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Who to turn to?

harvey's picture

I feel very isolated sometimes, sometimes I need a friend to talk to but at times I am blown away by how malicious people can be. A so called friend is having marriage, money problems and is having an affair because I was feeling miserable about my step issues I took her out and paid for her lunch so we could catch up and have a shoulder to cry on kind of thing, we had a chat, she told me all her woes and could not wait to tell me about the things my SD said about me, she made me feel worse but I got home and I thought oh well I wont do that again. I then discover she is gleefully telling people that my step daughter hates me and making me out to be someone I am not. When I see her she keeps asking about SD really! do some people get off on other peoples misery, I cant talk to MIL, DH, family and now I dare not speak to friends. I am starting to wonder if some of my step problems are fueled by so called friends stirring, you cant trust anyone but yourself. Being a stepmum is THE most lonely and isolated place to be:O's picture

Agreed, it is very lonely. I'm going through something similar but it's with FDH's family. They can't wait to tell me all the rotten stuff SD says about me. I get so angry in the past I have told what really happened (SD is a chronic liar and makes up stories) it ends up getting back to SD and her mom etc. Sometimes I don't care and other times I'm really hurt that they stir up shit. My life is stressful enough without that B.S.

Now I try to stay away from it. I can't trust them either, they tell me one thing and I'm sure tell SD another

NONE of my friends have any idea what I'm going through and don't have step kids. My mom adds to my stress and FDH is super defensive = NO ONE TO TALK TO

Thats why I post on here- it helps.

Good luck!

Mindygirl1's picture

I too have a friend that loves to hear the issues I have with hubbys kids and family. Then she runs all over town with joy telling others about my woes. I realize that she is a miserable person and very jealous of me. Still for some reason I always forgive her and have lunch once in awhile - thus starting the cycle all over again. WTH???

forgotten wife's picture

Just tell them that you are no longer a step mom. You quit. Your H is taking care of his spawn now. Then stick to it. Do nothing for them. They're not your kids and you really don't have to. That's what I'm doing.

Maroma1984's picture

Thankfully my best friend is a smother too! It's nice to have someone that understands.

Her situation is a lot better because her BM isn't anything near to what mine is, but she'll listen to what I say and try to advice me with it. Most people just think you are some hateful person that wishes horrible things on kids and I can't even mention the fact that I don't love my SD.