Adult SD, 21, child, lives at home but plays games all day long
My wife always believe what her daughter tells her. Case in point, yes, I am taking my birth control pills, her daughter is now 4 months old. Yes I am studying, failed the semester. After she had the baby in Jan, Mom said she could quit work and take care of the house and go to school. Well, three classes, made A's this time and cooks dinner. That is about it. Right now, summer off, no work and she cooks dinner. This leaves around 12 hrs a day for video games. She is suppose to do other chores but that may or may not get done, like feeding the cats and washing dishes. Pays no rent, we pay for the car insurance and just about everything and I think she should leave. She is lazy. lies her rear end off. And then she gets to hang out with Mom on her days off running errands she could had done herself. I work 10 hr days, so does my wife. I go to school, being laid off in August after I fill my training requirements to the third party company taking over. I AM SO STRESSED and the psycharist that see's me for stress and her for depression is telling me to move out. It is more important than even me losing my job. WHY, I want my wife, why do I have to leave and lazy lazy lazy gets to stay. WHY!!! Funny, just typing about it where others can read my vent makes me feel better. I work from home as I earned it, and I have to see everyday her being lazy. Looking forward to finding a new job where I have to go into the office every day.
Thank you vdarmv.
Thank you vdarmv.
Find yourself a nice
Find yourself a nice child-free woman. Seriously you don't need this stress and coddling parents seldom stop viewing their children as pure as the wind driven snow--even when confronted with VIDEO evidence.
I agree. There was a time I
I agree. There was a time I was able to be a positive influence. They made better grades, did chores. Love the kids, not the lack of responsibility and the use of manipulation. Leaving means leaving behind a possibility of a better tomorrow. A better tomorrow only happens if the problem is willing to be seen, think that is the big kahuna here. Will have to see if that book is at the library.
You should show your wife
You should show your wife what you just wrote.
She needs to know how you feel, depressed or not.
She knows, and she has put up
She knows, and she has put up with a lot of me being upset with this. She is stronger than I am.
Exactly punkin
Exactly punkin
Read this if you decide to
Read this if you decide to stay:
Taking this idea to take to
Taking this idea to take to the counselor with us. Maybe this is the right way to go and regardless, THANK YOU!!!
Mike, you will definitely
Mike, you will definitely find so much support here at ST! They are MY guardian angels. I wish you the best of luck for whatever you decide!
Hi Mike. Someone recently
Hi Mike. Someone recently posted on one of these threads that they were darned if ANYONE in their home worked less hard than they did. All in the home should work equally. Think it was a SM of quite young kids. It revolutionized my attitude -- to my biosons actually. They are not that lazy and disrespectful to the outside world, which is the real test, but they are rather slobby at home. So I took a leaf out of this poster's book and am going around saying it to the whole family whenever I see them taking my labours for granted. If you couch it like that to your wife would that assist? It's horrible being leeched on by adults, I know, I get this from my SS22 at the moment but it's easing off.
I hate my sons xbox with a
I hate my sons xbox with a passion. I have fantasies of throwing it out of the window on the street and watching cars drive over it, smashing it to tiny bits and pieces while my children watch. Of course they would then need years of therapy. }:) My boys are 16, 15 and 11. School just got out. These kids of mine think they get to spend all summer with the box--WRONG!
I can't believe your SD has a 4 month old and has 12 hours to devote to video games. I would kick her ass if she was my daughter after I got done kicking her ass for getting pregnant. I'm sorry but how in the hell is she taking care of her newborn if she's playing games? I could barely use the restroom in private when my boys were little (to this day they still interrupt me at times :O ). If she wanted to be a mom and play house then she needs to wake up and take care of her child. End of subject.
We are here for you. I am sorry you have to be subjected to this nonsense.
LOL I have had fantasies
LOL I have had fantasies about opening up the box and soldering all the components together. Then I want to sit back and watch as they turn the box on and let the SPARKS fly!! }:) Let the games begin!!! muhahahah
Mike, I can feel your
Mike, I can feel your frustration all the way here in Vermont! I know EXACTLY what you are going through. I've posted several times on my adult skids living at home and being lazy. I also work from home 2-3 days a week and get to see the lazy behavior all day. A lot of the members here gave me some pretty good advice. If you want to read what they said (because it might help you, too), look up my posts in Adult Stepchildren Issues called "SD23 and SD19 Failure to Launch" and "Master Trickster". If anything you will at least know that you are not alone.
Hang in there and keep coming back to this site. It has helped me tremendously !
Thanks and have been reading
Thanks and have been reading your posts If feels like I am alone and I am not. I don't to throw her out; not even an option, I have been told I would have to leave instead. Want to see my SD be a success and my marriage to be a success. Looks like I have found a great toolbox.