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Hashed some things out with DH

Jena714's picture

I'm sure you all remember my past posts so I won't reiterate too too much. But in a nutshell DH was bending to BM+SKids every whim. They all hate him though and says he's a horrible, deadbeat father because he doesn't go above and beyond (all 3's actual words) which I'm pretty sure giving BM hundreds and hundreds of extra dollars and taking them on our none CO days is above and beyond, but what do I know.
So DH and I talked. I told him that we could pay all BMs bills and she would still call him a loser to the kids and we can't keep caring what she says/thinks/does. He agreed. He tells me the only reason he tries to win back her good graces is because they used to punish with each other. Like if SD was grounded she was grounded at our house too, and vice versa. That stopped on her end as soon as I got pregnant, just like when everything else started. So now the kids think he is a big joke. They even say "Well I can act however I want, you're bringing me back to Mom's in a half an hour"

We had the kids yesterday and he was much better with them. They asked for tons of things like always and he said no. SD wanted us to get a credit card to put on her tablet with a "budget of $10 she can spend per month" He reminded her that he is paying for her cell phone even though she refuses to answer his calls/texts. He also stepped right in when they got mouthy to him or each other and we actually had a really nice visit. No one fought. SD was pissy about not getting everything she asked for but he nipped it each time. Both SS and SD wanted to play in the snow pile outside and DH said no, they can when they bring their snow boots from their moms. SD had a fit and said they are supposed to have double of everything for each house. DH calmly stated that he had given BM $475 for his half of the winter attire/school clothes. We also bought their jackets/sneakers. She didn't say much back to that.
It was only one visit but he mentioned multiple times to me how nice it was compared to how it usually is when they do/say whatever they want. So hopefully he will continue.

I think in terms of the issue with BM he should stop talking to her. Don't answer her calls and listen to her rant about how he's a shitty father. Only texts or emails saying pick up drop off and the like. Unless there's an emergency obviously. Then there will be less drama. Once he stops caring what she thinks we will be in a much happier place.
He is realizing with the kids. Hopefully he'll continue for more than a few visits. I think this upcoming year things have to be very different though. He really needs to stop giving her extra cash. We'll buy clothes ourselves, we'll pay our half of things directly instead of to her. Until court that seems like what will have to take place. I wish I could know for sure if CS would really double. We could afford that, with a smaller 2 bedroom instead of 4. But I would want to give DS the second room and I know DH would never do that. He'd say the kids would never come over anymore. Even though I'm not sure if they even can do that. I know BM can't keep them from us but if one of them says they refuse to come over does that hold any ground?

We already had been planning a downsize to a 3 bedroom in the near future. But DH thought DS should share with SS. I though SS+SD should share with a curtain in between and DS gets the other room. I'm trying to think of every situation.
1.SS+SD share, DS alone (3 bedroom)
2. SD alone, SS+DS share (3 bedroom)
3. DS alone, sleeps in our room on visit days, SD+SS sleep in DS room or take turns sleeping in there(one in room, one on couch) (2 bedroom)
4, DS with SS on visit days, SD sleeps on couch (2 bedroom)
Which of those seems most reasonable? Personally I think it's more appropriate for the twins to share with a curtain in between than to put either 13-14 year old in with a 1 year old. What does everyone else think?

omgsaveme's picture

I definitely wouldn't have DS sleep with SS or share a room with him… way! Its not appropriate for opposite sex kids at that age to share a room IMHO and I think in some states actually is against the law.

Do you have to downsize or do you just want to ? I would stop giving BM money like you said and just buy what the kids need. She does not need the extra cash. I would never ask my ex for extra cash, its weird.

Jena714's picture

It all depends on if the CS would be increased/how much. We can afford our apartment right now but f it were to increase we would most definitely have to downsize. We did check, it's not against the law, but I do agree it's not very appropriate. I just would hate to have one or both sleep on the couch. They shared a room at BM's when they lived with her in laws for the past 8-12 months. I think it would be fine one night a week. I don't know. I just see DS sleeping in our room until he's 6 when CS ends because I think it's wicked inappropriate for him to be in the same room as a teenage boy.

Jena714's picture

We plan on moving to AZ once the SKids are graduated. I have some family out there and DH and I are very sick of the cold, long, snowy Maine winters. We did tell them about this plan already and said they are more than welcome to come as long as they get jobs and contribute a little. I don't think they will move away from BM though. Which I can't say I would either. So we just plan to rent until then.

Jena714's picture

I have seven siblings (2 step)! So I know what you mean. We had 4 bedrooms. One was obviously for my dad and step mom. So everyone just crammed in. Lol. But the baby never ever slept in the same room as the big kids. I don't think that's right.

Jena714's picture

It does. That's where he got the "double" number. But it didn't take into consideration other dependents which will make a deduction. I honestly wouldn't mind paying double if it meant she would stop calling for things. Kids need lunch boxes. Kids need money for scouts or softball. Kids need money for summer camp. Kids need money for Halloween costumes. Etc. if you keep going over budget for those things it's not our fault.

omgsaveme's picture

Well your DS who lives there all the time, shouldn't have to suffer.If you go to court and explain to BM that you'll have to downsize if you pay more in CS , that she will work with you guys ?

Jena714's picture

That's what I asked DH and he laughed and said no. I believe him. That'll just give her more ammo to tell the kids daddy doesn't love/want them anymore.

QueenBeau's picture

I think SS & SD sharing is fine. A 1 year old sharing with a teenager is more inappropriate than opposite sex siblings sharing for a couple days a month.

Jena714's picture

That's exactly how I feel. They have an individual room at their moms and he has an individual room at his moms. Simple as that.

QuailCreek's picture

You shouldn't have to down size. When calculating CS, your attorney can argue both households don't need to be the same but should have a similar standard of living ie...each child has a room.

Pairing up opposite sex children that age may not be illegal in your state but it doesn't look good in the family courts. Likely, the kids would just stay over at moms more...and that's more child support.