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SD16 in MY wedding??? What would you do?'s picture

I won't make this long-

SD16 hates me, I really can't stand her ass either and it's being *assumed* that she will be my between FDH's 2 girls, my bio that leaves me about 1 fucking person to choose to be a part of my wedding. She refuses to acknowledge we are getting married, she steals my stuff and we barely tolerate eachother. WTF am I supposed to do??? I feel like if I put my foot down and say "SD21 can be but SD16 cannot" I'll be hated forever, using favortism and have to deal with shitloads of drama but I'm fine with including SD21- she may have her on opinions but she keeeps them to herself, we get along pretty good . I really don't want SD16 to be in my wedding AT aLL. It's my day but I'm trying to be respectful of his feelings too- I don't feel like I should have to include her when she's not supportive and even though she's immature- shes 16, she knows what shes doing.

I'm marrying FDH bc I love him and we want to be together, Sd16 stays with her mom and visits weekly. She has never liked me we do not get along basically bc I don't put up with her shit and I stole her daddyyyy and I'll never be like her mom (Thank God)

I really don't want to hear why I shouldn't marry him.

Can you all please give me some advice, Do I suck it up and risk my special day being full of drama and her bursting with tears at our vows bc she doesn't want us to get married? or Choose SD21 and leave sd16 to hand out bulletins?? LOL

What would you do??

p.s. Even though she's not supportive, I'm pretty sure she wants to be the bridesmaid for attention and the tanning and hair and makeup she would want done etc- all about her

just.his.wife's picture

tell sd16 that being a bridesmaid means she is standing up for the bride.. that by having that position of honor she is stating that she approves of the marriage/wedding between the bride and the groom. That she will never EVER be able to complain about you as a step mother, because she APPROVED before GOD AND MAN you becoming her step mother! }:)

That right there ought to have her screaming that she does NOT want to be in the wedding Wink

just.his.wife's picture

Make sure you lay it on thick... how thrilled you are that she is going to be a bridesmaid that you are SOOO excited that she AGREES what a wonderful couple you and her dad make and how you will be married forever, partners in everything in life until death do you part... and she is a part of that family!! Oh and its so awesome she wants to be a part of it and approves!

You play it right and after speaking three sentences she will be refusing to attend lol

Living the dream's picture

OMG...why didn't I think of that? All three of my skids were in my wedding. They actually behaved well that day, but have given plenty of grief since. Having them in our wedding meant a lot to my husband, so I can't say I regret it, but damn...I like your idea!'s picture

FDH already has all his groomsmen picked out including his exwifes son who he did help raise but they never got along well and we only see him holidays...........I feel like his ex wife might as well be a part of my wedding too FML's picture

My bio is 9 1/2- will be 10 at time of wedding. I have thought about this to avoid this problem but FDH already went ahead and planned his groomsen and asked them all already!!! Can't have 5 on 1 side and only my bio on mine..right?

just.his.wife's picture

Nah you just follow FDH's example. One kid in the line up (your bio) the rest friends or relatives.

How exactly can he complain since he did it?'s picture

Good idea, I'm trying to figure out how I can not have SD16 NOT be in the wedding party and not have to deal with the drama...maybe it's impossible. Jr bridesmaids is a good idea though!

step off already's picture

Or you could have her do something In the wedding: light a candle, read a poem, hand out bubbles, whatever. Include her, just not as one of "your" attendants. If FDH really wants her as an attendant in the wedding, he is more than welcome to add her to hi side.

It doesn't need to be even on each side either. It's you wedding. There is no right or wrong.'s picture

Thanks hyp, you are 100% right. I just want everyone to be happy (FDH not SD) and reduce the drama from now until the wedding which planning and spending are stressful enough. It IS a job and it IS about supporting me.

And yes, I will be completely left out of her wedding, I'm sure my daughter will be too.

Thank you for your advice, as usual you are right on!'s picture

Exactly I can see it now! Her crusty looks, she's only gonna be concerned with her self and I'm pretty sure she will have a meltdown.

3Libras06's picture

Personally, I'd have a woman to woman talk with this girl. Tell her you get the feeling that she isn't fond of your upcoming marriage, see how she reacts. I'd ask leading questions to see if she even WANTS to be in it and if she doesn't, set her free. Tell her you at least hope to see her in the crowd cuz you're gonna be around for a hot minute. Blum 3's picture

Oh, we are supposed to have a meeting with FDH to air out our issues....I'm sure that will go well FML

firefly25's picture

I would not have any of them as bridesmaids. Have them take another role in the wedding - handing out roses to the parents of the bride/groom or hand programs to the guests as the enter the ceremony. Give them a role that will not hurt their feelings or ruin your wedding pictures with her sour face.

This is your wedding - you cannot exclude one step and include the other. It should be both or none as bridesmaids. Your day should be special by having the people that are truely happy for you in your bridal party. You are setting yourself up for more drama and or hurt feelings on your special day.

Who suggested they be bridesmaids? If it was "assumed" then speak no more of it nor mention it again. Just my thought. I am in the same situation as you and would never think of asking her to be in the wedding when she hates me. I will be disappointed seeing a smug unhappy face in our wedding ablum for years to come. Just my opinion.

fakemommy's picture

I would make your bio the MOH and the SDs honorary bridesmaids. Basically, they would wear a special color or even a special dress but not stand up with you. That way you could choose friends of yours to be included. I have 3 sisters and my oldest sister did this for her wedding. It was her way of including us without having to exclude her friends. Ah we did do jobs like man the guest book and things like that.

Mommagpz-dk's picture

im a little amazed by all this honestly. My wedding is weeks away and i have gone out of my way to include in laws ans skids. I had all of our kids names engraves in little hearts to include on the cake, my in laws who yes there has been drama with but i resolved it with help from my FDH are bridesmaids. my sister is holding the ceremony and my a few friends r also in my bridal party. the bridesmaids/groomsmen wont be even. It wasnt at my first wedding either. We just had them walk down seprately instead of with eachother. Im also planning on doing a cutesy "family portrait" for the wedding... sand handprints solidified by plaster. its cute. lol. granted the skids r younger 8 and 6 mine r 5 2 and 1 but still. When you marry someone with kids you are marrying ALL OF THEM. in laws are one thing cuz they dont live with you, but they are kids. they dont know better. they obviously werent consulted on if they wanted or could accept this wedding. and you are beicoming a part of the FAMILY. you your kids his kids a FAMILY so im sorry if i sound crude here, but when you both have kids theis is not just YOUR day. its a day of joining 2 families into one. sounds like youve still got some time before your wedding and airing the issues is a good idea. no it prob wont be pleasant. i know mine wasnt. I listened to the issues they claimed to have and even though i didnt entirely agree with them and part of me wanted to get defensive, for the sake of the FAMILY i sucked it accepted their right to feel hwever they felt and apologized and told them i understand and i will avoid those issues in the future. you are not 2 single people starting out ona life together. you have kids. its not just YOUR day. you are merging everything and becoming a FAMILY. Seriously. like i said, not trying to sound harsh or offensive, but you need to really evaluate how you are handling all this. Good luck.'s picture

Thanks hyp, I couldn't have said it better.

And I understand that we are blending families- I'm not remedial.......However one can only try so hard for so long, when SD16 is ready she will come around, if she doesn't oh well. I'm with FDH bc I love him- not his baggage.

oldone's picture

This is obviously not a first marriage so why all the crap about a zillion bridesmaids, etc? Just have a maid of honor and forget all the other stuff.'s picture

This is MY first wedding, just bc FDH has been married before doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to have the traditional wedding that I always wanted. I have questioned if it's worth it and to me it is. I shouldn't have to elope or have a small ceremony bc FDH already got married once

Mommagpz-dk's picture

look. im just being honest here. im not saying the kids should dictate the wedding, but as a responsible ADULT in the situation you should at least have the common sense to talk to the SD I mean dude, shes 16 her dad is getting remarried and youre making light of it as though shes a snot nosed brat. For her this is the reality of their divorce and that her parents will never be together again and she most likely feels threatened by not just the step mom but step siblings now dividing her dads attention. its ridiculous. Yes she is a child and a hormonal teenager that doesnt know her ass from a hole in the ground but as the adult its your responsibility to deal with it. and dont sit here all coy trying to say that oh well she knows what shes doing, wtf did ANY of us kno at 16?! and furthermore, with kids of your own surely you can understand y trying to reach out to the skids is important. how would you feel if your SO was saying and feeling these things about YOUR kids. SHe is a minor. you are taking on a parental role even if it is only a day or 2 a week any no this isnt just about you. when there are minor children involved it means you are both responsible to all of them. his hers doesnt matter. its naive to think that his kids wont be a part of your family or that your kids wont be a part of his. again. im not saying any of this to be rude or crass im just trying to point out some of the facts here. This forum is for the sake of advice and secondary opinions and to help you gain new perspective. this is why im saying any of this. I hope that even if its not agreed with it can still be taken into consideration because like it or not this is the reality. your FIRST wedding was about YOU. THIS is NOT. u have kids he has kids you are like it or not a parental figure to his kids and him to yours. your relationships effect your kids. PERIOD! we are the adults/ they are the kids. we have to accept responsibility and you knew going in about their kids and vice versa. you have to take that responsibility seriously. you cant separate the parents from the kids completely. you ARE becoming a FAMILY> FAMILY. FAMILY. i ant say it enough. YOU anre NOT the only people involved in this relationship. disagree all you want but for your sake take it into consideration. in the end its YOUR decision, just remember that YOU are not the only person effected by YOUR choices. again. Good luck. I honestly wish you all the best and i hope you can work through these issues. Everyone deserves a happy ending.'s picture

What makes you think we haven't talked to her? She's well aware of everything and I'm well aware of MY role in this family. She IS a snot nosed spoiled manipulative brat. And I don't want her in my wedding party, of course she will be there and be included and in pictures etc. I don't feel like I should have to forfeit a friend or someone I DO want in my wedding party who can help and is supportive so she can be a bridesmaid- and thats my opinion and what I want for my wedding.

This forum is about opinions and I did ask for advice but please don't jump to conclusions when you don't know- WE are all in family therapy to help the process in blending families and SD16 does not accept it. She IS immature but she is well aware of how she makes people feel and I do hold her responsible for that

Jada's picture

Look, I feel you and I know exactly what you're going through. Make her a candle lighter and go on about your business. Your bridesmaids should be your closest friends, someone who is supportive and is standing up for you that has your back and will be there to help you get ready and provide positive enforcement and help calm you on YOUR day. Dont compromise your day when you know it wont be right. You will regret it later. There is nothing that says she needs to be a bridesmaid. She is only 16 and I dont think it is necessary. Now, if she was accepting and truly supportive, then ok. That's clearly not the case and I see a disaster in the making. My SD was a flower girl in our wedding and she almost ruined my day. Dont let that happen to you. Dont make this girl a bridesmaid, whatever you do!

CanadaMomOf4's picture


Sweetjennygirl's picture

Well, goingcrazy, here's my 0.02, based on being a bride just this last January, with bios and skids...

It was extremely important to ME that we included all 4 kids in the ceremony. All the while planning, my DH maintained all he really wanted was to be married, Vegas/courthouse, didnt matter to him. It was all on me. So, I came up with the grand plan to have the ceremony here in our home, and we had a catered bar and dinner afterwards. My two bios stood with was important to my son13 to walk me in and "give me away" my daughter11, held my vows, and each flanked me while we were saying our vows. DH kids also stood at his sides. The ENTIRE time we were saying our vows, his daughter16 was rolling her eyes, tapping her foot, using every demonstration she knew how to let EVERYONE KNOW just how "over it" she was. Dh son11, was his ADHD self, couldn't stand still, pay attention and basically too, just couldn't wait for it all to end. Immediately after the ceremony broke and we ate, they were off with friends and couldn't have cared less about what the evening was about.

So. My wedding was meaningful and "mostly" wonderful. Hindsight? We should have taken the money we spent and just gone off and got hitched and had a honeymoon. Instead, I had been so adament that it was for All Of us...when, it really wasnt. The skids didnt give a shit at all....and that has left me angry and resentful which has definitely carried over into the entire blended family relationship.

My best suggestion is this...DO WHAT YOU WANT. YOU.DO.FOR.YOU. Because, whether she dresses up cute and stands with you or not she's either on board with the marriage or she's not, and she's going to find every opportunity to let you know it. Don't give her the stage to make that demonstration bigger than it will already be.

Either that, or, just flat out ask her what SHE WANTS to do and be prepared to live with it.

I truly hope your wedding turns out to be a happy day with no regrets! Best of luck wrapping this up and congratulations on the marriage.'s picture

Thank you, and this advice really helps. I want to make everyone happy and included and it seems like I will never be able to please everyone without sacrificing my own happiness and she still won't be happy. I can see her doing exactly what your sd16 did and I can see her making a huge scene and bawling bc her dad is marrying me. I want to include her but I don't want to deal with it.

Thanks, sorry she did that to you Sad

Rags's picture

Elope. You and DH, your DD and the SDs can just go to Lake Tahoe. your DD can stand by your side and your SDs can stand at their dad's side.

No fuss, ny muss, no drama.

Or do the above at the alter using your current wedding plans. Your spawn stands by you, your DH's spawn stand by him. Everyone is included, you don't have to consume your bridesmaids slots for your SDs.

No need to inject drama where none is necessary.

This serves to include all of the kids but also places the difficult SD-16 and any drama she may cause clearly on her dad's side of the party so that all of the guests will clearly understand where the blame for any bullshit should reside.'s picture

Thank you!! Thats what I thought- bridesmaids are supposed to suport you!!! Thanks!

oldone's picture

I get so sick of "a 16 year old is just a child". Not if they have half a brain. I just watched a lot of WWII stuff yesterday. More than a few 16 year olds took part in that conflict.

I am older. I know more than a few who married at 16. Not that I would encourage anyone to do so. But a 16 year old is not a 5 year old who needs to be led by the hand and catered to. A 16 year old can be tried in court as an adult in many cases.

When you marry someone with children yes you do have to accept the fact that these children exist. In the best circumstances the skids can be a positive addition to the family bringing joy and happiness. In the worst circumstances they can bring misery and loathing.

A person is pretty much who they are at 16. An addict yes can get clean, a criminal can be reformed but the basic personality is pretty much fixed. I am close to 70. I still see many women that I've know since we were 16. Pretty much everyone is still the same person at heart. People have lived all over the world, married, divorced, had children, had grandchildren, had great success, suffered failure, etc but the core person is still there.

If the 16 year old is a bitch who tells you how much she hates you, you do NOT have to include her in the wedding.'s picture

I agree completely, I DO understand this may be difficult for her but it's difficult for everyone- everyone is making a change. Like I stated above I know she is immature BUT she's is aware how her actions and what she's doing and how it makes others feel and she should be held accountable. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but I don't want her to ruin my wedding day either and she will- I'm sure of it. She can't handle going to the fair with FDH and I, he bought me a tshirt and she pouted, wouldn't talk to us and walked so fast ahead of us she ended up a block away and waited at the exit and acted dumb "oh, I thought you were behind me" :jawdrop:

If she can't handle daily stuff she can't handle my wedding day-simple as that

Now how do I get fdh to see my way of thinking? :?'s picture

To be fair WE haven't even talked about it, I'm not sure what he's going to say and he might be completly fine with it, I'm just preparing for the worst and you are absolutely right!

stepinafrica's picture

She does not have to be there if you don't want her. You are the bride. You pick the bridesmaids. End of story.

CanadaMomOf4's picture

It's not just YOUR day it's the day when 2 families are being officially joined together. If you have that shitty of an attitude towards your stepchildren, maybe you shouldn't be getting married. And she doesn't seem fond of you either. Remember she is a child YOU are an ADULT. In THIS situation she will always be the child and you the adult, that's just life. Quit being so selfish. Once you are married you are "stuck" with this blended family typically forever, but with an attitude like yours, is having a tantrum over a wedding that won't last really worth it? Best of luck to your step daughter. Sounds like she got a shitty deal when daddy picked you!!

CanadaMomOf4's picture

I believe the author of post said "I can't stand her ass either" in response to SD having issues. Maybe if she took time to work problems out before the wedding, and fixed them then everyone could be involved and supportive and happy. If she isn't have SD in wedding because of issues, how are they ever going to last as a family? I'm a step daughter who wasn't welcome at my dad and step moms wedding because of our issues and guess what. It never worked out for them because we didn't get our issues resolved beforehand.

And as a step mom now, I didn't and wouldn't ever get married without full approval from all of our children. I also would not and could not get married without having every one of my children bio or not standing up with us because its is MORE than a union for 2. Any decent step mother would think feel and do the same thing. Dr. Phil could have a field day with stepmoms like this one and they would be put in their places real quick.'s picture

Wink Right on Just Wow! I can't stand Dr. Phil's ass either........... I will NEVER seek approval from anyone who doesn't have MY best interest at heart. SD16 doesn't have a clue and doesn't even know what she wants in life and I'm supposed to get her permission? HILARIOUS! It will be a cold day in hell the day I revolve my life around what the kids want!

Maybe Canada should get some self respect and stand up for what she wants in life and not wait around to get accepted and permission from kids.......... it's judgemental people like you that make me wonder if you are a step kid who comes on this site to share your crappy opinion and judge people because you never got over your own shit and it gives you some weird sense of satisfaction because you think you know it all :sick:

oldone's picture

Not sure how things work for you in Canada - maybe you are in some weird polygamous relationship. But in the rest of the normal world a wedding is between TWO PEOPLE - NO MORE NO LESS. These days it can even be two men or two women.

But there are NEVER more than two people getting married. Look at the license.

CanadaMomOf4's picture

Oldone and ignorant, eh? Polygamy? Seriously? Check your definitions, polygamy is multiple wives or husbands in a family and a completely diferent topic. the discussion here is about CHILDREN being a part of a wedding. I am just someone who grew up in a blended home and now has one of her own. When 2 people marry before having children, yes, it's your day and only yours. BUT when there are kids involved biological or otherwise, it is the joining of two FAMILIES. If those two families can't stand up together to support and love one another, with out issue than they shouldn't be married. It's that simple.

oldone's picture

So how many people are listed on your wedding license as having married each other? More than 2? really?

All that two families blending is just crap that you happen to believe as is your right. But no one else is forced to believe just like you just as you are free to believe what you want for YOU. You do not get to dictate how others have to believe.

Please do not try to force your beliefs on other people. It doesn't work and only causes discord.'s picture

HA! I knew it! She was in a step family! I called that one- super obvious. Is someone harboring feelings bc they didn't get asked permission????? Get over it

CanadaMomOf4's picture

WOW. I really am at a loss of words right now. I can't believe this!

"SKIDS"?!?! Seriously?!? How derogatory can you get? Disgusting. They are children and I feel sorry for all of them being stuck with crappy step moms like you all. Seriously. I'm sorry but I just can't understand how yall have gotten this far with such craptacular attitudes.

I joined this group because I was in search of step moms who actually give a shit about their step kids, and so far I've found more a-holes who pretty much hate their step kids. It really is disappointing to read the awful awful things y'all have to say about those kids and the attitudes you have about including them in things.

I can totally understand bio mom issues and actually thought I would find more about that than anything else. But nope. I tell ya though, you've made me hug my daughter harder and be thankful she has a step mom like me and not like you. Some of y'all even make my stepmom look good and she was a monstrosity of evil.

Karma is a b***h and I hope y'all get whats coming to you soon. Disgusted and Disappointed.'s picture

Looks like you are on the wrong site then- if everything was so great for you and your skids then why were you seeking support in the first place :?

CanadaMomOf4's picture

I don't have any problems with my DAUGHTER. And that's exactly what she is even though i didnt give bitlrth to her. I do not refer to my children, biological or step, in such derogatory and disgusting ways. I originally came on here for support for step moms who actually love their step children but have bio mom issues. I did not realize this was basically going to be a step kid bashing. This particular post caught my eye because I know a POS step mom who didn't want her step kids in wedding either so I was curious to see what advice she was given.

I have a double blended family and its rough at times but I have always loved and appreciated my step daughter and I am so shocked at the filth I'm reading here.'s picture

I know you are right, She's going to ruin anything shes involved in with the wedding with rude remarks or ugly looks. We talked about it after I posted this and he said he understands and backs me up and agreed it wouldn't be fair to include when she acts the way she does. I'm afraid thats not going to be the end of it. His family creates a lot of drama and I'll be crucified for not having SD16 stand up there. I offered that she could stand on his side and he thought that was weird and didn't want to do that......

And he's having his step son, his ex's kid he helped raise on his side- he's (step son) also not very supportive, they don't have a great relationship but FDH feels obligated....I'm not a huge fan of him either and thats his choice. I obviosly can't make everyone happy and I'm going to follow your advice. I'm not giving SD16 the opportunity to ruin my day or my pictures. She can have a different role in my wedding but she will not be standing up there with me!

christinen's picture

I would not have anyone in my wedding who I did not want in my wedding. I was going to suggest you make your bio the flower girl but I guess she may be a little old for that. I'm sure your DH will want his kids in the wedding if your kid is in the wedding so I see his side too. That's a very tough one! When DH and I got engaged, we had a LOT of drama to deal with regarding issues such as this, so ya know what we did- we went away ALONE and did it all by ourself and had the BEST time of our lives! Smile

dragonfly5's picture

This is why we went to Italy to get married, and left the drama all behind. It was amazing and all about us. I wore and amazing Maggie Sotero wedding gown, flowers the works and we were married in an amazing 13th century building in Italian with an interpreter.

I feel for you! You are in very tight place. But I can tell you, I did wedding planning for 20yrs. If she is drama now she will make you miserable on your fabulous day and you will regret having her a part of it.

It might be time for dad to tell her the way it is and they way it is going to be. If she reacts poorly and like a selfish brat. Then he needs to tell her she has made her decision. She will have to live with it. Wash his hands of it and realize he cannot make her be the person he expects and wants her to be.

Then plan your wonderful day without her.