It never ends...
I haven't posted in a while as my 2 adults SSs (31 and 21) have actually been improving, so not so much drama. SS31 has been clean and sober for almost 2 years, just finished a welding program through the VOC-Rehab program and is starting a new job this week. (Background: PTSD from Iraq in 2005; did drugs for 6 years during which time he got a girlfriend pregnant (DSGS6); got married; got divorced; crashed and burned twice; finally finished rehab through the VA and has gotten back on track). SS21 did drugs for 3 years and finally finished rehab last Fall and is now living in a safe house and waiting tables at a restaurant. During HIS drug use, he lost his license and totaled the car his father gave him in high school. Only due to dh getting him up in the morning, he finally, at age 19, finished high school, then did nothing else since he had no way to get to or from a job. (We live outside of town, so no bus.) Long story short, SS31 FINALLY got his license back (after 8 years)and bought an old car which he used to come see his son this past weekend. To make the trip, he has to go through a major city which worried dh. Bad enough it was a long weekend for me having both SSs at our house along with DSGS6, but dh just called to tell me SS31 didn't make it home as he hit a wall in the major city as it was raining hard. And, he needs a car to get to his new job. Dh and I have only been together 5 years (married 3), and I cannot BELIEVE what his kids have cost us both emotionally and financially. I almost left dh last year due to SS21 living with us and dh enabling him. There's much more to this, but there are many days I wish I hadn't married dh and met someone with normal kids. His are just beyond anything I could have ever imagined and I'm exhausted. I can't even imagine how dh feels. His oldest, SS32, is mentally ill (unrehabilitative drug user) who dh no longer has communication with. He started dealing with his drug use at age 12, so dh is just exhausted, plus add onto that the fact dh lost his job last November and just started a new one and is stressed to the max. At least SS31 now lives 8 hours away, so his problems aren't totally in our face anymore. This IS just too sad since he was just starting to get his life together. Dh said we'll loan him money to get another car if that's what needs to happen for him to be able to get to work. I agreed. Plus, MY DD28 is getting married this year and DD22 is still in college so needs help from time to time and SS21 runs short, so dh helps HIM out, too. Luckily, my 3 older DDs are all graduated college and on their own miles away. Dh's kids have almost ruined our marriage and I have so disengaged from SS21 that dh has almost left ME! I told him once that HE may be all fine with just the fact that SS21 isn't doing drugs, but it's not enough for ME and, after 3 years of SS21 doing drugs, getting kicked out of rehab, living with us, etc...I'm DONE. Dh thinks I'm a terrible person, but I never envisioned our life together being so affected by adult children. I can certainly see where having young children would effect a marriage, but aren't adult children supposed to be on their own (like mine)and living their own lives and being adults?? I'd listen to dh talking to SS31 like a kid of 18 just starting out in life and I'd think, "You're kidding me, right?? These are things MY children have known for years!"
Thanks all for listening. Guess I just needed to vent. Some days are just worse than others.
We've all been there,
We've all been there, especially those of us with Adult SKIDS.
Do NOT feel bad. That's exactly what the skids want, they want you to feel bad so you'll help them out. It's called emotional blackmail, and they are MASTERS at it.
So let me get this straight....all of your stepkids are on drugs, or have been at some point? I used to pissed off at my adult skids all the time too. All four of them got pregnant before the age of 20, all four of them live off of cash assistance and/or food stamps. I would get so pissed when they would make one stupid decision after another.
But finally I had an epiphany. Do you know who I really need to be pissed at? My wife!!! It's one thing if you have four kids and ONE of them acts stupid, but when ALL of her kids act this way, my wife is really the one to blame. As bad as I hate to say it, your husband is to blame for a lot of this.
I too have almost gotten divorced over my adult skids. At some point, you have to cut bait and let them sink or swim. Once they figure out that "Daddy Dearest" isn't coming to their rescue, its amazing how quickly they will learn to figure things out.
Until Daddy lets go it'll
Until Daddy lets go it'll never end. Since that's not likely to happen then I'd go ahead and let his kids ruin your marriage. Admit it was a mistake and move on.
Yep. It took DW 8 years, but
Yep. It took DW 8 years, but she has finally learned to start letting go. At some point your husband has a decision to make. Keep saving his kids and destroy his marriage, or focus on saving his marriage. Unfortunately most bio-parents make the wrong decision.
Thank you for all your
Thank you for all your responses. If only it was that easy. Yes...all 3 SSs have been on drugs .I knew what I was getting into...just didn't know it would last this long. Dh has definitely shown tough love to his sons, but then when they start doing better, he gets sucked back in and helps again (enable). I married a man with a past addictions of his own and an ex-wife with mental problems. The DNA from these 2 never should have mixed. Dh has moved past his, but his sons inherited them PLUS their mental issues from their mother. As my counselor said, I married into a family of mental illness. uh huh However, after my divorce in 2007 (after 25 years of marriage), I felt strong enough to take on the world (which was probably my problem). I fell in love with a man who needed me and I felt strong enough to do it. Over the course of 5 years, I feel tired and worn down. As much as I appreciate everyone's advice, I find it interesting on these boards how many posters are quick to say "just leave!". I'm 54 years old and was not raised to bail on someone you love (aka marriage) just because the going gets tough. Whatever happened to "in good times and in bad" and "for better or worse"?? I sure saw MY parents go through tough times and did they ever bail...heck no! And have now enjoyed 58 years of marriage. Today's mentality on marriage disgusts me and I feel has contributed to many of our societies problems today (broken families). Anyway, yes...being married to dh has had his good times as well...which, actually, have outweighed the bad. He's my best friend and playmate, but, unfortunately, our 7 adult kids have really caused issues. At least, however, none of our kids have been outright disrespectful towards either of us, but have hurt us in other ways. I also think dh and I are alot like others in second marriages...we're working harder to make it last because we don't want to be "two time losers". We've lost alot of respect for each other over the years due to parenting our children, so it's hurt us, no doubt, but we keep plugging away. I agree that bio-parents most likely will always choose their kids over their 2nd spouse. I would and I know dh definitely would. He was a single father who knows he's ALL his sons have to depend on. My DDs have their father to bail them out financially...and he does. God bless us all.
I'm sorry, but you should not
I'm sorry, but you should not choose your kids over your marriage. As long as your spouse loves you, treats you with respect, and doesn't mistreat your kids your spouse needs to come first.
One day your kids are going to be long and gone, and you will have let a good man/woman walk away because you put your kids first. Even most counselors will tell you that having a strong marriage where both of you present a unified front is the BEST thing you can do for kids. When a kid knows that their bio-parent (even adult kids) will always choose them when it comes down to it, you are in for decades of misery. Divide and conquer is a tactic that ALL kids know, and will use it whenever they can.
My wife told me one time that she would always come to her kids aide. I told her that's fine, but let her kids warm up her bed and pay half the mortgage. She got the idea very quickly.
No one is saying leave your spouse, but stop letting kids (yours too) control your life and your marriage. YOUR MARRIAGE COMES FIRST!!!!
"Just because some people
"Just because some people choose to remain in marriages long term doesn't mean they are happy or healthy."
Good point. Ever hear how someone says "you two bicker like an old married couple". I wonder why would "old married couples" bicker if they're so in love? Methinks they're not as much in love as people would like to think.
Your last part of your last
Your last part of your last post gives a lot of clarity to the situation. Your DH is an enabler because he's ALL his sons have to depend on.
He wants to be their savior - their knight in shining armor. How did HE get clean? Was it with someone being HIS enabler? I bet not.
I think its time for you both to get some marriage counseling and attend Al-Anon meetings....unless, of course, that's against your beliefs, too.
Thanks again for all the wise
Thanks again for all the wise words. I hear you all and give thought to all of it. I have thought about attending Al-Anon meetings, but have a hard time going out again after a long day of work. As I said, things have gotten better and dh and I honestly DO make time for each other. This holiday weekend, we're spending at a cabin and will do nothing but enjoy each other's company. My daughters are all self-sufficient now except my youngest in college. The problem dh and I really have is the differences between our children. He holds different standards for mine vs. his because his (boo hoo) have mental/addiction issues and MY kids have good genes and are normal. So, I'm supposed to be all kind/sympethetic towards his and just be glad they're not doing drugs. SS32 is totally on total government assistance for mental illness (dh has cut ties with him); SS31 gets disability from the VA for PTSD and SS21 lives in a safe house and gets food stamps. So, yes...they all have assistance of some kind. As I said, things have gotten better, but the double standard dh has for my kids vs. his just bothers me. Maybe I am in the wrong and SHOULD be more compassionate...I don't know. I just have never been around mental illness, so admit...I haven't done well. I even get it from my MIL about how her grandsons didn't grow up in the stable environment MY kids did, blah, blah, blah...Even my counselor (yes...I've been in counseling) told me I should soften my heart towards SS21. I feel like dh and everyone else wants me to be some kind of mother to his adult sons and I don't have the bond with them that dh and his family do. They were basically grown by the time we met and I feel no connection to them and have no memories of them as children. The only thing I've known of them is bad...up until recently.
As for dh, he cleaned up his act in his 30's when he got custody of his sons, but did get financial help from his parents...probably mostly due to the fact he HAD kids he had to support on his own. So, yes...he had help. What dh has that his children don't is intelligence (successful in his career) and a strong mental ability to overcome his demons. I see SS31 possibly being able to do it, but SS21 is not smart or strong mentally. I fear for what might still lay ahead with him.
I agree with all of you who said I need to start putting my marriage first. I'm getting better at just supporting dh in ways he feels he needs to help his sons and he with my daughter. We may not agree, but we're starting to just keep our opinions to ourselves...which is one reason I turn to my counselor and these boards. Sometimes I just need to vent.
So the title of my vent was
So the title of my vent was correct. The reason I disengaged from SS21 was I had a gut feeling there was more to come. I was right. Dh texted me last night (he's out of town on business), to let me know SS21 will be homeless as of this Friday. The safe house has kicked him out. I was having dinner with friends, so didn't have my phone close by, so haven't spoken to dh yet, but I can tell he's upset. The drama that surrounds his kids is just too much.
We will be talking about SS21 tonight, I'm sure. Exhausting. At this point, I don't know if he got kicked out because he's been there long enough after rehab or if he's gone back to using drugs (hope not). He's been clean for 9 months and at least has a job. I just know from living with him before that I don't want to do it again, but may have to until he figures out what to do. What I WILL make sure of is that he has an "end date" and a plan to move out on his own. I still think the military is a good idea, but with his drug history, that's probably not an option. 
Great post Cat. This is
Great post Cat. This is helpful advice for a number of adult skid scenarios.
Great post! I definitely
Great post! I definitely gleaned some things from your words. Thanks.
Thank you, Cat! Your post
Thank you, Cat! Your post was exactly the validation I needed! The unfortunate part of it all is that my disengaging and the way we parent our own children has caused hard feelings on both our parts. (I admit to having a bit of enabling tendencies of my own with my youngest.) He used to treat me with respect and was not so much. He's critical and not so loving. The problems we have had with adult children has definitely impacted our marriage and sometimes I fear for it. We are totally honest and open with each other and communicate well, but it's definitely taken its toll. I'm hoping this long weekend we can reconnect.
As for SS21, he got kicked out of the safe house as he's been smoking weed. The drug tested him and found out, so out he goes. Dh immediately said, "He's NOT moving back in here!" So, dh does know how to do the tough love thing which is one of the first things I fell in love with when we met...his ability to stand strong against what's wrong...and with his sons there has been much...over 20 years worth. I think with the youngest, it's been the hardest on him because he's tired and just didn't want to face it a 3rd time. But, SS21 has been on and off drugs for over 3 years and dh knows there is nothing more he can do. When he told me, I simply started praying for his son's safety. At this point, that's all we can do.
Hi, I am new here and have
Hi, I am new here and have been reading all of the postings. I no longer feel alone but am sad that we all have to deal with the drama. Even if we can choose to ignore it, it's still there under our noses - at least with me it is. I have a lot to learn when it comes to detaching.
I understand how you feel. SS24 had a car given to him at 17 when he came to live with us. Not brand new or anything but wheels to get him to and from places. We had to kick him out due to his drinking and drug abuse once he turned 18. He then went back to his mother's and we paid for the car to be shipped across the country as we did not want him to drive all the way there. Shortly after he got to his mom's and his car arrived, he crashed it into a stone wall going 86 MPH. He also had 5 other passengers with him and thank God nobody died but some were injured. He was on drugs when he did it. He's in prison now as he's been in trouble before - this was the last straw for him. He will be getting out soon and I don't want him to come back! Did I mention he was offered a bed at a state rehab in leiu of prison? He took prison instead. Gee, wonder why - I hear drugs are easy to get there.
Financially and emotionally I am sick and tired of it!
K.C. - Keep coming back.
K.C. - Keep coming back. You have my support and everyone else's here. I cannot believe what so many of us have gone through. As you is emotionally draining and, believe me, there have been more days than I can count that I have wanted to walk out, but my commitment to my marriage and dh himself keeps me here. He didn't ASK to have 3 drug addicted sons...dh and his ex never should have procreated. Dh even says that...that people should be very careful who they procreate with. He has addictions of his own he has conquered (before I met him) and his ex is mentally ill with addictions, but I hear is doing better as well. But, now we have to see what their DNA created. Not good.
I hope your SS24 stays FAR AWAY from you and your dh. SS21 also crashed his car his father gave him in high school into a tree when he was high on weed. He had a friend with him and luckily neither were hurt, but dh did not go out and buy his son another car. Dh knew his son wouldn't stay clean. He still says, there is more to come with SS21, but at least he's not ever living HERE again. He's going back down that road again after being clean for 6 months. Once he got a job and around other young people, he apparently couldn't say no. Like I your point with YOUR SS24 and MY SS21...all we can do is pray. They are in God's hands now.
True, we do not ask for our
True, we do not ask for our kids to turn out the way they do and if you can still be in love with your spouse that is a great thing. But for some, when it comes to the point where you don't even want to go home after work anymore, then there is a problem. That's where I was at one point. I would stay after work and just go online and relax at my desk. I would not come home for dinner and would grab something quick instead. I would come home around 9 p.m. just to avoid any drama. At that point it became unfair because nobody was trying to work the situation together so we could all manage this. It was like a nightmare where I couldn't wake up. I just wish we had crystal balls to see the future!
Here's a good one - I had a root canal done in the early afternoon. You think I went home after that? Nope. I sat in the commuter parking lot for 2 hours talking on the phone with my friends. I didn't want to deal with anyone while I was in pain. It was more peaceful in that parking lot than it was at my house.
Hate to say it but for our sakes I hope they never move back in with us again!