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Here we go again.

duct_tape's picture

So, SS20 started college, got a .02 gpa, quit school, did nothing for a year, no job etc. Now he went back to school, got a shit-ton of student loan money and a job delivering food. Mr. Pimpster money bags now says he doesn't need school. He quit again. So, after he blows throught the grant and student loan money, we will back to square one. What a freakin' ride. I knew his new found "responsiblity" was too good to be true. This is bullshit. Of course his dad is proud of him!!! He's "razor focused about what he wants to do in life." OMG! He actually said that. Can you spell d-i-l-u-s-s-i-o-n-a-l?

This poor man wants to be proud of his kid so bad. I'm just keeping my mouth shut. I've also locked up the bank accounts. He will not get another penny from us. He's rolling in Student loan money and feeling like he's so important. So pathetic. He's talking like he's Donald Trump or something. Came home looking on investment websites. Ugh!!! :sick:

wolfenstep's picture

You actually spell it delusional. Wink

But I feel your pain. My SS is a real asshat too.

duct_tape's picture

Thanks. I'll make a note of it. It's hard to spell with those little dashes! Nothing looks right.

I thought this nightmare was ending.

momof5_1969's picture

So he is looking to invest his money that is loaned to him? Real brilliant. He is paying interest on this money, and then going to invest it and earn less money in interest and be paying interest on the money. Real Einstein this one! Dad should be real proud! Good grief! Yes lock up your money!

B22S22's picture

he has 6 months to live it up before the student loans become due. Exactly HOW is he going to pay those?

"razor focused" now that's a good one.

duct_tape's picture

Very good question. Not my problem. I'm sure he will find a way to give some fuc#ing sad story to one of his family members, or maybe his mom. She is not as delusional as dh but she has her moments. He came home and took my husband to dinner. The boy picked up the tab. I'm telling you this is all about the show. I know this kid. No one ever wanted to be a big shot so badly. It's hard (impossible) for me to say anything to his dad because I don't want to shoot down the only good feelings he's had for this kid in years. At the same time, I'm fuming inside. It's so frustrating for me that I'm already putting up my walls. I want to make plans for my speedy exit. I REFUSE to feel like this for long.

Problem is, there's no problem yet. We have all been through it. We know what's coming. What can you do besides sit back and wait. In the mean time, my walls are up and I will hurt my marriage.

Auteur's picture

Someone needs to hit him upside the head with a Dave Ramsey book. Isn't it facinating how all these guilty daddies say their child is "so much more mature" or "so much improved" when actually they're just bigger assholes?

duct_tape's picture


"New and improved asshole! Not better, just BIGGER!"

I need to get out more. Sad