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The psycho list of psycho's annoyances

Evilsteppy's picture

So let's talk about the glory that is Psycho, shall we? Please feel free to add things your SO's psycho ex does to your own list here! This is really the short version though.

* Drinks alcoholic beverages like a fish in front of skids

* Lets skids stay up all hours of day & night. We refer to this as "free-range sleeping"

* Lets skids eat when they want to eat, and usually junk. This is "free-range eating"

* Was fired several years ago, won't bother to look for a job. I am not anti welfare systems to help people who need it, but I am against those who abuse it (psycho!)

* Lets 6yo SS use a pacifier at her house. We think she just gives in to him when he is whiny because it's easier to give in & shut him up than to do the right thing & be a parent. Plus, with his low frustration tolerance at being told "no" here... it pretty much adds up that yes, she gives him whatever she wants.

(Ps, we broke him of pacifier 3 years ago very easily. He whimpered about it for a couple days then forgot all about it & hasn't asked us once since then for one)

* Keeps the skids home from school because she can't be bothered to get up early enough to take them to school. SD missed 16 days last school year. CPS doesn't care!
(This is why the kids are no longer allowed to use our address to be in our school district, because of too many absences. We figured if they were in her system, she could at least get them on the bus. But no, she's enrolled them in our district again & claims she is using someone else's address... that's fraud)

* Lives in SQUALOR. Seriously, it's NASTY! Ever seen the TV show "Hoarders"?

* Doesn't make the kids bathe/shower. Then again, she doesn't bathe/shower. One rule I have if we are at an event for the kids: Never, ever, sit down wind of her or her mother. Bring Vic's Vapo Rub just in case you have no choice.

* Doesn't work with SS on learning alphabet, numbers, etc. Sadly, dad doing it on weekends isn't enough.

* Calls DH when she needs gas money, groceries, has a flat tire, or is in some kind of trouble (real or fabricated)

* Used to call & ask him to ask me for professional advice while I was still in school for my profession. Uh no, not happening. I'm a licensed professional, wasn't about to risk license before I obtained it.

* Used to ask hubby all the time for my phone number. Not happening!

* Has a general air of entitlement that DH, me, society in general OWE HER.

* Is psycho... accused us of vamprism!! :jawdrop:

* If we buy something for skids and it is allowed to go to psycho's house... if it is damaged or broken at psycho's house, we are expected to replace it. (We have yet to replace anything that's been broken there)

Oh the list could go on & on!!


Newstep's picture

Let's see here's mine

*Drinks, smokes like a train all in front of SD13
*Drives after she has been drinking with SD in the car
*Keeps three large dogs in her tiny little apartment then complains about my 1 cat in a 3000 sq foot home
*Pathological liar and is teaching SD to do the same
*Keeps SD home from school all the time claims she is sick but never takes her to the doctor
*never spends a single dollar on SD just tells her to "ask your father, I don't have any money"
*lives off CS
*has a live-in BF who just got out of prison who lives off the CS too
*gets animals and gets rid of them a few months later over and over!!!
*Won't work because she is sick and disabled. Yeah right Blum 3

There are so many more but those are the highlights from the last month or so }:)

Beautiful Dreamer's picture

When she found out MIL threw me a baby shower she copied the cake for SS's birthday. She would find me online and try and copy my poses in pics.

LizzieA's picture

Ours was the typical non-parent while reverting to teenage behavior BM...

SS flunked 8th grade twice on her watch--so many absent/late days school district filed child in need of services against her...

Never kept groceries in the house...

Let randoms shack up in her house...girl with baby sleeping in SS's room, drug dealer sleeping on the living room floor...

House looked like trash pit, esp. in cellar and garage. DH and I took a trailer load to the dump once and it was back stuffed full within weeks...looks like a drunk opened the door and threw stuff...

No rules, no consequences, house on police watch list for underage parties...

Ignored calls from SKs when house was on fire...was with BF...

Neglected to pick up prescription for SS's infected burn...he ended up in ER with pneumonia...BM was out of town with BF...

Evilsteppy's picture

Sounds like our BM, honestly. She's stuck in teenage mode & thinks DH is too. No, he grew up for the most part. But she's livin' it up in party mode.

Sure wish CPS would step up about the kids' absences from school. They honestly don't care that the house is trashed, the kids don't get to school, etc. And she just revels in delight that it was "unsubstantiated".

What fucking ever.

StubbornEnough's picture

*Took SD's for a day visit to the river, SD15 fell and broke her ankle, so she loaded her up in the car and dumped her on our porch and left.

*Talked SD18 into dropping out of school and moving in with her, then got arrested for burglary 2 weeks later, leaving SD all alone in her nasty travel trailer with her nasty dogs and nasty boyfriend.

*Calls at midnight on a school night and can't fathom why the kids are asleep.

*Plans to come see the kids for weeks, getting them all excited, then calls the morning of the visit and says she can't come unless Hubby gives her a bunch of cash for gas and food.

Evilsteppy's picture

Oh of course it is your DH's job to give HER money!! *Rolls eyes* We have that problem all the time too. Psycho expects it! She's OWED it! God forbid she get a job & take care of her kids.

HadEnoughx5's picture

Our Psycho Bitch...

1. Lives off of CS from DH, Social Sec. and CS from Baby Daddy #2
2. Screws several men while in a "committed" relationship
3. Brings her daughter to get her haircut once a year, but psycho has to dye and cut her hair often.
4. Lets her daughter who is blonde and hair turns GREEN from chlorine, walk around like that through out the summer!
5. Gets a season pass from all the amusement parks in the area, they are cheaper than a baby sitter or to actually parent the kids during the summer.
6. Cries poor every chance she can while driving around in two paid for in cash Lincolns.

Your right... the list could go on forever!

Evilsteppy's picture

Makes me sick they can get away with this. People who really need government assistance get denied, yet psychos like this can get it at a whim. The rest of us work hard for what we have, yet, they just manipulate the system.

Seriously think they're all a bunch of borderline personality disordered people. Really. Look it up, it could be eye opening!

justperfectlyflawed's picture

Hmmm many of ya'lls list are like mine.

1.BM was adopted and has the "I am entitled to everything" stance about her because she was given up by her biological mother. (Who by the way has a relationship with the entire family but her now and she was sick with a special needs son too..she couldn't raise her..she had to give her up)
2. BM told her kids I am not a mother because I never gave birth to a child. (I guess that makes HER mother not a mother either..right?)
3. Drinks and does drugs---with her loser felon boyfriend. (we have looked into this with Protective services and police..its a hot mess but we just keep tabs and take pics..the kids have to be 'in danger" and they are not currently...or so they say)
4. Does not work--boyfriend does not work. Child support is almost $1K a month for 3 kids. Plus food stamps and other financial assistance.. I too am not against govt assistance but do not abuse it!
5. The kids witnessed 2 drunk adults arguing outside one day and the man almost drove over the woman in his car. They ran to me and said "Mommy's boyfriend acts like that towards mommy!--I am scared!" I soon also learned that mommy has several bruises and a black eye from her "fiance""boyfriend" whatever he is GREAT news right? He recently broke a window in anger in their "new" shit hole, roach infested rental home..1st day of moving..Nice right?
6. The kids do not get fed..ALWAYS ravenous/starving when they come to our house.
7. SS beats up on the girls....says "Mommys boyfriend does it to her"
8. When I do have to talk to the BM (We call her D.B aka Dumb Bitch) she tells me my boyfriend is a liar and blah blah blah..when we were discussing the kids..not her ex.
9. Always asking for money....used to deny us visitation until we went to court where the judge handed her ASS to her on a plate.
10. Calls all the time.Calls his work, his cell and his mothers home (she does not call me..YET)... we would never know if it is EVER an emergency since she cries wolf.
11. In front of my boyfriend when he is picking up the kids..she calls him names and has told the kids he won't give her child support.
12. The kids are always asking for money because "Mommy took their allowance"
13. In the decree the kids items are their property and they can take it anywhere.. Anything we purchase for them ends up at her house..never to be seen again.
14. Both SD's got new panties ..6 prs each. I can not find any of them now.
15. It is shared travel to bring kids or pick up..she now lives 2-3 miles from us and STILL does not have the van or enough money/gas or whatever. Or shows up whenever..LATE both ways. We have Skids Mon and Tues 5-8pm..she drops them off at 6:30..or 7. WTF? Really? but when she comes to pick them up another day and we are watching a movie...waiting on her for an hour and its 9pm..she honks and bangs on the door because we wanted to finish the last 5 minutes of movie..and told her so...

The list goes on and on and on....


Evilsteppy's picture

We have the same issue with things disappearing that we buy the skids. SD wanted a portable game system and we pinched pennies to buy it for her for xmas... she took it to BM's and it got PAWNED. DH threw a fit, BM finally got it out of hock and when it came over, DH said it wouldn't leave our house... SD was pissed at him. But, when he asked her (earlier, before it was out of hock) how she felt about it being pawned, she said, "I don't know. We needed the money".

So it's ok for momma to pawn their shit, but god forbid dad try to save it for THEM.

Psycho threw a fit when he wouldn't let it go back to their house saying, "If you're going to buy them gifts, it's theirs to do what they want with." Mostly that's true, except we bought it for SD not for psycho!

Now the power cord for it is destroyed by the horde of cats in their house right now, and psycho expects US to replace it. Hm, if I get around to it, I might. No rush, for real.

SD also told me about how psycho has taken SD's money. She got money for birthdays & other events from the family and DH let her take it home, much to my dismay (i knew from the start that was a bad idea). Few months later, SD tells me, 'You know that money I had? Mommy took it.' I stayed as calm as I could, keeping the rage inside & calmly asked her, "Why?" She said, "Mommy needed to pay bills".

Same with clothes. We bought the kids new undies, socks, etc. They slowly end up going back to BM's house and we never see them again. From now on, everything comes from 2nd hand shops. I'm done spending my hard earned cash on stuff for the kids that just gets ruined or we never see again.

I asked DH to stop sending them home in clothes we buy and just making them change into whatever crap she sent them over in. So yesterday when he was pitching a fit about being unable to find pants that fit SS, I just shrugged at him. Let him figure it out.