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"I don't care"

Just me in a big pool of fish's picture

Tried to talk to dh. Told him we needed to talk, that I couldn't live like this. Being ignored days on end, him not coming home and did I think that was acceptable. His response "I don't care". I said ok that's all I needed to know. We rent a house, the lease has both of our names on it. I asked what did he want to do about it. He replied I'll just stay here. I said I would need to get my name off the lease and he said he would organise that . I'm now packing a bag to stay with my sister for the night but will need to stay here for a few weeks until I get a new place lined up. He just walked out of our bedroom while I was packing and is sitting down with ss again. I'm so upset i can't stop crying

Orange County Ca's picture

I'm sorry this has dashed a lot of your dreams. Try to not move back.

Don't make a mistake like that again by refusing to date men with children. Find a childless guy and start your own family after knowing him at least a couple of years. You've seen how they can string you one - don't take that chance again.

SecondGeneration's picture

No point in crying, hes clearly not bothered so dont give him the justification in seeing you upset. He doesnt care because he either doesnt care or because he doesnt believe you will actually do anything. He is quite happy in this arrangement regardless of whether you stay or go because it wont affect him, hes been coming and going as he pleases anyway, he is not having to move or do anything.
Pick your head up, get your self respect back in place and accept that this mans a dick and your life is going to be much nicer without him. But bonus, no more BM drama to deal with Smile

Steppy MN2's picture

it's hard and there will probably harder days ahead as you go thru the divorce, which is what I'm doing right DH also wouldn't speak to me for days on end and couldn't have cared less whether I lived or died and clung to his kids (it actually was kind of sad) but now that he's gone i am finding some peace and you will too

keep that head up, girl! you deserve so much better than being married to a man that doesn't give a shit, right now you need to do what you need to to take care of yourself
move out as soon as you can and don't look back

moeilijk's picture

" Never hand your business over to someone who doesn't care about you. "

Wiser words were never spoken.

tessa12's picture

This is really beautiful advice. Re-read it whenever you're upset. Lots of luck. xo.

Needalifeboat's picture

I'm so sorry. This sounds like a good move for you though. Go through this rough patch and you're going to come out on the other side ready to find someone that will respect you and be there for you.

Tcandme's picture

Hugs, it does get better,. I've been reading your posts, have you considered your DH may ba a narcissist? If you haven't please look up the symptoms.