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I Finally Left

TorturedGuy's picture

It was a combination of a stressful marriage,toxic surroundings,and the straw that broke the camel's back was teen SS. He was always out of hand,but once he got older and got a mouth on him and angst he just became too explosive.

It came to a head last weekend,out of nowhere he just exploded and started threatening me and that's one thing I told the wife I wouldn't tolerate. I would not continue to keep living in a toxic environment concerned for my safety. I could have called him on it but again it would just create tension...

Shaman29's picture

I'm sorry for the break up of your relationship, but honestly you'll be a lot healthier and happier going forward.

Please consider counseling so you don't fall back into this situation in the future.

TorturedGuy's picture

Oh I know I won't fall back into it,but as far as counseling if she wants to do it just to be sure of things I would.

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

Kaygee was going to his Dads on that Sunday remember ???

So how's Dad treating you ??

TorturedGuy's picture

Don't be too hasn't even been a week and she's pulling the strings with all kinds of emotions,I'm just trying to get a read on her...

TorturedGuy's picture

And as for the paranoids here I do not have dupe accounts...what the hell can I do to ease those little minds? If you took the time to read my profile you'd see it's pretty unique...why would I waste time making this stuff up? Also see the frequency of my posts...yeah 1 post every once in awhile is really causing trouble^