VENT VENT VENT some Language!
So the incubator has been shacking up with her ex-girlfriend the last week and a half and not going to work. Supposedly she had minor hemmorhoid surgery around the 30th. Somehow she ended up having more minor surgery this Monday and has been on bed rest since last Tuesday. She tells FDH on Monday that she needs to see how she is on her new meds so she can know if she will be able to pick up SS for her weekend. Ok fine. She backed out of SS's Boy Scout crossover this past weekend and now it's looking like she will back out of this one as well.
She is shacked up with the girlfriend that hates kids and made her keep SS in the basement when he visited.
She has been out of work for almost two weeks solid so no money for the $60 video game she promised to buy him (this was why she is a great mom according to SS)
She is making noises about not feeling well.
Yep all her standard MO when she is going to flake out. Great! FDH told her she has to let us know by tonight because RCM has plans with her family and they will need to know in advance if there will be extra people needing to be fed. LMAO good job FDH. Now if only we could tell SS that the most perfect mom in the world is not coming because she can't afford that video game and she is with her child-hating girlfriend and getting some is more important than her kid. Like he would believe us even if we could tell him.
Last SS was hanging all over FDH, SS is really a SD in disguise. This morning I get up with FDH to have some alone time with him and here comes SS at 3:30 am. WTH? SS couldn't sleep and he has some crazy rash/bug bites all over the top of his head, hand, across his shoulders and what look like pimples on his face. I check his bed and nothing. I don't see a thing in his pigsty of a room except dirty dishes.
FDH is practically crying because he has to leave poor whiny SS with evil RCM to take him to the doctor. FDH doesn't want to go to work. FDH just got two points off for unscheduled call outs and it takes four months for those to go away. WTF go to work! SS is not going to die or be injured. Get over it!!!
I was nicer to FDH about it but really this kid is babied beyond belief and FDH is starting to feed into it because he feels bad the FMIL PASed SS and fucked the kids head up. I tried to tell FDH that SS is now milking it but I don't think I got through to him.
Now I get to take the Drama Queen(he really is worse than my DD3) to the doctor and SS thinks he is going to die. SIGH! Some days I don't want to leave my bed.
- realitycheckmom's blog
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Sounds like you are having
Sounds like you are having just the most awesome day ever!! Stupid incubator (that's what we call BM too }:) ) , why do these women even bother? Just leave the kid alone and let them have normal stable childhoods. If you can't do what's right and best for your kid, then let the people who want to and can do it!
Oh the best day EVER does not
Oh the best day EVER does not even begin to describe it.
She went off the pill and didn't tell FDH and that was after he told her how much he didn't want any more kids. He was just divorced from his first wife and BM#1 was PASing the kids and eating up over half his paycheck. He couldn't afford another one and was still feeling shredded from BM#1 taking his kids two states away. The only reason BM#2 quit taking her pills was because all her friends were getting pregnant. She ended up ditching the kid at three weeks of age on FDH's mom. NICE!!!!