Heading for a mental breakdown!
WOW, thank goodness I found this website! I have been at my wits end lately and have had NO one to confide in, let alone anyone who can understand how I feel. This is my first post here and I'm hoping it helps at least alleviate some of the stress.
I have been a step mother for the past 7 years to my husbands 3 children from a previous relationship. We have officially entered the preteen years for all of the kids as two of them are twins. I also have my own child (1yr old) with my husband. My husband is a great guy and father and is generally very supportive of me and the fact that EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND we have custody of his 3 kids and it's a lot of extra work on me.
BM is a mess, a greedy, manipulative, money hungry whore of a mess who uses her children as pay cheques. She has caused so much un needed stress in our lives. The kids know this and complain on a constant basis about her and her live in boyfriend. The kids poke and try to get my husband and I going in order to get her in trouble. It's become so much un needed baggage that I can't take it much anymore. To add to it, the kids have poor manners (not for lack of us trying to correct them). They will sit at the dinner table and say that they think their meal is disgusting and they don't want to eat it. And to be honest, I don't really think they mean it in a hurt my feelings kind of way, I think they just have zero self perception and have no idea that it's not polite to just say whatever pops into their heads. Not to mention, the meal will litterally be something they loved 2 weeks ago. They just decide they don't want to eat so they say they don't like it.
The oldest girl has some weird issue where she can't just sit by herself and enjoy some alone time. If we get up from the living room and walk to the kitchen to simply get a glass of water, she follows and stands there waiting for us. Then follows us right back to the living room. She is ALWAYS on top of her father. She clings to him and can't seem to understand that people don't like to be mauled! If I'm carrying the baby around, she walks under my feet so I'm practically tripping over her. I have asked her to go find something to do because we have a small house and it's not really that safe for her to be under my feet while I'm pacing with an upset baby. That I'm likely to trip over her and hurt her, myself and the baby. She seems to think it's funny and laughs it off. She drives me nuts! She hovers over food when I am trying to cook and she's one of those kids that picks her nose and eats it and spits when she talks so it freaks me out when she's basically got her face in everyone's food.
My step son has never had to be responsible for himself before and has always gotten away with everything as his sisters were always acting out way worse. He plays dumb daily so that he doesn't have to do anything. If I ask him to go clean his room he grunts and groans, goes upstairs and then comes down 20 minutes later and says he cleaned. I go up to check (which I have learned I HAVE to do) and he has shoved everything in his closet that would fit and left the rest on the floor. We'll ask him again to go and re do it and he'll go back up and then come down without having done anything at all. He puts clean, folded clothes in the dirty hamper so that he doesn't have to hang them up or put them in his dresser. He is 10 years old and is constantly peeing in his pants and bed with no real reason. He got up one morning and peed his pants in the 2 minutes it took him to get out of bed and walk to the bathroom. Then doesn't say anything, he just shoves pee soaked clothes in the hamper for me to find later on. He also refuses to wipe himself properly after a bowel movement and I am constantly finding crap in his underwear. It's driving me nuts! When his father talks to him about it, the bathroom stuff stops for about 2-4 weeks, then it starts again. So I know it's not a medical issue. It's lazyness as far as I am concerned. And it bothers me because I feel like there is this unclean kid wandering around my house touching everything and my baby. I know that sounds so harsh to say, but if he is peeing and crapping in his pants, chances are his hands aren't clean either. He can't handle simple instructions either. He listens to a direction, says he understands it and then totally can NOT follow it because he refuses to actually think about what was asked of him. I swear its because at the end of the day, he's rather everyone just do everything for him. He's also starting to act out in a rude way. He's not exactly the cool kid, but I he's watching his bm's bf walk around like a white rapper thug wanna be, mouthing off to everyone about everything and now my ss is following suit. Like he's trying to be a touch guy cause he knows he's not.
The other girl is the best of the 3 but she's sneaky and manipulative and will lie through her teeth to get her way. She also refuses to clean up after herself and I'm pretty sure she just hopes we won't notice.
They all fight with eachother like crazy and are so selfish! They will honestly play together for 5 minutes and the screaming just starts up! All 3 are guilty of not allowing my husband and I to have any alone time what so ever. We can't even discuss dinner without them coming into whatever room we are in and jumping in the middle of our conversation. I have had to talk to my husband about this a few times. I get that it's hard for him because they are his kids, but I've told him that they need to understand that adults need some alone time. That I'm just asking for 5 minutes here and there and that it doesn't mean he's shunning them! They will be just fine to be told to go find something to do and allow us a few minutes to talk! I have told him so many times that I am tired of me and our baby taking a back seat to his fear of hurting the feelings of his first 3 kids.
Within minutes of them walking into our house it looks like a bomb went off! They refuse to acknowledge that our house is not big enough for all of us and they take over every space possible with their messes. Unless I go to the bathroom or my bedroom, I can't escape the mess and the noise! I know they only see their Dad on Sat and Sun and that must be hard on them and him, I can't imagine not seeing my child all week long, but I just wish that after 7 years of this routine that they would fall into a bit of a routine where they don't just walk through the door and take over our entire life! They have zero respect for the fact that we have this life outside of their visits and rather than coming over and having a place in that life with us, they come over and take over!
I know raising kids is hard work and there's a lot of repeating yourself, but I'm just so tired of it! I find myself getting so angry the night before they are to arrive and I'm miserable the entire weekend they are here. I feel horrible because they are my husbands kids and if the situation were reversed I would be heart broken to know he felt that way about my kids. But it seems that no matter how much I try to mentally look at that way, I can't shake this annoyed beyond annoyed feeling! I'm at the point where I keep hearing this inner monologue of "they aren't my kids, I don't want to take care of them, someone please get them out of my space and let me live my life with my husband and child". How horrible is that of me to think!?!! On the flip side of it, everyone seems to think I'm this great step mother and the kids adore me and I'm doing such a wonderful job. I guess I'm really good at faking it cause I feel like the shittiest step mother that has ever existed.
And after reading through some of these horror stories here on this site, I realize that I have it way better off than some. I just hate that I dread weekends so much and all the stress that comes with them. I hate that I feel I'm just waiting until they are all off in college to finally feel like we have some peace here. I don't want to wish my life away, but I know that I am. It's a good 8-9 years more of this crazyness. I know I chose to marry a man with kids so I shouldn't really complain. But to be honest, if I could tell my pre-in love self something it would be to run...run as fast as you can and as far away as you can before you are head over heels for this guy because you're life is not going to turn out the way you had dreamed it would.
PCD and Ms Beans, I'm a dad
PCD and Ms Beans,
I'm a dad in a blended family and I've dealt with many of the issues that both of you have shared here and in another thread. It looks like this is mainly a woman's forum to vent and discuss blended family issues, but I think that we men can get so much from this site as well.
My wife and I also deal with the issue of a completely changed family dynamic whenever my two kids come on weekends. We have 5 between us and it has been tough dealing with the change in atmosphere whenever our routine is changed up with mine coming over to visit. We have a very unhealthy relationship with my ex because she is so manipulative, deceitful and controlling of my kids. She has created a terrible PAS environment for them against us that they try to deal with as best as teenagers can do.
Boundaries... Set them and enforce them in your home without exception. If that means sending them back to their mother whenever they won't adhere to the rules and and behavior of your home, then so be it. It will only get worse the older they become unless you put your foot down and help them understand your expectations of them. It will be trying at first, and there may be setbacks, but unless you enforce the rules of your home they will never meet your expectations. In the long run, they will respect you for it even if they don't like it.
Your husband must take the lead on this because they are his kids. He must do it lovingly and respectfully of the children but be firm and unwavering. He must make sure that the children understand that you are to be respected and that he will not tolerate disrespectful behavior to you or anyone else...his ex included. He mist spell out the exact expectations of the kids and be specific of what the repercussions will be...without excuses.
It will be difficult at first, but the kids will come to understand what is expected of them in your household. Currently, it seems that they are bringing their mom's household environment to your house.
They are per-teens now, so you still hold sway over them. If this continues on to teenage years, it will get SO much worse. Believe me, I know this from experience because our kids were or were nearly teens whenever we married.
Another issue I see is with the oldest step-daughter. It seems from what you've described that she is afraid of rejection. Classic symptoms include not wanting to be left out or to be alone. Help her understand that she is loved and that she has worth. Give her some responsibilities within your house that she can take pride in doing because you value her help. Let her know that you "need" her to do those things.
Just my thoughts...
The boundaries have included
The boundaries have included calling the mother's bluff...and holding her feet to the fire. Otherwise, she will continue using the kids to manipulate you. I have an AWFUL ex and she has tried nearly everything to control me.
Make your husband be the
Make your husband be the "bad" guy and it will be much better for you. He must take ownership in your feelings of hurt and resentment. When he does, and shows that to his kids, they will finally recognize the need to change. It won''t happen overnight...and may take years to fully transform them. But, if you (and especially he) stick with it your marriage and family dynamic will reap enormous benefits!
It took me a long time to believe this would actually work from many, many people who encouraged me that it would. Once I started putting it into practice, it changed our lives. That's not to say that there are not bumps in the road ( because there are), but there are no longer such emotional swings of despair and resentment as there used to be. The kids are much more receptive to us...even when we do have "boundary battles" with them.
Auto... Im looking for some
Auto... Im looking for some advice from the mans view! Can you help me out a little??
Let me get back to you on
Let me get back to you on that. "Honey-do's" needing my attention this afternoon. Will try to post later tonight.
Ok thank you very much!
Ok thank you very much!
I'm going to respond to you
I'm going to respond to you via the "private message" if that's ok with you because what I have to say may not be reflective of this thread.
I also have just ofund this
I also have just ofund this site, and I would love to hear more... I am new to the blended family world and want some insite!
With the food being
With the food being disgusting thing, try telling them that their dad made it and see what they do. My friend did that and her SS ate it and said that it was just great. Alot of the things that your SS does reminds me of MY SS. What a horrible way to have to live. I wish you the best!
this.^^^^ sd19 would make
this.^^^^ sd19 would make gagging noises at whatever i made, but if dad made something, it was always "SO amazing!" i swear they find any way at all to be rotten little aholes.
I so agree!!!!!
I so agree!!!!!
or just quit the kitchen
or just quit the kitchen during visitation. My skids used to vomit every time they ate something I cooked, so I quit and they were much happier eating ramen noodles and hamburger helper all the time.
And by the way.......you are
And by the way.......you are NOT a horrible step parent. We all understand your situation b/c we are in the same situation! It feels horrible, but I think the same thing. I cannot wait for SS to go to his mothers house and cannot wait until he is old enough to move out! Then I selfishly think "Great! Then he will probably have a baby and we will have to babysit the baby!!"
Its a little more than
Its a little more than relieving to know that there are people out there experiencing the same things I am. Although now I just feel bad for all of us lol
I think at this point I am able to recognize that a lot of what frustrates me is really stuff that should blow over and shouldn't really bother me that much. I think we do have some work to do with ensuring the kids start to give us our own space and start living by our rules here the moment they walk through our door. You are right that they are bringing the absolute chaos of their bm house into our house and we spend the entire weekend trying to correct it all. As for the hygiene, I can only hope that they will grow out of it eventually. I'm thinking that the next time ss pees in his pants or can't manage to wipe properly that I will enforce he goes to the dr to have the problem looked at. Maybe with a little outside embarrassment he'll shape up and start taking better care of himself.
I think at this point (I've been in the role of Step Mother since I was 22 years old) that I'm just really really tired. My husband is fantastic and we have talked about this stuff in the best, most polite way I can manage to bring it up without hurting him and he is very understanding of the idea of me needing a break from time to time and for him to start taking more of a lead when it comes to HIS children. I think his biggest challenge is that he had divorced parents and didn't have an easy time of it as a kid. So he's over compensating and almost letting things slide when his kids are here so that he doesn't make them feel like he doesn't want them. In my opinion, they weren't there for any of that so they don't compare their lives to that the way he does. I think they need more structure here and need him to put his foot down. I find I walk a thin line between nagging him and quietly suggesting he react a certain way or handle this or that problem so that the rules and enforcement are coming from him and not me all the time. The kids do tend to listen to me, but we are starting to get into the problems of them thinking I'm being the horrible step mother when I try to enforce something. A rule in our house is that if you don't eat your meal, you don't get a snack and you can wait until the next meal. A few weekends ago my ss didn't eat his lunch and knew full well he wouldn't get a snack. Snack time came around and he ran off to the bathroom crying and then told his sisters that I was mean and that I always forced them to eat. In defence of my husband, he didn't let that slide in the least and my ss got quite the talking to and then punished for acting out when he knew the rules.
I think I am needing a very long break from my role as step mother. How I can get that I do not know because I'm not about to ask my husband to not see his kids so that my sanity can be restored. But I do think I will be starting to back away from the "keeper of the whole family" role and see what happens.
I'm definitly just really feeling like there is a huge divide in my mind within our family. I think I have been trying so damn hard to make sure the kids and my husband don't feel a divide that I have actually created one in my mind. I am feeling very selfish that I want time with MY husband and MY child - MY FAMILY! Without the others being a part of it for a time. I feel that my time with "my family" is always overshadowed by his other family that "my or our" family is taking a back seat. Selfishly I'm just really wanting a life that is a lot simpler and time to enjoy my husband and child without his attention being pulled away for once.
I think another thing I need to work on is that I can put my foot down and make rules for me! I hate being followed in my kitchen and hovered over - the germ factor aside - I am not a really touchy feely kind of person so I don't like my space invaded. I've always bit my tongue though because I don't want anyone thinking that I don't want to do things like cook with the kids ect. But I think I need to make some rules for me and one of my big ones is that no one, and I mean no one is to be in the kitchen when I am cooking a meal. I will call you to the table when your food is ready. Until then, out out out!
You are right that the eldest sd has HUGE abandonment issues. Her bm is about the least loving person you can imagine and seeks the attention of whatever man will give her attention over that of her children. My husband is a good father and they know he will bend over backwards for them. My confusing is why she follows me around though. Its almost like if her Dad isn't here, I'm the next thing she has to him. She also is OBSESSED with our baby! I don't want to drive any space between them as they are technically siblings, but she is just all over the baby to the point where it's like k, enough is enough. Breathing room and personal space is also a need for a baby! I had to laugh today after I wrote my first post because she wasn't here for 10 minutes before she was UNDER me and following me every where I went! Literally blocking me from walking at times. I felt like walking to the bathroom and just closing the door in hopes that she would get the hint! We've tried really hard to make her feel like she has her place here but she doesn't seem to want to actually do anything. She feels no need to really have a place so to speak, she just wants to hang off of us all the time. She gets really "bored" if we ask her to do something else. And that always turns into her throwing a fit saying that nothing she has is good enough to do. It's just exhausting giving lecture after lecture with her.
Well said!
Well said!![Smile](https://prod-cdn-1.ststatic.com/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/kolobok/smile.gif)
Thank you... I was reading
Thank you... I was reading this blog after posting mine. Ripley, for punny play on words. I have chose to believe it rather than not. It is nice to hear that outlook.