I stay I come to terms with it, plus I am not their 'real' mom so it's not my problem, it's not my kid. If my spouse, the child's father cared more, maybe that person should put more effort into the situation.