I'm exhausted, worked two jobs tonight, but OH BOY, do I need
to SHARE!!
Just last week, H was calling me a "dictator"...I won't let him DO what he wants to hoo!
Here's what he wanted to do: a) have a wicked "card game" with his guy friends (WTF? never mentioned this one before); b) accompany his D (29 yrs old) to her FAVORITE college basketball
team's sporting event.
Angel,, wherever you are, WOW did YOU hit the nail on the head!!
Friggin' A, I'm going to Florida for Thanksgiving (it's brutally cold here in the Poconos!) with my I told him
"Have a card game; go see your basketball team, do WHATEVER"
Guess how many TAKERS he has on the card game? 0
Guess if he's going to see his D's bball game": "I don't want to drive that far".
So, guess who he thinks he's gonna CALL and say he's LONELY
when I'm "toasting the buns" along the Gulf of Mexico?
Sorry, I'll be busy! I'm staying at a place that has free internet; I'll check up on all YOU gals (when I'm not dolphin
watching and jet skiing)
KARMA, oh, KARMA!! The "dictator" won't be far from CUBA; maybe I'll meet some cute Cuban dude who wants to chat.
Bottom line, the nicer you ARE to these guys, the more you get
crapped upon; LIVE YOUR LIVES!!! Stop trying to PLEASE them and start pleasing yourself!!
Had to vent; thanx!
- KittyKat's blog
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Kitty-Kahn the dictator. Kinda like Gingis
And he conquered the known world. Enjoy your trip to the beach and copious amounts of bun toasting. Good for you for conquering your world.
Now I need to go make sure my beautiful bride is happy in our marriage. You empowered ladies are beginning to make me a little nervous.
Best regards,
Rags, Thanx for the new title
Ooooh, me LIKES Kitty Kahn; I am sooo ruthless and
ANYHOO, my point is that he carried on and on about
how TERRIBLE I am; his plans fell through (no fault
of MINE), and now I'm just supposed to act like nothing happened. That's just NOT right, in my
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt
I know a Gorgeous cuban
I know a Gorgeous cuban doctor that lives in the Miami area
Last I heard he's still single.
So happy you're going-and green with envy
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
The only reason I am even looking forward to Thanksgiving is my son coming home.
If he wasn't headed this way, I'd be calling your for your flight number & jumping ship here!
And would you please quit dictating to your poor widdle hubby? (sarcasam)
You go girl!
That sounds super! You seem to have gotten a handle on it. I'm trying to be more like that...strong...grr!lol Take back your power girl...and go on
KK- Before you go
I wanted to make sure I wished you a very HAPPY and RELAXING, and totally STRESS-FREE Thanksgiving!
Have a drink (or two or three) for me, Girlfriend!
I am so incredibly happy for you
I hope you and your BD have a wonderful time away from all the drama.
"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis
Go KK!
I am glad you get a chance to relax and enjoy life for a change!! Isn't it weird how DH's 'friends' aren't there for him after all? When you would have been! I hope you have a fantastic holiday!
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
woohoo for KK
you ROCK girl go
find a nice man to spend your holiday with..hey you can look at the menu just dont have to order,
I have a new look on the holidays too. ME HEY ME it is all about me if FH wants his kids to have a holiday then he needs to furnish it stick a fork in me cuz I am done.
good for you KK it makes me smile to think of you tanning happily away !! dont forget sunscreen..
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."