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Blah day....

jojo68's picture

I'm really sad today...very stressed at work too and that doesn't help with my sadness. I've just been thiking how much I long for a good relationship with BF daughter and how I am completely disrespected by her. I tried so hard at first and now I'm completely done...I am completely numb to her. I know what it is like to be totally disengaged now. When she told my son that we didn't belong in the family and weren't apart of it....that was the straw that broke the camel's back. I guess I should stop thinking about it and do something constructive but sometimes I get sad..not really sure why. I completely know that my situation is not going to change...maybe I mourn the loss of a dream...I dunno but I really wish I would get over it.


SammyJo58's picture

I suggest the book "Step Wars". It presents issues from both sides, and as a step-mom and former step-daughter, I sure found it enlightening. Was the beginning of truly dealing with the SD issue for me. Smile

jojo68's picture

Well said are right. I must learn that I can't fight battles that are already lost.

jojo68's picture

Thanks girls....I am going to get both those books and I have got to do something and I can't afford counseling. I don't want another failed relationship that is for sure.

As far as your question Blender about whether BF thinks of me as part of the family, I think he does to a certain extent but things such as not asking me to be family pictures (a picture was taken of his whole family at his brothers b-day party and I wasn't asked to be in picture) or telling me he never wants to marry makes me wonder. Very good question indeed.