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What do we do if she doesn't submit in time?

Momma1987TC's picture

We are coming up on April 15th, the date that the ex is suppose to submit in writing the 1 weekend during one of my summer visitation periods that she wants. So far she has just been awful and spiteful arguing about everything. Im not even sure if she will remember to submit that date to me. If she doesn't get it to me in time, am I required to give it to her after that date? my papers specifically say: If Mom gives Dad written notice by April 15
of a year, Mom shall have possession of the child on any one
weekend beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Friday and ending at 6:00 p.m. on the
following Sunday during any one period of the extended summer possession by
Dad in that year, provided that Mom picks
up the child from Dad and returns the child to that same
place and that the weekend so designated does not interfere with Father's Day

We will only see my daughter 1 time between now and the 15th for 2 hrs, this will be the only time she can hand me the paper to physically sign. (We both are big on signed proof of an agreement or things of such) Otherwise she would have to mail it to me by the 15th.

Orange County Ca's picture

She's violated the court order and loses the rights. But in reality I'd just set my vacation dates and if she comes up with a conflict then tough. Husband tells her that she's in violation and if he doesn't get the kid from her for his vacation dates he'll ask the court to find her in criminal violation of its order.