My List of her IMPOSSIBLE'S
I am just fed up with BM's lack of responsibility for EVERYTHING that is required of a normal functioning adult... there has GOT to be something wrong with her. I swear, she is 30, but she acts 17...
So here are the things that I have decided are completely impossible for BM to actually DO:
1. GET SS TO SCHOOL ON TIME. Why is this??? She just can't get her lazy a$$ out of bed. It's not like he has to be there at 5 in the morning. 7:50. That's not too much to ask. Yet he has been late so often while in her care that he has gotten detention. SAD. I sent an email to his teacher beggin for mercy for him. Poor little guy is being punished because his mom is a TWIT.
2. DATE SOMEONE OTHER THAN DH'S HIGHSCHOOL BUDDIES. She has finally broken down and is dating his LAST friend that she hasn't sunk her STD ridden claws in to. This one happened to be DH's BEST FRIEND all through highschool. Sick. She has issues.
3. NOT SMOKE WITH SS AROUND HER. In the car, right outside the front door of their house... it doesn't matter, she doesn't care that he is prone to respitory problems and it is just plain and simply KILLING HER SON.
4. PAY HER OWN BILLS. Her daddy pays her rent. She doesn't even LOOK for a job. She lives in a little disgusting shack and drives a POS truck that also belongs to her daddy. She can't keep a job to save her life. She has been fired from the last 3 for attendance. She can't get out of bed to get SS to school, she sure doesn't get out of bed to get to work. LAZY.
5. CLEAN HER HOUSE. It is disgusting. She doesn't work, hasn't for more than 3 of the 5 years that DH and I have been together. What the H*LL does she do all day long??? CLEAN YOUR HOUSE, what kind of a mom are you???? I work 50 hours or more a week and can manage to keep my house spotless. I have 3 kids... she has 1... I have 5 people to do laundry for, and 3 kids lunches to make... and a 3500 sq ft house to keep up... I can do it... so can she. In her 500 sq ft shack. Her sink is constantly filled with filthy dishes and food left on the stove in pots for DAYS. Nasty.
6. QUIT SMOKING WEED. At least when SS is with her. She waits until he is fast asleep and lights up. Now I know that there are a lot of hard working Americans that do this... BUT, she makes her Dad pay her rent, but SHE buys POT... AND she has 4 days a week WITHOUT SS there... she can do that crap on those days, can't she... not to mention it is ILLEGAL!
7. DO LAUNDRY. I swear she has ruined 90% of SS's clothes. It really pisses me off when it is the clothes we have bought. I don't care if she wants to ruin the hand me downs that she finds for him, but I spend good, HARD EARNED money on clothes for that boy...
8. COOK DINNER. They eat McDonalds and Burger King 4 times a week. That kid is pumped full of processed chicken, and by the time he comes home he is so constipated that he spends the whole time on the toilet.
9. COMMON SENSE. Yesterday SS was home sick from school. He threw up all day Sunday. I kept him home. Since BM doesn't work. I took him over to her house during the day so she could watch him. She sent me a picture of him playing outside with short sleeves on. It is about 43 degrees here during the day. Ok, so he isn't puking anymore... now he is going to catch pnumonia. Great.
Oh gosh... there are so very many more to list... but I have to get back to work. I just had to get that off my chest before I go home and take it out on DH. I am just so frustrated lately. What a flippin loser she is.
Is there something CPS can
Is there something CPS can do for you? I don't know if you want to get them involved--sometimes they can make things worse but maybe they can help.
ha ha I can totally relate
ha ha I can totally relate to your list. The BM in my situation is 41 and she STILL CANT keep a job, her house is filthy and SD was late to school 31 times last year. The car that she drives was given (repeat given) to her in mint condition, you should see it now. GROSS! But in her eyes and SD's, she is the BEST MOM IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!
I totally sympathize with
I totally sympathize with you but at least ss9 lives with us and doesn't have to deal with BM's list anymore.
Is there a custody agreement? You could take her back for modification and possibly have her drug tested. In my state, drug tests are offered in custody hearings.
"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus
There is a custody
There is a custody agreement. DH is kind of a whimp when it comes to these things. He figures that as long as he has never been hurt, the court wouldn't do anything about it anyway. And he doesn't want to do a drug test because he doesn't want SS to be taken away from his mom COMPLETELY, and the results of that test would do just that. I dunno. I was not raised around POT. So to me it is a big deal. My MIL on the other hand used to buy weed from BM when he and DH were in high school... so his outlook on it is not the same as mine. He doesn't smoke it... he thinks it is an immature habit. But he also doesn't think that it is worth taking his son from his mother. :? What are ya gonna do. I just get to a point about every 3 or 4 months where I can't handle the irresponsiblity any more. She tells me of her permiscuous (sp?) life style. It makes me want to throw up. She sleeps with ANYTHING. I don't want to know about how she gave some total STRANGER head in her truck in the parking lot of the beach. NASTY.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
Tell me about it. Things I
Tell me about it. Things I could go the rest of my life without knowing....
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~