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Must be nice to have a huge bedroom all to yourself

newmom35's picture

SD12 has a huge only here less than every other weekend. DS1 has a tiny room. I know he doesn't care and probably never will, but I'm just annoyed. I know when/if I have another child DS1 and him/her will have to share that tiny space.

It's never gonna change, so I just have to accept it. I'm sure SD won't be going to college and will probably end up here, so my children will always have a cramped space.

I know. Stupid thing to be upset about.

Today SD is rearranging her room. Must be nice to have options.

Do any of you have the same problem? Who has the big room? Do they all share?

newmom35's picture

That makes sense. I just don't see why she has to have the big room when she is hardly here. I know I am being unreasonable, I just want MY kids to have it all.

StickAFork's picture

I have the big room!!!! Mwahahaha!!

Just teasing. We always made sure the kids (step and bio) had their own rooms. It was an expensive challenge sometimes, but that was a sacrifice we made in blending families. that I think about it, for a little bit of time (<1year) my two SD's shared a HUGE room (like 25 X 25). They were both teens, went to school together, and the one SD was only around EOWe.

But growing up, the kids had their own rooms.

oldone's picture

Forget about the room - what I read is that she will NOT be leaving your home as an adult. You need to start making plans NOW to get rid of her at 18.

If all else fails start telling her how much fun she will have with roommates and her own place. }:)

newmom35's picture

Unfortunately, DS wasn't born by the time we bought this house, so SD got the bigger room, which is near our bedroom. DS's room is waaay down the hall. Not convenient for night feedings or anything of that nature. UGH.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

My kids all have their own rooms. It really annoys me that my oldest stepson has the "I'm first born" complex. (Even tho he is only 12 months older than his brother.)So he has gotten the two second master suites in the last two houses and never has to share a bathroom. If someone wanted to shower in "his bathroom" he would throw a hissy fit. That shit got nipped in the bud real quick.

We had a third car that the stepsons shared. When we bought a newer used car we gave it solely to my youngest SS as a reward for him constantly conceding to his brother for 18 years.

SMof2Girls's picture

My SD's share a decent size bedroom and a bathroom. We keep the third bedroom as a spare room for guests. We also have a fourth bedroom on the first floor, but use that as an office space.

For right now, the skids are only with us very limited times, so they don't need their own rooms. If DH and I have a baby, we will convert the third bedroom for the baby.

If the custody situation changes, we have discussed giving them each their own room. But they're 5 and 6, and spend all their time together anyway. I don't think they honestly want their own rooms. So until they're older or there's a legit need for it, they'll stick to sharing a room.

RedWingsFan's picture

Well, when we were in the 2 bedroom apartment, SD14 and DD14 shared the spare room (SD was coming EOW and DD only comes during summer as she lives with dad full time in another state).

Since DD14 usually just bunks on the couch while she's here and SD decided to be a stupid shithead and not come over for months over summer, we moved into a 1 bedroom apt across the parking lot from the other one. I asked DD if she'd mind and she said no, she sleeps on the couch anyway.

SD threw a fit when DH told her that she no longer had her own room at our place anymore. No more overnights for her, period. Now she's being a total ass again, but that is unrelated.

ACAM2012's picture

Have you talked to your DH about switching their rooms? My SD9 lives here full time and shares a bedroom with my BD9. My BS14 has his own room.

newmom35's picture

Yes and he says "fine, we'll switch rooms." He doesn't mean it. He's just saying it to see what I'll say. It's a bluff. But I said "okay. We'll do that then!" We'll see what happens...

My argument is that she is only here every other weekend. Her bedroom is right by ours and it makes more sense for our son who is 1 to be near us. And our son's bedroom is on the back of the house and the heat doesn't get there. So, not that I want her to be cold, but she's never here.

newmom35's picture

What do you think of this?

DH says SD is 12 and will be moved out (I hope and he thinks for real) when she graduates high school in 5 years. So our son will get her room then and if we have another, they will get our son's room. So DS will only have the crappy room for 5 years.

newmom35's picture

We have been fighting about it all night and off and on since we bought this house. He isn't budging. If I move it myself, everyone will resent me. The spoiled brat will get to keep the room until she goes to college, which won't happen because she is failing the 7th grade.

SMof2Girls's picture

I think you'll have a much easier argument to make if/when you actually do have a second kid.

For now, a 1yo doesn't need a large room. But if that child is forced to share a cramped room with a second kid (in reality, not just theory), then I think it becomes a different argument.

Hang in there!