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I don't think we're gonna make it

newmom35's picture

Because of SD and because DH doesn't want to deal with the reality of the situation, I'm scared we aren't going to make it. SD has made it clear that she hates me - basically because I am her step-mom - really that's the only reason. SD treats me so bad and I can't take it anymore. DH is just sitting here watching tv while I am really sad about all of this. He just won't deal with it. And he gets mad at me because I really want him to try to fix what is happening. I don't want to get a divorce, but I don't know what to do!!

Anyone else going through something similar?

fedup13's picture

I just commented on another post about this. The DH is messing with my alone time post if you want to read what I said. You sound just like me. My SS is the same way and my DH does not do anything about it.

notagain2012's picture

I'm right there with you, just posted about it. Relationship gone to crap because of all these issues. It really sucks. I'm running short on hope, and lack the energy to even try anymore. I have taken to fantasizeing about being in a relationship without step kids.... I'm pretty sure mine is over. I have disengaged to the point, that if I go anymore, then, I will be single. And I find myself backing away a little further everyday. And the more I do, the less I want to be involved.

oldone's picture

Well if someone won't stand up for you the last thing you should do is cower there and take it.

Disengaging means not caring if they kid turns out to be a piece of crap or doesn't get what they want. It does not mean just sitting there taking abuse.

Never touch the kid, but I can tell you one thing you can verbally slash any 10 year old. I would not do this to a kids that just ignored you nor would I do it to a 5 year old. But at 10 I would put the little shit in their place. Not a parenting correction - but pretty much the same thing I would do if any guest in my home verbally attacked me.

Are you afraid your DH will get mad? Who cares? He doesn't give a damn if you get hurt so why worry about him?

giveitago's picture

I agree, and identify, with what you said. Fortunately DH did reiterate to them that I am his wife and I will be here long after they move on in life. That, however, was the only thing he said to them. He came to realize, once I did do what's called disengaging, how horrible the SKids really are and what I was dealing with. I think denial was a big part of it, he just couldn't comprehend how underhanded they could be...yet they both (twins) have their father's intelligence and their mother's personality? Only a sensory deprived person could not grasp the facts? Like I said, denial was a huge part of it. When you are a concientious person and others around you seem totally lacking it's very, VERY, frustrating...right?

step_crazy_love's picture

In dealing with my SD16 and DH, I've become a bitter empty shell of the person I used to be. My husband and I have problems unrelated to SD that our marriage more than likely can't overcome, but having the added stress of blended family life is killing our spark completely.

I used to want children of my own. Now my days are filled with fantasies of being single and living in a one bedroom apartment. I question my capability to love children I may give birth to, all because one spoiled, entitled 16 year old acts like a brat. I've become very uptight and regid on the most mundane things, all because it seems too hard for either one of them to just pitch in and help me out!

I read about disengaging on another forum post and I am going to do this with my SD. It may not faze her or DH, but it may just rekindle the me I used to know! I'm hoping so! I don't like the me I've become...And if I do live the single life again I don't think a new person in my life would like who I've become either!!! I'm not living the life I was created for, and that doesn't sit well with me. Life is so short and it's time I started enjoying it again!!!

fedup13's picture

I feel the same way you do. We have added stressors on top of the SS and BM, but if if were not for them, I know we would most likely be able to make it. The things they have done to me have created so much toxicity in our marriage because DH is a pushover and does not stand up for me. He treats me like I am the enemy and he and his darling little boy are a team and I am against them. He is a Disneyland Daddy who cares more about winning in this competition of who SS likes more, him or BM, that he sacrifices his wife's feelings and his marriage's happiness and future. I now too question whether or not I could be a mother. ( I have had losses and when I am feeling extremely blue and crazy I can't help but wonder if that is not God's way of protecting these babies from having to live in this life with these people and his way of trying to show me that I am not meant to be a mother to this man's children...awful, huh?) with the losses and with seeing my DH parent my SS, the bitterness has made me feel like I want nothing to do with children, mine, or anyone elses. I know that would all change if I were to leave and remarry someone normal with no children, but in all honesty, I don't think I would ever want to remarry because that would be a foolproof way of self protection from ever letting someone else in to destroy my life. I think back all the time to my life before I met DH. Nice 2 bdrm apt, a little dog, wine nights and Sex and the City, PEACE AND QUIET, doing what I wanted when I wanted with no one to ruin it, taking care of myself, going to the gym, being in GREAT shape (now, because of depression and just general not giving a damn, I am 20 lbs over weight and miserable and don't have the motivation to do any of the things I used to really enjoy. not having to think of any one else, no DH to tend to, argue with, resent, sometimes hate, sure I got lonely from time to time as I had came out of a 4 year relationship before I met DH and lived alone in that apt before I met DH. When I met him, I thought, "THANK YOU GOD!!! You didn't forget me, I made the right choice in leaving that dead end relationship, I do deserve happiness and companionship and marriage." I thought I had found the man of my dreams. He was divorced and had a 2 yr old. Because of his work, the SS was with his Mom the majority of the time, so I had no clue how bad it would be. Plus, at the time, BM, never showed her true colors either. I call it blissful ignorance. I was happy when I lived alone, but had convinced myself that something was missing, that I was in my late 20's and needed to find a husband. I did, just the wrong one. I had it made then, I just didn't know it. I have disengaged from SS totally and BM as well. I have to be around SS because DH has joint custody, so when he is not working, the SS is here, but I refuse to keep him like I used to, so if DH is not here, neither is SS and that is not my problem, that is DH's. I feel just like you, I AM NOT LIVING THE LIFE I WAS CREATED FOR, not even a little bit. I love DH outside of all this drama, and we do have times where I remember why I fell for him, and in a way, I kind of feel sorry for him, because if I were to leave, he would be devastated. He doesn't appreciate me in a lot of ways, but it would really kill him, but staying here is killing me. Sad

fedup13's picture

My situation is similar to yours 10gallonhat, after all the drama and grief I was put thru, I could not allow the situation to remain as it had been. SS was in our home half the time, with me keeping him more than DH even did, I had to put my foot down. I told DH that if the judge continued the joint custody, which he did, that he would have to make other arrangements because I would no longer be available in any way, shape, or form. I would not pick up, I would not drop off, I would not have anything to do with BM, I would not be responsible for SS in any way. I told him I knew there was nothing I could do about SS being in our home when DH was not working, but outside of that, he would have to find someone else to deal with the SS because it sure as hell would never be me again. SS stays with DH's family now unless DH is home. It has helped but it is not enough. I love my DH too, too much I think sometimes, because I don't know very many other people that could stay, and I think if were to separate it would lead to divorce because I would see how much easier it is to be alone instead of here. I would miss him and vice versa, but living with him after all the damage that has been done is so difficult and not at all how I envisioned my life.