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Happy VDay to me....yipee

Sia's picture

I think I got the best gift any stepmom could ask for......well OK, maybe only ME. My SD16 is a ***ch, and from previous posts, you can see what I mean. The other day I posted about her moving in with BM. Well..... it's gonna happen....YIPEE, Yeah for me. I GET MY LIFE BACK!!!! I can FINALLY raise my boys in some peace. The stupid self serving BM decided on a settlement for CS and it isnt going to cost as much as we thought..... Smile She also has to sign some papers stating that she will not seek any further support from us EVER, and she agreed. She really is stupid, but works for me this time!!! ahahahahaha I'm so happy I could just, just well I don't know....but you get the picture. It is sad though, to watch her move out and destroy her life, but I CANNOT/WILL NOT allow her any more power over me!!


laurels4u's picture

I'm jealous! I hope everything works out for you!

All I'm asking for is some good old honesty served up fresh when I ask for it without the side order of hot tongue and cold shoulder!

Georgie Girl's picture

I hope you get the much needed peace you deserve!

Happy Valentine's Day!


skyisfalling's picture

Congrats! Wish you the best.

"Look at how far you've come and stop concentrating on how much further there is to go."

sarahbernheart's picture

I wish my FH oldest son would move in with BM that would really make my whole year!!

“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”

leahjg's picture

YIPPIE!!! Congratulations!! Is something in the water, my SD(14) just moved with BM also. I don't know about you, but in our home, it felt like the atmospheric pressure lifted. It's sad because as a parent who truly cares about how SD's life turns out, I know that this move means that SD is going to be in a downward spiral,(drinking, sex, staying out all night doing whatever)but WE (the adults) NOW have control over our home. I would really like to know how many of you all have felt like a prisoner in your own home. I was hiding my purse, all my belongings that were important, screwing down windows to keep her in and other people out of our home, constantly keeping watch how she interacted with the other kids. I had to take a semester off of school for myself because of all the stress in our home. I may be the evil stepmom, but I am soooo glad that SD's behavior and attitude does'nt control our home. Completely in agreement with vickiemac, DH and you need to discuss under what conditions she may be allowed to come back to your home, as with my SD, she will probably get mad at BM and want to come back. No way!!! SD has to prove herself and not just play the "I want to be with you" card. Hope everything works out!!!

Sia's picture

well, we havent had this conversation, but before she moves out, I will encourage him to talk to her about that. I dont think that will happen though, becauseat BMs she absolutely NO rules or discipline. In response to leah, I have felt like a prisoner in my home for many, many years, and now hopefully it is over. Though, I will have to deal with visitation when and if she ever decides to visit. I am guessing not, I am not hurt about that. It does bother me however, that no adult, including DH, cares about the life this kid will live other than myself. From reading all these posts, why is it that we Steps are the only ones who seem to care about these kids?

stepwitch's picture

Don't know if you are up with my situation, but my SD finally moved out, I mean I KICKED HER LITTLE BITCH ASS OUT OF MY HOUSE !! It has been several weeks now, and trust me, it has been so great!! There is no way thay your SD could be as bad as mine, She hit me !! - Well anyway, life is great!! Enjoy it. By the way, I changed my locks, I didn't want her in the house uninvited

Keep us up to date !

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

Sia's picture

hahahaha... she swung at me the other day and missed, but I didnt miss. She's also threatened to kill me. I seriously think they may have been seperated at birth... Biggrin hahahaha
I read that post, has she contacted DH since she left?

leahjg's picture

To Robinson's question, We are the only ones who can objectively see what our dear SKIDS are going through and that makes us compassionate, in some cases. In other cases, lets face it, we can see BM and BD not standing up to their job and we get to parent a child who doesnt want us to. Sad sitution we put ourselves in, talk about no win. My SD hasn't called her BD since she left last week and probably will not visit for awhile because even if she does get mad at BM, she has total freedom there. Not hurting my feelings a bit. My guess is she will be pregnant by next year. Not my problem. Along with stepwitch, no revolving door here. Still have SS13 in our home, and DH is wanting to give SS more priviliges( PS2 that he and my son shared to be only in SS room) to keep him here, what do you guys think? Im curious, why do BP feel they have to buy their kids to stay with them? And wtf is up with the SD's getting violent with us?! Mine hit me and was arrested for assault, 2 nights in juvinile hall didnt calm her attitude down. She really thought she was my equal and had a right to put her hands on me! Robinson, I am sure you are a SAINT to have lived in this situation for years, mine has only been 9 months and I felt I couldn't breathe. Never said it to my DH, but thought "what the hell did I get myself into", being a strong woman and in the process of completing my education, my life as I knew it has stopped due to all the stress. I love my DH soo very much and we have a great relationship otherwise. Now that SD is gone and I don't have to be on guard in our home, I will be starting back to school summer session. Anyway I didn't mean for this post to be long, but I guess I still need to vent because I felt like a POW.Lol.