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Anxiety getting the best of me right now

scorpio's picture

I've been reading this site for 5 years but never posted. Reading your posts and responses have helped me through so much but now I need some personalised advice. DH and I have been together almost 6 years. He has two kids, SS17 and SS13 and I have one DS8, we have shared custody of all. My relationship with ss have been a rollercoaster. Of course we have to deal with a crazy BM that calls for anything and everything. DH and I decided to add to our family and after 2 hard years of trying to conceive we finally have. Dont ask me how but SS17 found out, must have gone through my room and saw my test. He wrote nasty stuff on FB like his dad is making the biggest misktake with me. I found out through family as DH and I do not have FB. I confronted him about it or should I say blew up and told him he was very two faced since the day he wrote it and days until I found out he acted normal. I told him how much he hurt me and his dad and how disappointed I was at his age to be acting like such a child. He just had this look like he didnt give a shit how much he hurt me. DH told him he needed to respect his wife and the choices we made. SS17 always gets what he wants, never missed out on anything so I dont get why he cares that we will have a baby. He told DH he would move out to his mom's full time when baby comes, DH said well if that is thecase you can move out now. I was very proud of DH cause he's finally not letting the kids control him.
I now suffer from severe anxiety, I'm sad about the situation and feel guilty as I wanted a child so much. My DS8 is excited about a sibling, his other son is so oblivious all he does is play Xbox so he couldnt care less. DH says I shouldnt feel this way but cant help but feel responsible and I hate this. He doesnt deserve me still being sad over this. He's 17 should know better then to try to still control his dad's life. He gave us such a hard time when we started dating, then when we got married. Every milestone of our relationship have been ruined because of him and MiL. WHen she finds out about pregnancy I can just imagine the guilt trips she will give poor DH about it. She is also jealous of our relationship and the fact that we are close to my parents and not her. She has been so mean to me, I never look forward to seeing her and over the years we see her less and less. She always talks about DH exes or whatever she can to hurt me. Always puts my son and I down. Never good enough for her. I dont cook enough, dont do laundry the way she would, anything she can pick on she does. She can be nice but is so two-faced, I see where SS17 got his attitude. Like SS17 she found a way to ruin all our milestones and last Christmas and New Years.
I guess I had the luck of growing up in a normal family and all this stress and drama I'm just not used to. I'm scared DH will resent me for his family giving him such a hassle about our relationship, I hate that I let them get to me this bad. I have anxiety attacks almost daily. I'm scared to answer phone at home as BM keeps calling me names and says her son wont see his dad because of me. The day after he moved in with her full time she was already asking for more CS. Anyway, I guess this is more a vent. If any of you have ideas on how I can stop caring about what they think of me and start living my life happily please share. I try to talk to DH but he just tells me, yes he's hurt but doesnt let it get to him and says I should do the same. I'm thinking of seeing a councellor again, I did when I separated from my DS' dad and helped back then.

RedWingsFan's picture

Oh honey - my heart breaks for you. You should be ENJOYING this time in your life, not stressing over how a spoiled, self-centered TEENAGER who isn't even yours is acting. Sounds to me like SS17 need a good dose of reality and that he's NOT the only child on the planet that your DH is going to love.

You said it yourself that your DH said you shouldn't be feeling this way so try to focus now on yourself and your pregnancy. High anxiety and stress levels aren't doing your unborn child any favors, either.

Yes, please see a therapist or counselor to help you with this. Sometimes it makes a world of difference just to be able to talk and get it out to someone who is unbiased and removed from the situation.

I wish you the best. HUGS

giveitago's picture

First things first, DH stood up for YOU! Sibling rivalry does not seem to have an age limit. They are getting what we call 'free rent' in your mind, evict the SOBs!
It's not as easy as that, believe me I know. It is doable though, first thing is to consider what happens when they pull this crap, what happens when they do not? I think you might find that the reality is that nothing changes, I found it a total waste of my time, energy and effort to even think about effecting any changes. People are going to do what they do, regardless of anyone's opinions. Why even care about what they do? I feel confident that your DH will handle the 17 year old so you might want to stop worrying about that. MIL seems like she's going to wallow in her own miserable world whether you do anything or not.
Focus on being the wonderful woman you are, with your stable background (which I can identify parents were together up until my dad died) you have a huge advantage over them all. Remember the man you fell in love with? Instead of letting them eat away at your soul you could sit and think about the fantastic times you had with DH and get back to being the woman he fell in love with. Be sure to let him know you appreciate how he puts you first too. Good luck!

scorpio's picture

Thanks for your kind words. Friends and family just do not understand. I tell my signle friends, stay clear of men with kids!! Once you fall in love it's too late. You are doomed.

I wasnt always so lucky with DH, it's like in the last year or so he finally saw them for who they were and stopped making excuses. He sometimes tells me, wait till your DS is that age and that pisses me off cause I'm raising him to be a respectful man but it's true I have no control of what BD teaches him.
I wish I was stronger and could just not bother with them. It's like I need to be loved by all. I should know better at my age that this is not possible. Hopefully I can get into councelling soon as I read that this kind of stress is very bad for baby. Stopped reading into it cause I started stressing about being stressed ah!! lol

Thanks again.. your comments mean the world to me. It's nice to not feel so alone.