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Clovergirl's picture

I have a question that might sound silly so bear with me. Is it okay for your BF or DH to call his daughter "babe" when it is the same pet name he uses on you? I am upset because my BF just did that so I just want some input. Am I being too sensitive?

Anne Boleyn's picture

I let it go but it does bug me. He calls out sweetheart or baby and I answer. Then I realize he's not talking to me.

simifan's picture

DH does not mix up pet names ... he did once not long after we were dating & I let out a big ole "Ewwwww, that just feels sooo creepy." Never did it again.

Andyandme's picture

It use to upset me until I finally ignored him and he wondered why and asked how come I'm not answering him when he is calling me so I told him, I thought you were talking to sd6? He got the point and said he was sorry.

step off already's picture

I know I'd be bothered if DH called me and ss13 the same thing, but...

I call my kids "honey" and I'll call DH "honey". I'll differentiate if both are in the same room: big honey, little honey, etc. DD12 will also sometimes ask, "which honey?"

... Same will go for sweetheart, sweetie, or any other pet name I pull out of my hiney at the moment.

luchay's picture

LOL - OH calls me "honey" or "sexy" and I call him the same.

ONCE sd answered to Honey when he was talking to me, (he calls her something else completely) and I told her that *I* am honey and he is talking to me.

Saturday just gone I called out something to him (she was in the room) and called him Honey at the end, and the silly sod ANSWERED ME.... like I was talking to her....