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DH May Have Job Offer...Trying Not to Get Hopes Up!

TwoOfUs's picture

So...very short backstory. 

The place where I work...I’ve been telling DH for several years that it’s a great place and my boss is awesome. It’s an agency and I’m a writer. 

DH has agency experience in his 20s and 30s and really burnt out on it...has lots of horror stories of nightmare directors. I’ve been telling him it’s not like that anymore...people don’t yell and scream or make you feel crappy or work you into the ground...

His perception of the business is like Meryl Streep in Devil Wears Prada. But I think one thing the gig economy has forced managers to be nicer and helped the nice guys win. Because, as a writer, I can always find another gig without the pressure and pain...

Anyway. DH met with my boss yesterday about an upcoming position and they really hit it off. Looks like it might be a good fit...especially because my workplace gives lots of freedom and flexibility and DH could still pursue his own business and clients.

DH is trying to be cool about it, but I can tell he’s really excited about the possibility. He’s saying things like: “Would you be OK with this? Will I steal your thunder at work?” 

Ive told him I’ll be thrilled if it works out (and I really will!)

Again...fingers crossed, not counting on anything yet...but would be such a relief for both of us! DH would be out earning me for the first time in over 7 years! 


SonOfABrisketMaker's picture

im hoping this works out amazingly for you.

TwoOfUs's picture

Thanks, Brisket! Me too...

I think DH will feel much better about himself when he's bringing in consistent income...and it won't feel like giving up on his dreams. I think he's excited, too...but afraid to show it too much.