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Steptalk.. Where step moms come to vent

Stinacard's picture

I hate my stepkids mom. She's a greedy alcoholic irresponsible contradicting sneaky selfish monster and I can't wait until my youngest SS is 18 in twelve years so I never have to think of this woman again.

Phew. That felt good.


Mercury's picture

I don't think BM has to be around forever. My husband is already working hard at fostering a relationship with his children that is completely independent of their relationship with her. Right now sucks because they aren't very self sufficient. The milestones will be when they get their own phones, learn to drive, etc. I think he will be able to go through those life events with very little interaction with his ex. After all, I was very much a part of my best friend's wedding recently. So was her mother. I had zero interaction with her mother. Same with co-workers. We all share life events with the people in our lives in totally different capacities. I think BM can be lumped in with the "people we don't give a rat's ass about" category.

Shaman29's picture

Sometimes the 18 mark does work in your favor.

Despite the fact that H has moved away, had he stayed......

Skid is 18 and graduates HS this year.
Uberskank moved to another state with the skid's younger sisters (not H's).

Technically, though I have bitched about Uberskank, she was not my biggest problem. She's a horrible person but is not my biggest problem. Not even the skid is my biggest problem.

H is my biggest problem. Now that the relationship has ended and I'm looking at the last several years, I've come to realize he's been my biggest obstacle all along.

Stinacard's picture

I'm just thanking god I found this website.. I only know one other stepparent and his Stepkids call him dad and love him dearly . So I literally don't have anyone in my life who understands what I am going through. All my friends think I'm overreacting when I tell them how I feel about her, even DH , who can't stand her, doesn't understand what it's like to love children as if they are your own, and yet know they will never see you as being on the same level as their mom. I hate Mother's Day, because it just reminds me of the fact that I'll never be as good as her in their eyes, yet I'm the one who has a job and helps support them, I'm the one who buys their Christmas presents and new sneakers and gymnastics and takes them to birthday parties . It's so much harder than I ever thought it would be because I never expected to care about them this much.. And watch this halfass excuse for a mother get all the credit.

Stinacard's picture

Lol yup. My DH is at this moment curled up on the couch asleep next to ss6, so it looks like I'll be going to bed alone. The father-son cuteness factor is muddled by the fact that it's not my son, so here I sit in bed feeling like a jealous brat and blaming it all on the BM even though I know it's DH I should be mad at. For some reason I blame everything on her .. Even when it doesn't make sense.

hereiam's picture

I don't think BM has to be around forever

You are right, she doesn't have to be around forever. When my SD got into her teenage years, the communication between DH and BM was very rare, as he could just talk to SD directly about stuff.

My husband let BM know that when CS was done, so were they. Do not call, do not write, do not send a message in a bottle. She thought they were bonded forever and she thought wrong. No contact for 4 years now. Suck on that, BM, you suck on everything else.

Stinacard's picture

Message in a bottle lol!! BM is the one who wanted the divorce yet she is obsessed with trying to control DHs every move, she got furious last night because sd12 was sick and I *ghasp* gave her medicine! Made DH take a freaking picture of it, acting like I gave the girl a Vicodin or something. It was children's Tylenol!! I'm surprised she hasn't tried to nannycam our house.