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Our BM = A giant pile of BM

BadMamaJAMA's picture

Disclaimer: I'm about to vent. I realize I'm being bitter and obsessive. Allow me to get this out of my system and then I'll be Ghandi-like as always.

As I explained in my previous post (, BM is manipulative, lazy, and just plain... not great.

Of course, if SD is happy, that's the most important thing. Lord knows, she could use some extra attention from mom. But it seems like BM is only doing so to spite me and my SO.

The pool at our apartment complex opened last weekend, and we didn't take SD7 because we were out of town. But we promised to take her this weekend after her soccer game, and kept reminding her to pack a bathing suit, etc. Her mom knew we were taking her swimming, and that she was really excited about it.

When SO called to check in tonight, SD7 informs him that BM took her to the pool. There's not even a pool anywhere near where she lives, and she usually leaves her at the babysitter's house until right before dinner/bedtime on the weekdays.

I realize--SD7 at the pool is better than SD7 at the babysitter's longing for her mom. However, WHY IS HER MOM SUCH A COMPETITIVE PILE OF BM?!?!

Ok. Phew. Feeling better. Commence peaceful time before the next stunt she pulls.

Yosemite's picture

BM felt threatened by you. She saw it was a good idea that her daughter liked and it made her feel threatened. Remember when your mom told you that imitation is the best form of flattery? Yeah it's annoying as hell but it means BM sees that you are on the right track with the skid.

BadMamaJAMA's picture

Thanks, both! Just got to keep repeating my mantra: "As long as SD is healthy and happy... as long as SD is healthy and happy... as long as SD is healthy and happy... I don't secretly wish BM would fall off a toilet and sprain her douche-brain... as long as SD is healthy and happy..."