Is it possible to EVER get over the chaos?
I haven't blogged on here in quite a while, but as I read other
blogs, I totally understand where many of you are!
Thanksgiving plans: this year (as we've done in the past three) my own 17 year old daughter and I will be vacationing in Florida.
(Anyone near St. Pete, feel free to PM me!!)
Just four years ago, when my daughter was 13 and H and I were spending our FIRST THANKSGIVING in our NEW HOME, she and I went out and bought a cartload of GAMES to play with her new STEPSISTERS (27, 26, and 22 at the time); we bought Trivial Pursuit, we bought Battleship; we bought Scrabble....
WRONG!!! The youngest SD and her significant other showed up but wanted to watch "Nemo" (???); the middle one showed up DRUNK well after hours, and when I expressed DISGUST as this behavior, of course H sided with HER!! (this daughter is now on DUI #2!!).
Needless to say, BOTH my daughter and I were in TEARS in that we tried to create a nice FAMILY environment, but it ended up in TOTAL CHAOS! Youngest daughter started yelling at MY D who was terribly upset by ALL this chaos (what happened?); not to mention SD pushed ME across the room in that I YELLED at her DRUNK sister.
Ergo, we ended up at my mom's house, and she was livid.
Bottom line, as I read stories about how FAR WE CAN GO regarding the ongoing chaos, I RELATE. If it's a nightmare for you, then GET OUT AND MAKE YOUR OWN PLANS. If you are dealing with a situation that is TOTALLY dysfunctional, TRUST ME, you can sprout wing and perform MIRACLES, and it WILL NEVER BE GOOD ENOUGH!!
Detachment IS "indifference" and NO ONE that is intelligent enjoys hearing that; HOWEVER, at some point, INDIFFERENCE allows you to MOVE ON TO things that DO make you happy. And I, for one, don't find now 30 something WHINERS a happy event.
PLEASE don't get upset if you are CONFUSED!!! It will all come to LIGHT and you will have that AHA!! moment. Work on your career.
Work on YOURSELF!! Stop bending yourself into a pretzel to please OTHERS who really don't give a damn anyway.
I had to do this; while I'm tanning in FLA, my H will be up to his earlobes in CRAP. Not my problem. His choice. Wish it were different, but it is NOT. That is the reason we are all here, to support each other....if I decide I'M OUT and no longer WILLING to put up with dysfunction, then HE LOSES. I lose nothing other other than a bunch of JERKS who don't merit my time anyway!!
Love and peace!!
- KittyKat's blog
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