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An update--thanks for all the inquiries!

northernsiren's picture

Hey folks,

First off, I appreciate all the PMs checking in with things here! I haven't blogged because I haven't had much to share in terms of "action". BM for the last 2.5 weeks or so has not called, or really even emailed, except a couple of short ones to SD, which asked a basic question, and that was about it. It's actually really really weird, to go from her nasty frequent calls during the week and sometimes practically tireless calling when SD is actually here to NOTHING. But we're not knocking it! We did hear from our lawyer that BM plans to show up in court, but we suspect this is just to be sure she is not slapped with a CS payment (we did not file for one). We have heard from her family members that she does not plan to fight it...

BMs calls have been replaced by calls from her family though, mostly her dad and stepmom, but these are very positive calls, both of them just love FH and me, and talk to US more than SD! we have already had dinner at their home and been invited to go on vacation with them this summer to their cottage, and on a trip to NYC this spring. They took SD for an overnight Friday/Sat this past weekend, and we received such a nice text from her grandfather, saying he has never seen SD so happy, and it makes him so happy to see her just glowing. We have been very open and honest with them about how we run our household, and grandfather said he was jealous, could he move in, LOL...

FH is doing very well too. I felt a decent amount of guilt at the outset, being unemployed, and with SD first home for 3 days before we could get her into school in our town, and then Feb school break, I was spending all day every day with SD, while he worked, sometimes 12 hours at a time, and I really felt he was getting so much less time with her than I did, it wasn't fair to him. But he's made it clear that he really wants to continue supporting the relationship that SD and I have, and thinks it is important that she have a strong, positive woman in her day to day life to counteract the damage BM has done over the years. He and I had some initial adjusting minor issues, one "fight" I guess you would call it, but it was more of an emotional exchange than anything else. Otherwise things have been very fluid, and I can see having SD with us has lightened his stress level considerably.

As for SD, she is definitely doing well. That's not to say everything is perfect; she slacked on her tasks last week, and her allowance got docked as a result. But this did not come in the heat of yelling, screaming or anything, just a simple conversation. B/c we have our "task board" this is no "but I did do it" argument, it's right there and has been the entire week. I have had to get on her about a few things, her room was getting messy at one point, so I went in and straightened up, hoping she'd take the hint. She didn't, and I had her dad talk to her the next day. The texting thing is obnoxious, and we do have to tell her "you're with your family right now, so quit it" but she does, and without complaint. I have seen some evidence of the damage BM has done, I was trying to talk to her about getting a book for one of her courses, and she got very defensive like, immediately. I calmly told her to slow down, I wasn't going to yell at her, I'm trying to help her, and it's okay, and she visibly relaxed and our conversation got much more pleasant.

We've been really dialing up the focus on the homework as of late. As some of you know, last fall when she was still with BM she was demoted to level 2 courses in two areas, and we found out about it after the fact. I know she can do the work in the level one classes with support, so across the boards FH and I have been all over the homework. FH works with her on science and math, and I do english and social studies with gentle reminding to practice her french. Even something as simple as talking over her assignments and LOOKING over them when she's done, finding areas she rushed through, missed answering some of the questions, spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, things like that. But I think what's making the biggest impression is just being involved. SD had math that she could not figure out last week, and since she didn't have a book, we had trouble helping her. But both FH and I were right there with her, encouraging her, looking online for tutorials, and basically supporting her. It ended up taking her 3 hours to do 6 problems, but she did it, and more than that, figured it out and was really proud of herself. BM, said at one point "well she never asks me for help with her homework." ummm, duh BM! She doesn't "ask" me either, I ask HER about it, and talk it through with her!

SD has been getting praise from her teachers, and comes home excited and happy that she volunteered this information in this class, or was able to contribute something else in another. She brought home her first grade yesterday, a 100 on a lab, and excitedly accepted my congratulatory hug for her achievement. Smile It's really gratifying to see; most of BM's family beyond the grandparents reacted to the custody change with "well now SD will be able to get better grades" and as much as FH and I both agreed that was true, it's still a lot of pressure to put on a new situation, and it's kind of a relief to start seeing our efforts come to fruition.

SD has made some friends at her new school, and has gotten into the rhythm of it to some degree. I can already see some changes i want to make for her next year; she has far too many study halls, which I guess are the new warehouses for kids during times at school when they don't want to pay for actual programming. I didn't have a single study hall when I was in high school. SD likes art especially, so I want to see her in more art classes. They also do this weird "splitting classes" with lunch in the middle of it. That's really lousy, as far as I can tell. Maybe if she has to have a study hall, THAT can be the class that's split, a lunch in the middle of your academic class is ridiculous!

But that's for down the road. We expect court later this month, but it's our understanding it's just a formality. BM bagging up all of SD's things, down to the drapes on the windows, in garbage bags and leaving them on her stoop is really not the actions of a woman who wants her kid back, but I'll still breathe a sigh of relief when it's all said and done!

SO yeah, things here are pretty darn good! I even have two job interviews, one on Friday and another on Monday!


melis070179's picture

Well its so nice to hear a good story on here every once in a while. I'm glad this situation is working out for you guys and that your family is happy Smile

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

sarahbernheart's picture

it is hard for us I think to bond with our stepkids for so many reasons and it is nice to hear that it can and does happen.
and good luck with the interviews, knock 'em dead NS

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

northernsiren's picture

It actually scares me a little how attached SD is to me. It's a level of responsibility I assumed naturally, but the greater picture, of what I do mattering so much was sort of unexpected. It's okay though, I'm doing my best not to let her down.

And many thanks for the luck for the interviews, I need all the positive vibes and prayers I can get!

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

sparky's picture

Its wonderful news that she is in a positive and supportive environment.

northernsiren's picture

and really responds to it. She's excited and can't wait for the holiday season, to be a "family" with us and do all the things "families" do. Her words!

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

StepG's picture

I am sure SD is much more at ease and way happier! Good luck on the job interviews. I took time yesterday to look at your facebook. You are so talented!!!!

northernsiren's picture

I'm sitting here crying right now b/c my mom is trying to convince me to take down my facebook and myspace pages because in her mind they're not appropriate. I really needed to read someone appreciating who I am, since my own mom just feels I should be ashamed of it...


"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

sarahbernheart's picture

ashamed of what? being you?
I love being your friend on facebook, I would miss you if you left.
you have a talent darling dont let anyone tell you different!!

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

northernsiren's picture

it's not exactly a secret that my mom doesn't approve of much of who I am, but she thinks she's helping by telling me employers wouldn't want to see the pictures, comments, etc. despite my assertions that my pages are private, or not searchable, which they are, she keeps sending me emails and it's really upsetting to have your mom telling you you're not good enough...

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

sarahbernheart's picture

just look about you darling NS, look at the people who are wishing you well, I have seen your facebook there are tons more who are on your side.
you rock girl!! positively absolutely!!
i am sorry your mom can not see you as we do, how sad for her.

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

northernsiren's picture

that my mom could just accept and love me, at 32, you'd think I'd have learned better. Sad

you are right though, I do have people in my life that do accept me for me, not a failed notion of what I SHOULD be, and there is comfort in that. Thank you for the encouragement sweetie, I am a lucky woman indeed to have such good friends, including you...

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

The Principlist's picture

Know that you are a beautiful person inside and out. You are doing a good thing with SD. Not a lot of people can boast that. You have read many of our stories and you know that Stepping isn't easy. Be confident in who you are and your abilities. I haven't seen your FB, but I don't need to to know that you are beautiful. Your posts speak of your beauty. Your heart is ginormous and OPEN. That is the most beautiful thing on Earth to have the ability to love someone else's kid as though they were your own. SDs life now has the ability to soar to its full potential because she has YOU, someone who believes in her full ability in her corner. That's a lot my friend. I don't know what your relationship is with your mother or how it has been in the past. At some point one has to let go of what OTHERS think of them, even if it is their own parent and believe in themselves. At 32, let it go. Have whatever relationship with your mother, but let her know that you love her and would wish that she could support you and be happy for you, but that you are going to LIVE your life. She can't live it for you. If it is a mistake, then it is your mistake to make. Don't go around in her shadow and allowing her to diminish your self-confidence. This is the very thing that I fear for my SD. She has worked so hard to please BM and nothing is ever good enough. I don't want her to silence her voice just to hear BMs. Not fair to her. Just as it is not fair to you. Go forth and live life my friend. Just as you are giving SD the confidence with her BM, take some of your own advice and apply it to your circumstances with your BM. HUGS.

Just because one opens her legs twice, does not a mother make! ~ ME ~ }:-P

sarahbernheart's picture

very beautifully said.

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

northernsiren's picture

tears in my eyes--thank you for the affirmation my friends, I am feeling better. Some of this is my shit I need to own, I react to my mom inappropriately, from a place of a LIFETIME of similar behavior, not the incident at hand, and she, for her part, has NO idea where my anger and catastrophic hurt comes from. I know she's trying to help, and I can usually fend off round one, round two, round three of her picking, after that, well, I have issues.

She sent me an email and apologized, and I just need to be positive. All the love and support is so gratefully appreciated, I am so lucky to have such a great group of friends!

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

Colorado Girl's picture

tell her to quit being a "hater". Wink

I think you are just fabulous and my opinion counts as much as hers does.

Old people need to just lighten up. My mom thinks I should quit cussing. Good luck with that.... Blum 3

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

Sita Tara's picture

Read my quote now!

"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life." ~Geoffrey F. Abert

You are a beautiful, unique and fabulous woman! Your mom needs to be a noun not a verb. In other words, we are parents for LIFE, but parenting stops when your kids become adults!

Don't you DARE take down that FB. Just make it private and UNFRIEND her!

Sita Tara's picture

Thanks for the detailed update. So happy to hear things are going so well. Maybe BM staying the hell away will be helpful in SD's progress in all areas!

Good luck NS!

"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life." ~Geoffrey F. Abert

northernsiren's picture

It has allowed our family to develop our own rythem, it's actually kind of cute, if we're having a light dinner FH and I usually eat it in front of the tv watching a movie. Now that SD's here, no matter how small the meal, she plops right down at the kitchen table to eat like a family, and I catch myself and sit down too Wink

And thanks for the good luck!!! I'm really hoping for the one at Yale...

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

sparky's picture

What on earth is wrong with that woman? Evidently she does not know substance and character when it hits her over the head>

Colorado Girl's picture

I'm also thrilled that BM has taken the road of least resistance. Smile

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

Most Evil's picture

You are so lucky to get this - I hope everything goes well for you guys from now on!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin