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BM has moved from total b@#$h to f$%@ing psycho...

tiredandfrustrated's picture

So, DH had a little talk with BM yesterday about her erratic schedule and thank god! REALLY put his foot down this time. He told her she has no sense of stability (she has a crazy work shedule and doesn't have her own place to live because she blows all her money) for their kid and it's because of this SS has turned into a complete nightmare. So, he told her that SS needs to come live with us and BM can have regular visitation. He offered 2 days a week, or every other week, he doesn't really care as long as it's a normal schedule. And she started crying about how she can't have what she really wants...which is SHE WANTS THEIR FAMILY BACK TOGETHER. By the way, SHE left HIM 4 years ago, not the other way around. Anyway, she finally admitted what she was after. He told her that he was with me and was staying with me and she needed to stop trying to get him back and just worry about what's best for their child, which is a stable environment and normal schedule.

So this makes the third time DH has told BM he isn't interested in her in any way, and his only concern was for SS. Today, we found out she just recently told her mom that she didn't care what she had to do, she was going to get DH back. Um, yeah. Sounds a little like she's gonna jump me in a dark parking lot or something. Kidding, but what a PSYCHO! I'm not worried about him-I know he loves me and wouldn't leave, she is just SO annoying ...

Have any of you ever had to deal with the BM that won't take no for an answer and stop trying to get DH back?

SMof2Girls's picture

When DH and I first started getting serious, BM got a little crazy. She wasn't really over him, or she just didn't want to admit he moved on first. Who knows ..

She texted me saying "I'll always have what you don't and that's his kids" .. "We will always be together through OUR kids" .. etc etc

I replied with, "Funny how I have him and didn't even need to get knocked up twice to keep him!"

I don't cave to her petty BS anymore .. I don't care about her or what she does or what she wants. DH deals with her, I don't get involved.

Raven's picture

"I replied with, "Funny how I have him and didn't even need to get knocked up twice to keep him!"


I haven't had to deal with BM making an out and out play to get SO back, but she does play manipulative mind games in an attempt to cause trouble between me and SO.

tiredandfrustrated's picture

Hilarious! I SO have to use that Smile

BM does that too. She'll tell him someone in his family doesn't like me but they like her, or she tries to pick me apart, etc. She tries to make him think badly of me. It never works, thank god.

Not_what_I_wanted's picture

Good luck with that psycho BM. Sounds all too familiar, unfortunately. I have a BM who is trying to prove "the grass isn't always greener", meaning she wants DH back, and esp. now since SD lives with us fulltime, she is on a mission. We have been fortunate in that she lived out of state for a while, so we didn't have to see her. Now she is back in state, and I am betting she will try harder to get DH back. Um, good luck is all I can say. The woman is ugly inside and out, and DH loathes her.

tiredandfrustrated's picture

We didn't have so many problems with her until about a year ago. She lived outta state with her husband. Then she left him and moved here and started trying to crawl up DH's ass. I'm sorry yours is moving back into the state with you. Hopefully you won't have as many problems as we've had...

Not_what_I_wanted's picture

You and me both. Ours is certifiable! I put nothing past her at this point. Seems they get bored and just decide, oh I want DH back now, I dont have anyone else. WHATEVER...

tiredandfrustrated's picture

I don't get it either. I guess she didn't realize what she had when she had it, and now that I have it, she wants it back. I do get some enjoyment out of me being part of the reason she's miserable though lol...

Not_what_I_wanted's picture

I hear ya on that one. I make sure to look good anytime I know we will have to see her. LOL. Petty, yes. But I dont care. She made her Psycho Bed, she can sleep in it.

Not_what_I_wanted's picture

I am not kidding, the woman is completely out of her mind crazy. Her parents have tried to have her committed several times, with no success yet. She just packed up and moved states again and no longer speaks to her parents (again). She lost custody of SD9 because of this. And she still doesnt realize how F'd up she is. Yeah, BM, I'm sure DH wants you back real quick.

tiredandfrustrated's picture

Wow. That's all I can say. I'm not completely kidding about our BM being psycho. I mean, she says I'll do whatever I have to do to get him back. That actually did make me think a little about how far she'd go...

Not_what_I_wanted's picture

Luckily she is a few hundred miles away, otherwise we would have RO's out against her. She has been warned to stay away, except for established visitation. With the holidays coming close, its anybodys guess what she will do now. She last asked if she and DH could take SD trick or treating together :jawdrop: This from the woman who abducted her child out of state, leaving DH to fight to bring her back.

Um, no psycho, you arent allowed visitation for that, remember?

tiredandfrustrated's picture

Sheesh. We had a similar problem. SS and BM lived in another state and one day she called saying she had left her husband and run off to a state about 1,000 miles away! We had to take her to court to get visitation. And she's constantly asking the DH to go do things with her while I'm at work. Which he never does because he knows what she's after and knows I wouldn't like it. So she ended up here and has become even more annoying. I think her moving here was the worst thing that could've happened to any of us.

tiredandfrustrated's picture

It does feel good to know he shuts her down. And he calls me immediately anytime she says something, just to let me know what's going on and what she's trying now. It does make me proud Smile Oh, and I like that it pisses her off too lol.

tiredandfrustrated's picture

WHAT?! I can't do it for that long. I'll end up with no hair and she'll end up with no teeth...

hereiam's picture

Psycho BM over here gave her daughter something she knew she was allergic to, causing her to have a seizure, to try to get my husband back when we were first dating.

hereiam's picture

SD is 21 now, but yes, she always lived with her mother. Luckily, BM never tried getting him back in that way again. I was worried at first about Munchhausen by Proxy Syndrome, though.

dj's picture

Yes when we were first together BM would call and act like it was about kid then say I'm horny...can u come down to our old house and take care of me....he always hung up and I always threw up in my mouth a little....she is sick...I'd put that beotch in her place if I were you...u know u have him and that's drivin her of luck to you

tiredandfrustrated's picture

Yuck. Luckily we have some ground rules. She's not allowed to come inside when she picks up SS at our house, he doesn't go inside hers to pick him up, he's never alone with her, etc. He usually takes me with him if he has to meet her for something unless I'm at work. I think I'd probably punch her in the face if she ever said anything that gross...

tiredandfrustrated's picture

Nice to know I'm not the only one dealing with this crap. And you guys always make me laugh too Smile

dj's picture

No most exes are nutjobs.... Looks like none of us are alone...yes I told her I'd send some coal miners down there with 2 x 4 on their backs so they don't fall in...and some other choice phrases haha...or I'd come take care of her meaning beating her wideass in her own front yard haha

tiredandfrustrated's picture


hereiam's picture

When hurting her daughter didn't work, BM threatened to hurt herself. Um, go ahead. Can I get you some pills, a rope, a gun?

Corn Flower's picture

Ours is just as much a nutjob.. She longs for my DH.. (Only to control him again)...

She tries seriously hard whenever we are in each others company (as little as possible) to get a reaction from him.

He ignores her for the most part. Fortunately my DH has eyes for only one woman ME!! Biggrin

I think he would rather commit himself to the loony bin than ever go back to that loony! }:)

Sent me a text telling me her daughter LOVES her more than me (well duuuh)... DH sent her back.... Do not ever contact Cornflower EVER again; you wanna discuss the kids that's MY job as THEIR FATHER.

Predictable response:- "I was just saying; I'm her mother and she loves me more" Kindergarten anyone?